Chapter 20

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Falconheart felt a new energy surging through his body. Nightheart stood at his side with Blackstorm just behind them. We have a destiny together. There was a time when Falconheart and Nightheart hated each other, she had given him the scar on his nose from such a foolish mistake. Falconheart had never really known Blackstorm, but he knew of the tom's love for his sister. When Honeyfrost was injured, Blackstorm was the first to her side. I'm glad my sister was able to feel such love. Now it's time to save my own. Falconheart bared his teeth as he saw Ashblaze fighting with Falconclaw. That's my fight, but thank you Ashblaze.

"Lets go!" Falconheart yowled and they charged forward. With claws extended, Falconheart slammed into Falconclaw. He slashed his claws down Falconclaw's pelt and jumped back, standing beside Ashblaze, before Falconclaw could attack again.

"You got it from here?" Ashblaze questioned.

Falconheart nodded and looked to Ashblaze, this cat had caused him so much guilt. "Ashblaze, before you go--"
"Don't apologize, Falconheart." Ashbalze shook his head. "I took one of your mother's lives, you had every right to do what you did. I don't blame you, make it up to me by defeating this worthless piece of crowfood."
"Big talk coming from a cat who's half-rogue." Falconclaw spat but Ashblaze ignored him and ran to assist Riverstar.

"Echoheart has been defeated." Falconheart declared, "Oakpelt has been wiped from existence."
"I never cared about them." Falconclaw snarled. "I'm a killer, Falconheart when will you learn that? Nothing in life has ever given me more pleasure than taking a life. You would never understand the rush I feel, the itch I feel to kill. It drove me mad as a young apprentice, the things I did you give you nightmares." His eyes were crazed. He's gotten good at keeping it together, but now he can't.

"That's all you become when this battle is over, is a nightmare. A nightmare I'll forget."

"Whatever happens here," Falconclaw stepped forward. "Whether I die or live, I'm taking you with me!" Falconclaw shot forward, a blur of pale brown fur. He shoved Falconheart to the ground and battered at his chest. He wasn't fighting like a warrior, he was fighting like a bloodthirsty rogue.

Falconheart had already killed Oakpelt, and he felt no regret for it, not after what he had done to Honeyfrost. Falconheart slashed his claws across Falconclaw's already scarred face. He hissed in pain but didn't let up his assault. Falconheart attacked face, dragging his claws across Falconclaw's eyes. The Dark Forest tom pulled back before Falconheart could do serious damage, but he shook the blood from his face.

In that moment, Falconheart attacked again. He jumped onto Falconclaw's back and knocked him off balance. Falconheart jumped off gracefully and turned on his paws, slashing his claws down Falconclaw's belly. Blood poured from the wounds, but he still wasn't down. Falconclaw yowled in rage and shot forward, keeping low to the ground.

Before Falconheart could react, Falconclaw was underneath him and stood up, forcing Falconheart off his paws and onto his side. Falconheart quickly flipped onto his belly before Falconclaw could kill him. Falconclaw still attacked, sinking his teeth into Falconheart's scruff and flinging him against a tree. Falconheart grit his teeth from the pain but rose to his paws once again.

Despite his shredded and bloody pelt, Falconclaw still had the rage of battle deep in his eyes. Falconheart was starting to feel the exhaustion and pain of his wounds. I can't give up now. Not when there's so many cats depending on me to kill him. Falconheart yowled and attacked again. Falconclaw was prepared for his attack and braced himself, Falconheart was unable to knock him over.

Falconclaw sank his claws into Falconheart's spine and shoved him into the ground, shredding along his back. Falconheart hissed in pain, and let his body go limp. He heard a snicker from Falconclaw and the tom made a grave mistake, thinking Falconheart was defeated.

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