Chapter 22

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Here is another video to brighten up your day hopefully. Enjoy this next chapter.

"Well the first exam was interesting." Gaara huffed. The two teams from Uzu, Konoha Ten, two teams from Kumo, and one team from Iwa, Oto, Kiri, and Suna made it past the first exam.

"It certainly was a first. The look on Ibiki's face when Sasuke's and Sasori's teams got up and played down on the floor together!" Naruto laughed, doubling over and clutching his stomach at his teams antics. "It was priceless!"

Gaara smiled as well before tugging the blonde to a dango shop. "Twelve sticks of dango please." He ordered.

The young woman who was there slowly looked him up and down before apparently liking what she saw. "Sure thing handsome." She smiled, leaning over the counter and trying to make herself look more appealing, not noticing Naruto at his side. "Anything else I can get for you?"

She jerked back with a scream as a kunai was stabbed into the wood near her hand. "Touch my boyfriend and I will cut your hand off." She looked fearfully at the smiling Uzukage, whose hand was still resting on the kunai.

"Y-yes Uzukage-sama!" She stuttered, racing off to get their order.

Gaara stared at Naruto. "I had it handled."

"Ehehe. Sorry. You know I get protective." Naruto laughed, scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment.

"I know Al~pha~" Gaara whispered and Naruto shivered.

As they walked out of the shop, an exploding kunai came flying up behind them before exploding, blowing the Uzukage hat off of Naruto's head and showing him to the world. As Gaara started to hunt down the person who did it, a mob started to form around Naruto, who sighed, starting to get annoyed.

"Is that the Demon?" They started to whisper, sending hate filled glances at the blonde.

"It is the Demon!"

"Kill it!"

"It is wearing the Uzukage's skin!"

"Finish what the Fourth started!" Came a slightly familiar shout.

The mob started to get closer, closing in around Naruto. "If you lay a hand on me, you will be declaring a war." Naruto said calmly. "And it is a war you would not win."

"TRAITOR!" A ninja shouted, launching a volley of shruiken and kunai at the blondes face, only to be met by a wall of paper rising up and blocking them from hitting their target, the purple haired paper user showing up not to long after.

"Now can we?" She asked, a slight pleading tone in her voice as she was eager to harm all of the villagers here for trying to hurt her little brother. The other Akatsuki appeared, all of their cloaks swaying dramatically in the wind as they surrounded Naruto.

Naruto rolled his purple ringed eyes as they looked at him with puppy dog eyes with pouts on their faces. He had to admit, Sasori's, Konan's, Itachi's, Hidan's, and Nagato's Yahiko body were the ones that made him say yes. Zetsu's, Kakuzu's, Kisame's, and Deidara's were kind of creepy. "Fine. I did promise you could if they tried anything." Naruto's Rinnegan eyes studied the now fearful mob that was eyeing the Akatsuki. "Just...don't kill them."

Loki growled, crouching down as he prepared to jump. "No promises." He lunged at the people in front of him, his jaws snapping around anything that he could sink his teeth into.

"Deidara, send this letter to the Daimyo of Fire Country and wait for his reply." The explosion loving blonde bomber let out a dejected sigh before nodding and leaving. "Wolf, you are with me." Naruto turned and walked to the Hokage Tower, Sasuke hot on his heels.

The receptionist stood up angrily as they walked in and shouted, "The Hokage has no time for you Demon! Go die!"

Naruto simply ignored her, while Sasuke sent her into an Infinite Tsukuyomi of her getting tortured for hours on end, and threw open the office door before walking in. "Hiruzen, we need to talk." He said coldly, and the older Kage dropped the perverted book he had been reading instead of doing paperwork in shock.

"N-Naruto?" The Third Hokage asked.

A hidden Anbu in the room threw shruiken at the blondes back while it was turned and Sasuke deflected them all before killing the Anbu. "Why are your ninja trying to assassinate me? A Kage of a different, more powerful Village that could flatten yours in seconds, knowing it would cause a war?" The room dropped a few degrees as the hidden threat sank in.

"I-I don't know. I never ordered them to." Hiruzen's voice wavered, scared of the blonde at the moment, who reminded him so much of Kushina when she was angry. Coupled with a powerful dojutsu, he knew Naruto's threat was extremely real and he was treading on thin ice with the blonde. And since he now knows the identity of the Uzukage, he knows that this village holds no hope of getting an alliance with Uzushiogakure.

"If any more attacks are made on me or my teams other then the Exams while the Chuunin Exam is in progress, I will level this village. No matter how many strong ninjas you have, you wouldn't even be able to lift a finger to defend yourselves before this village is erased from the map and every Leaf nin is dead." Naruto promised, finally getting fed up of Konoha and putting them in their place. If they don't listen, Naruto mentally shrugged, oh well. He warned them.

Hiruzen nodded quickly, gulping as he heard the threat and knew that Uzu would be strong enough to carry it out. "Um....where is Sasuke Uchiha?"

Naruto nodded to Sasuke who lowered his hood. A knock sounded at the door and Sasuke opened it before stepping aside with a wide grin. "Uzukage-sama, Hokage, look what the fox dragged in?"

In walked the Akatsuki, each one smiling gleefully before Loki backed in dragging a familiar looking man and growling through his mouthful at him. Oh yeah. The three tailed fox remembered him. And he will make sure he gets what he deserves. Hiruzen yelped as he recognized one of his famous ninja. "K-Kakashi?"

Hopefully this book will be coming to a close in about five more chapters. Hang in there.

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