Chapter 18

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"This village disgusts me to no end." Kakuzu muttered, tugging at his hat.

"Agreed." Kisame chuckled. "Look at them all bowing down to Uzukage-sama like that. Pathetic." He spat, eyeing the villagers with distaste.

"Fucking suck-ups. Not even worthy enough to fucking sacrifice their asses to Jashin-sama." Hidan frowned.

Naruto sighed. "Really? Must you guys do this?"

"I want some bubblegum." Loki grumbled, trotting along next to the large group as he glared at all of the fake villagers.

Naruto grabbed Gaara's hand and didn't say anything. "As much as we hate this village, no one will do anything yet. Got it?" Nagato swept his purple ringed eyes over the group and they grinned back at him innocently.

Naruto watched as Konan gave Nagato a sickly sweet smile. "I can't promise anything~" She sang out, cracking her knuckles intimidatingly.

Naruto's eye twitched in growing annoyance. "No one will do anything unless I say so. I do not want a war. So unless anything from them against me happens, you will continue to be my escort." Naruto's Rinnegan eyes flashed and everyone shut up after a few more grumbles.

Sasuke stopped and looked up. "Ah. We're here." The Golden Leaf was four stories tall and each room was said to have its own private baths that were almost like small pools.

The group walked in, the six genins were all quiet as they assessed Konoha. Deidara and Sasori walked up to the clerk.

She was a nice looking lady with graying black hair and stunning clear blue eyes. "Hello. My name is Nora Yakushi. How may I help you?" She asked with a kind smile.

"Yes, we are here for the Chuunin Exams escorting Uzukage-sama." Sasori gestured to where Naruto was petting Loki and talking to Gaara.

She riffled through her files before looking back up. "Yes. It says here that you have the entire second floor just for yourselves." She reached behind her to a key rack and grabbed four of them. "Here are your keys sirs." Nora handed them to Sasori.

"Do you allow pets to stay here, un? Uzukage-sama has a ninja fox with him, yeah." Deidara asked, preparing a small c-4 spider just in case she said no.

Nora however smiled and nodded. "Of course. Pets and trained ninja animals and summons are allowed to stay here as long as they don't cause issues with the other guests or destroy any of the Golden Leaf's property." She said pleasantly.

Deidara sighed in disappointment as he put his c-4 in his clay pouch again. "Thanks, un." He and Sasori walked back to the others.

"So?" Itachi asked them expectantly.

"Apparently we have the whole second floor to ourselves." Sasori said, handing the keys to Naruto.

"And Loki is allowed to be here, yeah." Deidara said.

"Sweet dattebayo." Naruto said happily.

Two familiar Konoha ninja's walked up to them. "We have been instructed to show you around the village Uzukage-sama." The male ninja said lazily. He had pineapple style hair and a Nara clan symbol on the sleeve of his shirt. "What a drag. My name is Shikamaru Nara."

The other Leaf ninja was extremely familiar. She had pink, bubblegum colored, hair with green eyes and was wearing a tight fitting red ninja dress. Krul recognized her from Sasuke's stories and snickered at her. "My name is Sakura Haruno."

The temperature in the room dropped a few degrees. "I am sorry Nara-san but me and my escorts already know our way around since we came here secretly before. Perhaps you can show my genin teams around however?" Naruto tilted his head as he stared at Shikamaru, completely ignoring Sakura. Shikamaru was one of the few in this village that actually was nice to him.

Shikamaru bowed respectfully to the young Kage. "As you wish Uzukage-sama."

"Sasori's team will go with Nara-san." Naruto spoke softly, before turning to look at Krul and her team members, but more specifically Krul. "You three will go with Haruno." He gave a mischievous smirk.

Krul bowed to him. "Yes your majesty." Krul smiled sadistically, scaring even her own team. "Let the games begin!"

So... Yeah.

I need some names for Sasori's team. They have to be from one of Uzu's clans and I need a description. I am not good at making names so I will need some help. 😅

Hope you liked the chapter.

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