Chapter 6

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Blackstorm quickly padded away from the SunClan border with a jawful of mallow and a racing heart. Not only had seeing and talking to Honeyfrost made his paws feel lighter than air, but he may have actually figured out what was bothering Primroseheart. He traversed the pine forest quickly, reaching AshClan camp in good time. He stopped in his den for a moment to deposit the mallow and rushed out of his den.

"Woah, there." Lilyclaw mewed as Blackstorm nearly knocked her over. "Where's the fire?"

"Have you seen Primroseheart?" He questioned, his eyes scanning the camp for the ginger she-cat. "I need to see her."

"I'm pretty sure she's out on patrol." Lilyclaw responded. "What's going on? Is she alright?"

Blackstorm nodded. "Yeah," He looked around. "I just need to talk to her about something, I'm not sure about anything yet." He had to impatiently wait for Primroseheart to get back from patrol, he hoped it wouldn't be too long.

While he waited, Blackstorm picked up a mouse from the fresh-kill pile and ate it quickly, his mind drifting back to Honeyfrost. He loved talking to her, and the pain of seeing her slowly faded away. Now he was back to when he was an apprentice, his heart beating out of control at the sight of her. It hurts knowing that we won't be able to be together, but I still love seeing her. Blackstorm thought happily.

Movement in Blackstorm's peripheral vision caught his attention. He lifted his head to see Primroseheart and her patrol returning from the forest. Blackstorm rose to his paws and calmly approached the she-cat, he knew that he had to stay calm or that she would panic. Though if I'm right, this news should be welcome.

"Primroseheart," Blackstorm mewed, getting her attention.

"What's up, Blackstorm?" She tilted her head.

"May I see you in my den for just a moment?" He requested.

Dustfall, who was part of the patrol, stepped forward beside Primroseheart. "Is everything okay."

"Yes." Blackstorm assured him. "I just want to take a look at something, I'll have her back to you in a little bit."

"Sure thing," Primroseheart purred and touched her muzzle to Dustfall's. "Save me some fresh-kill, will you?"

Dustfall nodded, but still seemed unsure. If I'm right, I'm sure he'll be happy. Blackstorm led Primroseheart into his den and instructed her to sit down. "So what's this about?" She questioned once she sat down.

"I think I may know what's wrong with you." Blackstorm replied and took a close look at Primroseheart. She looked bigger, like she had gained some weight. He stepped forward and placed a paw gently on her belly. She seemed weirded out but didn't move, her belly felt harder than it should have been. Just as I thought.

Blackstorm stepped back. "Primroseheart you're expecting kits."

Primroseheart's eyes went wide, filling with shock. "Wh-what? I'm expecting kits? Are you sure?"

Blackstorm nodded. "Positive."

A storm of emotions raged across Primroseheart's face as she processed the news she was just given. "I-" She stammered. "I didn't even know--" She looked up, the final emotion filling her eyes was joy. "Oh, Blackstorm thank you so much!" She jumped up to her paws and quickly corrected herself, as if she was scared she hurt her kits.

"I don't know why you're thanking me." Blackstorm chuckled. "You're the one with the kits, I just deliver the news."

"What do I do? How do I make sure that they're okay? What am I supposed to do?"

Blackstorm rested his tail on Primroseheart's shoulders. "Don't worry, that's what you need to do. Soon you'll move into the nursery and rest. Your body and the kits do all the work for you. I'll give you herbs to help and in two moons you'll have a bundle of kits to care for."

"Oh I'm so excited." Primroseheart purred loudly, waving her tail happily behind her. "Oh, I have to go tell Dustfall! And everyone!" Before Blackstorm could even speak, Primroseheart was out of the den and hurrying into camp. He stepped out behind her and saw that she had already reached Dustfall and was sharing the news.

Dustfall's jaw dropped but he quickly started nuzzling Primroseheart from nose to tail tip. For a moment, Blackstorm pictured himself and Honeyfrost in that situation. When they had been secretly seeing each other, the image was so clear. He had thought about it many times, but now, he just couldn't form the image. I love her, but I know what's impossible. He thought he would be sad, but he just wasn't.

The feeling was freeing for Blackstorm, he still loved Honeyfrost, but he didn't feel trapped or scared of his love. I've accepted it, we both have. Now we can move forward. Blackstorm's heart felt warm, it was such a wonderful feeling. Long ago I felt as if my heart was frozen, He stepped out of his den and overlooked the AshClan camp. His Clan was growing, soon Primroseheart would give birth to kits and AshClan would be even bigger. And they all depend on me.

From the kits, to the elders to even Riverstar, they all depending on him and him alone. Skyfeather was no longer a medicine cat, as he spent more and more time hunting and fighting his skills would dull, but Blackstorm's never would. This is my Clan and I am their medicine cat. That will never change.

As Blackstorm was getting sentimental, Riverstar's voice pulled him from his thoughts. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather in the center of camp for a Clan meeting!" As she called the words, he spotted Dewkit, Mistkit and Slatekit sprinting from the nursery with Silvermoon dashing after them.

"Slow down you three!" They didn't listen to their mothers call and she stopped running, shaking her head with a loving chuckle. Is it really time already? Blackstorm sat down outside his den to watch the ceremony, new apprentices would be welcome, he wondered who their mentors would be.

Once Mistkit and the others finally settled down Riverstar could begin the ceremony. "I've gathered the Clan today because it is finally time for our three kits to become apprentices. They have waited six long moons for this day and now they are ready to set their paws on the path to becoming warriors. Though Ashblaze isn't here to see this, I know that he is watching proudly from the stars."

A shadow of sadness crossed Silvermoon's face but she kept her head held high. "Mistkit, Dewkit and Slatekit, from this day forward until you have earned your warrior names you will be known as Mistpaw, Dewpaw and Slatepaw. Mistpaw, I have chosen Skyfeather as your mentor. He's already trained our medicine cat, but I want to test his skills as a warrior's mentor." Skyfeather seemed genuinely shocked that he was chosen to mentor a kit.

"I was not expecting this, Riverstar, but I am honored for the opportunity." Skyfeather stepped forward, touching his muzzle to Mistpaw's. For a moment, Blackstorm felt a twinge of jealousy. He always valued the bond that he and Skyfeather shared, but then he realized that he knew it wouldn't ever change. Plus, if Mistpaw is anything like me he'll have his work cut out for him. "Dewpaw, the mentor I've chosen for you is Rabbitspring. Rabbitspring is gentle and kind just as you are, I know that she will train you to be just as strong and compassionate." Blackstorm liked the idea of Rabbitspring as Dewpaw's mentor.

Rabbitspring was a very peaceful warrior, she would make a good mentor for the shy she-cat. "And finally, Slatepaw your mentor will be Leafdawn. As a smart, sharp she-cat I know that she will be able to handle your energy and attitude." Leafdawn and Slatepaw touched muzzles as the other did and the ceremony ended.

"Mistpaw! Dewpaw! Slatepaw!" The Clan cheered and the three apprentices joined up with their mentors to set out on their new paths. One day I'll get my own apprentice, I wonder who it will be. Blackstorm wasn't going to wait for his apprentice, if they were like him then they would find their paws into his den and he would welcome them.

Blackstorm cast a glance at Nightheart who was with Rabbitspring with Sagepaw at her side. The two of them would be able to train together, getting even closer. I'm so happy for Nightheart. Blackstorm thought fondly. She's found true love, and even though I'll never know that, I'm so glad that I get to watch her relish in her love. And honestly, that's all that I need.

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