Chapter 13

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"Gaara! Put me down already!" Naruto complained. Gaara ignored him. He was still holding Naruto bridal style and they were on the boat on the way to the islands of Uzushio. Coming up soon was the Uzumaki Swirling Tides or more commonly known Uzumaki Whirlpools. Naruto realizing that he would not get an answer out of Gaara, he tilted his head back to state at Nagato upside down. "Hey Nagato? How far is the swirly waters?" Naruto giggled insanely. Sure he is super duper strong and can take down even the strongest of kages, he is still a child so he will have his childish and immature moments.

"We will see them in about ten minutes. Chillax Naru-chan. Enjoy your boyfriend." Nagato snickered as Naruto's face went redder than Kushina's hair. Gaara's face was a little pink.

Naruto got an idea to make Gaara drop him. "G-Gaara... I think... I'm gonna... Puke!" Naruto made fake gagging sounds and Gaara's eyes widen and he dropped Naruto who darted off into his room aboard the ship. Naruto locked the door and changed into a pair of shorts and took off his shirt. Grabbing a random surfboard out of the closet nearby he checked the time. One more minute. Yes! He fist pumped the air. Just in time. He ran out the door and before anyone could stop him, he jumped over the side of the ship.

"CANNON BALL!" Naruto put a lot of chakra into his feet and it exploded him up and out of the calm waters and into the swirling tides of the whirlpool. "THIS IS AWESOME!" Naruto shouted gleefully as he surfed in circles in the rapids.

Nagato sweatdropped. "I can't believe he actually did what he said he would do..."

"You knew and you let him?!? HE IS ONLY A CHILD! HE COULD GET SERIOUSLY INJURED!" Konan shouted and punched him off of the boat and into the waters with Naruto.

"Sup!" Nagato made a peace sign while floating on his back in the current as Naruto surfed past him.

Konan sighed. "Men...."

Sasori, Hidan, and Kakuzu looked offended. "What is that supposed to mean? We are not all that bad! If anything it is you women that are the worst!" Kakuzu shouted with a slightly intimidating aura.

Konan's aura darkened and paper shruiken rose behind her. "What were you saying?" She hissed in a false sweet tone.

Kakuzu shivered. "N-nothing! Sorry ma'am!"

"Hehehe... You just got scared of a woman!" Deidara laughed. Sasori smacked him.

"That's because fucking women are Fucking scary when they are pissed as shit! I would sooner sacrifice myself to Jashin-sama than get on the wrong side of a woman. You never know when they will poison tour Fucking food to get back at you!" Hiding shivered before seeing Nagato and Naruto go by the boat as it passed through the whirlpools.

"NARUTO UZUMAKI-NAMIKAZE! GET YOUR BUTT UP HERE OR THERE WILL BE NO RAMEN FOR YOU! NAGATO! YOU GET UP HERE TOO!" Konan shouted at them. Five minutes later, a dripping wet Nagato and Naruto were standing on the deck of the ship.

"Woah! I can't stand right now." Naruto said as his legs gave out from beneath him. They wouldn't stop shaking. (you know? Like how if you have been on a boat and gotten off of the boat and into dry land, it still feels like you were on the boat? Yeah. It's like that.) Sasuke caught Naruto before he fell.

Timeskip of an hour...

They finally made it to the island! When they got there Naruto noticed a very complex series of seals. Many of which included a sound barrier, genjutsu inducing seals, and seals that implant an idea that if anyone gets to close it will activate and give them the idea that they have something else more important to do instead of poking around the Uzumaki ruins. It took two hours for Naruto to break them all and when they did, there mouths dripped opened at what they seen. They were so shocked that they fainted on the spot, even Naruto and Itachi.

What was it that they seen? Sorry! I felt like leaving a cliffy and having the chapter really short but I hope you like it... Until next time!

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