Chapter 11

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"Are you sure you don't want to come?" Honeyfrost questioned. "I've never gone by myself before."

"Yes, I'm sure." Pebblestep replied, looking over Owlkit once more. "I'd feel much happier if I stayed here with the kits, but you'll do just fine on your own."

"Alright," Honeyfrost sighed and turned out of the medicine cat den. A few days had passed since Pebblestep saved Owlkit's life and the kits were still sick, but they were getting better and stronger with each day. Oakkit and Blossomkit didn't even show symptoms anymore. Did we do it? Did we save them?

Honeyfrost glanced up at the sky, the half-moon starting to appear. She would be going to the Spirit Garden alone and she wasn't quite sure how to feel, but she had to have faith that she would do alright. I wonder if I'll see Feathernose again. She thought, she had taken his words to heart and they had really helped her cope with the death of Firekit.

As Honeyfrost ventured out of camp she reached the river where Blackstorm and Oneflight were already talking. "Oh," Oneflight mewed upon spotting Honeyfrost. "Welcome, Honeyfrost. Where's Pebblestep? Nothing bad happened, I hope."

"Briarrose unexpectedly gave birth," Honeyfrost explained. "The kits were born super early and got sick. We lost one, but the other four seem to be recovering."

"Sorry about the one that passed, but at least the other four are doing well. Five kits is certainly a pawful." Oneflight dipped his head.

"I hope the rest of them get better." Blackstorm's words warmed Honeyfrost's heart. "You were right about Primroseheart by the way, she just moved into the nursery." The thought of even more kits being born made Honeyfrost feel a twinge of hope.

"That's so good to hear."

"Well I'm sure Roseheart will be waiting for us, we should get going." Oneflight urged and the three medicine cats began on their path to Spirit Garden. It was a peaceful walk as the three medicine cats enjoyed the sweet greenleaf night. They met up with Roseheart and began the trek up the mountain.

When they finally reached the cavern, Honeyfrost curled up front of the star-shaped flower and breathed in the sweet scent of the Spirit Garden, letting sleep take her. Honeyfrost woke up in the cavern, but she knew she was dreaming.

Honeyfrost climbed out of the tunnel and into the open air. On the ledge that overlooked the territories sat Honeywing, her golden pelt shimmering with the stars. "What a beautiful night." She breathed out.

Honeyfrost padded up to her and sat down, resting her tail across her paws. "It is."

"You and Pebblestep have done some great work, Honeyfrost." Honeywing breathed out. "And I heard that Feathernose paid you a visit."

Honeyfrost nodded. "His advice really helped."

"It always does, he's a very wise cat." Honeywing purred.

A question had been burning deep within Honeyfrost's mind. "How is Firekit? Is he okay? I wish we--"

Honeywing raised her tail to silence Honeyfrost. "Firekit is safe and happy in the paws of Applespots and Dovetail. As for the other four, they will get out of this just fine. Their sickness will fade and they will grow into full warriors."

Honeyfrost sighed heavily with relief. "Well that's a relief."

"There's another thing you need to know about those kits," Honeywing continued. "Those four kits have incredibly powerful destinies ahead of them. Those four kits will completely change the Clans as we know it, all of them."

Honeyfrost stared in shock. "What? What do I need to do? Do I--"

"There's nothing you need to do, Honeyfrost." Honeywing assured her. "You can guide them, but they will find their paws on their destinies as they grow. Just as your mother did, and just as you and your brother have. It won't be today or tomorrow, or even in the next few moons but those kits have very powerful destinies."

"Wow." Honeyfrost breathed out.

"Feel free to tell Briarrose about Firekit as well, you can also tell Heatherflight that Brightkit and Cedarkit are safe and happy as well."

"I think they'll be happy to hear that." Honeyfrost gazed out across the territories. "What about the prophecy?"

"What about it? It still hasn't come to light, but it will soon, and I know that you will have the strength to face it when the time comes."

"How can you be so sure?" Honeyfrost met Honeywing's gaze.

"Because you are strong, Honeyfrost. You are strong and you are brave, your paws will shape this forest, they will shape a path for those kits to follow." Honeywing rested her tail on Honeyfrost's shoulders. "Never forget that."

Honeyfrost reached camp as the sun began to rise, before she reached the medicine cat den she was cut off by Yarrowtail, the tom's eyes were filled with fear. "Honeyfrost, I know you probably need sleep but I just need to know how my kits are doing."

For once, Honeyfrost could be confident in what she was saying. "Yarrowtail they're going to be just fine." Relief flooded his pale green gaze. "These four kits of your are fighters, they may be weak now but when they grow up with will be some of the strongest kits the Clans have ever seen."

Yarrowtail bowed his head. "Oh thank you so much, Honeyfrost." He pressed up against her. "You have grown into such a wonderful she-cat, just like your mother."

"Thank you, Yarrowtail." Honeyfrost bowed her head and let the father relished in the good news. She stepped into the medicine cat den where Pebblestep was resting her nest, but not sleeping, her eyes resting intently on the kits.

"Welcome back." Pebblestep mewed from her nest. "How was the Spirit Garden."

"It was great." Honeyfrost purred, sitting down happily. "Honeywing promised me that these kits are going to be okay, they'll get over this sickness."

For the first time in days, Pebblestep purred. "That's such a relief."

"She also told me that they're going to change the Clans." Honeyfrost added, she could feel Pebblestep looking at her, but Honeyfrost kept her eyes focused on one kit in particular, Owlkit. I feel like she above all else is going to change this Clan.

"Then I suppose we better keep them healthy, shouldn't we?"

Honeyfrost purred loudly, she felt hope for the first time since these kits were born. I can't wait to see what they become.

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