Chapter 1

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The air was filled with the rich scent of prey, the sun shimmered across the forest floor. The scent of squirrel was the strongest, the plump creature was at the base of an oak tree, digging up some small seeds for its meal. Little did it know what was hiding in the brush. Falconheart's breath was silent, his paws ready to pounce. Another pair of eyes caught his from behind the squirrel, Sedgefern was prepared to catch the squirrel as Falconheart readied himself to pounce.

Falconheart steadied his hunting crouch, the squirrel had no idea what was about to happen. As quick as a viper, Falconheart shot out of the brush, claws out and teeth bared. The squirrel knew that it wouldn't be able to get up the tree so it ran straight away from Falconheart's claws and directly into Sedgefern's.

She killed it with a swift bite to the next and mewed a quiet thanks to StarClan. "Great catch!" Falconheart praised his friend, she looked up at him with shimmering green eyes.

"You did all the work."

"I know." Falconheart puffed out his chest and joined Sedgefern. "But you still a great job."

Sedgefern rolled her eyes playfully and nudged him. "Come on, we should head back before we have too much prey to carry. I bet Redclaw and Goldenleaf have plenty as well." Falconheart agreed and the two of them backtracked to retrieve the rest of the prey they had caught during their hunting party. Together the two of them had caught four squirrels, two mice and a sparrow.

With the arrival of greenleaf, SunClan was flourishing along with the forest. The storms had finally come to an end with the defeat of Echoheart nearly two moons ago. Prey was plentiful and SunClan had full bellies. The river had returned to its normal state and MoonClan had peacefully returned to hunting in their own borders. From what Shadowstar reported, they had also returned to their original camp now that the flooding was over.

Peace remaind between AshClan and SunClan, and Falconheart had never felt happier in his life. His family and Clan was safe, the forest was full of prey and new kits were bound to arrive any day. Everything is perfect in SunClan. Falconheart thought and looked to Sedgefern as they carried they prey back to camp. And I have her to share it with. Sedgefern and Falconheart grew closer with each passing day, and his feelings for her had begun to overwhelm him.

I want to tell her so badly. Falconheart thought, he figured that she felt the same way about him but something was scaring him, something deep down that didn't allow him to tell Sedgefern how he truly felt.

The right moment will come. Falconheart told himself. And then everything will be perfect. Falconheart and Sedgefern met up with Goldenleaf and Redclaw and the small hunting patrol returned to camp. As usual in greenleaf, life in SunClan was busy in the camp.

Cinderflame was talking patrols with several warriors, the elders were sunning themselves outside and sharing tongues. From the nursery Cherryleaf watched Bluekit, Snowkit and Windkit play moss ball with each other. They'll be apprenticed soon. Falconheart had been itching to be one of their mentors, but he wasn't sure if it would happen. I can only hope, I suppose. He knew that Dawnstar picked mentors not based on experience or if they had already had one or not, she would pick the mentors she thought would train each kit the best. Falconheart really hoped he would be one of them, he had been dropping hints for quite a while that he wished to be a mentor, he just hoped that Dawnstar trusted him enough to mentor one.

Falconheart noticed that Heatherflight wasn't sunning herself like she usually did, he knew that the queen had been complaining of pain and nausea, Pebblestep assured the Clan that she was fine, some queens just struggle with pregnancy more than others. Still, it didn't stop Flashtail from worrying.

Maplekit and Bramblekit were two moons old now and eagerly watched the three older kits play, the two of them had boundless energy and Fawnheart often left them with Turtleblaze to play.

Falconheart wondered for a moment if he would ever have kits. At the thought his heart began to beat a little faster. I have to stop being such a coward and tell Sedgefern how I feel first. Falconheart reminded himself. Pulling his attention away from the nursery, Falconheart set his prey down on the fresh-kill pile.

"I promised Dovepool and Petalbreeze that I would share fresh-kill with them." Sedgefern explained. "I'll catch you later, Falconheart." She purred affectionately and gathered with her sisters near the SunStone to share a squirrel.

"My oh my," A deep voice spoke behind Falconheart, he turned to see his father approaching. "That cat certainly likes you."

His pelt began to burn and he shuffled his paws. "Yeah--I guess."

"Don't be coy with me, Falconheart." Lionclaw chuckled. "I can see that you like her as well, so why aren't the two of you mates yet?"

"I don't know." Falconheart admitted. "I'm just waiting for the right moment, it feels like something is holding me back right now."

"Me and your mother never had to decide to be mates." Lionclaw explained. "We just grew closer and closer until it was undeniable. You are Sedgefern are starting to get that way, the whole Clan can see it."

"I just don't want to ruin anything." Falconheart sighed. He watched Sedgefern with her sisters, he almost had once before. And there's still something she doesn't know about me. He thought painfully. Is that's what holding me back? Is it Falconclaw?

"She's admired you ever since you were an arrogant apprentice." Lionclaw assured him. "She still likes you, she always has." He gazed towards Dawnstar who was approaching Cinderflame. "Your mother was the same with me, I was an arrogant apprentice but she always saw through that. She supported me when I needed her most, and she helped me grow up. Just ask yourself this, Falconheart. Has Sedgefern done that for you?"

I was an arrogant apprentice, I did a lot of stupid things. Falconheart thought. When I killed Ashblaze I nearly let it consume me. She's the only cat who was able to bring me back from that darkness, and even though we fought she still cares for me. "She has." Falconheart admitted.

"No cat will force you to become mates with her." Lionclaw continued. "Whenever you do find the right time, I know you make both Segdefern and yourself very happy. That's what matters, Falconheart, never forget it."

Falconheart was grateful for his father's advice, but he still didn't feel like it was the right time. "Thank you." Falconheart rested his tail on Lionclaw's back. "You truly are becoming a wise old owl." Falconheart teased.

"Watch yourself." Lionclaw sneered. "I still have all the energy of a kit, even though raising you aged me about fifteen moons."

"Clearly the most challenging part of your life."

"You have no idea." Lionclaw playfully shoved his son. "I hope whenever you have kits that one of them is even more arrogant than you."

"I'm sure they will be." The two of them shared a laugh together and Lionclaw returned to Dawnstar. I'm glad my family is so supportive. He thought fondly. He looked towards the medicine cat where Honeyfrost was probably hard at work organizing herbs yet again. He knew that his sister struggled with the fact that she had to kill Echoheart, but she seemed to be adjusting.

Echoheart is defeated. Falconheart reminded himself. SunClan is at peace, prey is running through the forest and I'm happy. He told himself once again. But what about Falconclaw? His training sessions with the warrior were few and far between, but he wasn't sure if he wanted to continue with them any longer. I need to break away from him, then I can truly be happy.

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