Chapter 17

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Sagepaw's expression was focused and determined, her green eyes burning with a fierce fire deep inside of them. Nightheart watched her apprentice through the undergrowth, she had no idea that she was being watched. The tabby she-cat slunk through the pine trees, her eyes affixed to a plump squirrel a few tail lengths away. Her crouch was perfect, in a moment she would capture her prey.

Sagepaw took a silent step forward, moving silently through the pine needles. Nightheart held her breath as Sagepaw leapt forward. Everything was perfect, but the squirrel became quickly aware of Sagepaw and darted up the closest tree. Sagepaw landed at the base of the tree, kicking up pine needles. She did everything right. Nightheart thought, able to see the frustration on her face. She cursed under her breath and continued her hunt.

Nightheart followed her apprentice, Sagepaw had been doing well on the assessment and that was the only prey she had missed. Sometimes the prey just gets the better of us. Nightheart noted to herself, she would have to tell that to Sagepaw later. She also took losses hard, but learned from them.

Sagepaw quickly located another squirrel and this time, she made sure that she would catch her prey. Her paws nailed the squirrel and she killed it quickly. With pride burning in her gaze, Sagepaw continued. Nightheart really enjoyed these assessments. She liked watching Sagepaw on her own time, she liked seeing what she did when she was alone. Sagepaw worked hard, she stayed focused and never lost sight of her goals.

She's shaping into a fine young warrior. Nightheart thought proudly and continued following her apprentice until Sagepaw had managed to catch three more pieces of prey. Nightheart was satisfied with her apprentice's performance so she stepped out of the shadows and approached Sagepaw. "Good work out there." Nightheart bowed her head. "Let's meet Dustfall and your sister back at the clearing."

Nightheart helped Sagepaw gather her prey and she couldn't help but notice how nervous her apprentice seemed. She's worried about the squirrel she missed. Nightheart realized, but she only missed a single piece of prey. Nightheart gently touched her tail to Sagepaw's flank, trying to reassure her.

By the time Nightheart and Sagepaw reached the clearing, Dustfall and Hailpaw were already there. "Welcome back." Dustfall bowed his head. "Shall we go over the assessment?"

"Sure." Nightheart sat down, facing the two apprentices. "You lead."

"Very well," Dustfall cleared his throat. "Hailpaw, your hunting skills are getting sharper with each passing day. You're a delight to train and I am excited to see you soon perfect your skills." Hailpaw's eyes shimmered at Dustfall's praise, now it was Nightheart's turn.

"Sagepaw, you have gone from a clumsy apprentice to a mature, brave she-cat with the paws of a deadly warrior. Despite missing a catch, you kept going strong. Sometimes our prey is just too quick to catch, even the most skilled warrior can miss a catch. You are an amazing apprentice, I can't wait for the day when I can say you passed your warrior assessment."

"Thank you, Nightheart." Sagepaw was clearly warmed by Nightheart's words. "You're an amazing mentor."

"A mentor is only as good as her apprentice." Nightheart touched her muzzle to Sagepaw's forehead. "Now let's get back to camp!"

Sagepaw and Hailpaw enjoyed the rest of their day resting after passing their assessments and Nightheart spent the rest of her day with Rabbitspring at her side. When the moon overtook the sky, they settled into their nests for another night of sleep. Nightheart found sleep hard to come by, she could feel Rabbitspring twitching more than usual beside her. She hoped that her mate was alright and just having a bad dream.

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