Chapter 7

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Falconheart placed his prey atop the fresh-kill pile, stepping back to see if there was something else for him to do. The day was still early, he hoped that he could continue to keep his paws busy. He looked around camp, a thick cloud of sadness hung in the air, it was hard for the cats of SunClan to keep morale high in the days since the death of Heatherflight's kits.

A vigil was held for the tiny kits, named Brightkit and Cedarkit, and Falconheart himself felt deeply saddened by the loss of the kits. The Clan had been waiting two long moons for new kits, and they were taken as soon as they arrived. Falconheart hoped that the two kits were safe and healthy in StarClan.

Heatherflight remaind in the nursery, mourning the loss of her kits. Falconheart hoped that the she-cat would be able to recover in time, but he could understand her needing a lot of time to recover from the loss. According to Honeyfrost, the kitting had taken not only a mental toll on Heatherflight, but a physical one as well. Falconheart had to keep himself busy, it was the best way to move on from such a tragic loss of life.

Falconheart managed to spot Sedgefern sitting outside the warriors den talking with Rosewind, Dovepool and Earthpelt. Falconheart kind of felt awkward approaching the three she-cats but he wanted to see Sedgefern. He slowly padded up to her, his pelt burning with each step.

"Hey, Sedgefern." He greeted, his voice sounding more frigid than he wanted. Sedgefern looked up from her prey with kind eyes.

"Hey there," She purred loudly. Falconheart instantly noticed the other she-cats sharing playful glances. "What's up?"

Why did I come over here again? "I uh--just thought I'd--see if you had been on any patrols today."

"No," Sedgefern replied, smoothing down her fur. "But I'd like to, we could go see if Cinderflame will let us join one."

"Sure." Falconheart's head buzzed at the idea of spending time with Sedgefern. "Come on," She stood up and said farewell to the other she-cats. As they turned away to find the deputy, he saw the other she-cats were giving him judgemental and teasing stares. With his pelt feeling hotter than the sun, he walked at her side to the SunClan deputy.

"Hey you two." Cinderflame greeted. "Looking to get on a patrol?" She questioned eagerly.

Falconheart nodded. "If you would."

"Luckily for you, I'm looking for more cats for the sunhigh patrol. You can join up with Redclaw, Snowtail and Larkthorn. They'll be gathering at the entrance to camp here soon."

"Thank you so much, Cinderflame." Sedgefern purred loudly and the two of them found their patrolmates waiting for them.

"You joining us?" Redclaw questioned as Sedgefern and Falconheart approached them.

"Sure am." Falconheart waved his tail.

"Then let's get going, we're wasting daylight here." Redclaw turned and began leading the patrol out of the camp. They were patrolling the AshClan border, but it was such a beautiful day that they would probably take their time. Falconheart walked close beside Sedgefern, every so often their pelts would brush and he would get a burst of energy.

He recalled their times playing in the forest together, he wished that they could take the time to do that again. I miss those moments, I want so many more of them with her. They walked side by side through the forest, Falconheart feeling energized by the warmth of the sun and the scent of Sedgefern beside him. When I'm with her, I'm so aware of everything she does. Falconheart thought. And when I'm not with her, she's all that I can think of.

"Falconheart!" Falconheart was violently snapped from his thoughts by Redclaw's hiss. He realized that they had reached the AshClan border. "Are you listening? Or would you like to return to running through the clouds?"

"S-sorry." Falconheart's pelt burned. I'm losing my mind. "What did you need?"

"Go ahead and mark the border." Redclaw replied, sounding cross. "Catch up with us when you're done."

Sedgefern cast a playful glance at Falconheart before following the patrol into the trees. Falconheart felt embarrassment clawing deep inside of him. Sedgefern is distracting me. I need to get it together. He quickly marked the border and ran to catch up with his patrol.

They returned to camp as the sun began to set and Falconheart began to struggle to keep his thoughts in order. What is wrong with me? He felt so lost, he cared so deeply for Sedgefern and yet he couldn't tell her that, and he was such a featherbrain when it came to her. What do I do? How do I get over this?

As the sun set and Falconheart settled into his nest, he was very aware of Sedgefern at his side. His warmth comforted him, her scent helped him ease into a gentle sleep but it was clear, as he slipped into slumber that his dreams would not be peaceful.

The scent of rotting earth and prey filled his nose and Falconheart opened his eyes, standing in the Dark Forest. His claws dug into the dead grass and damp soil beneath his paws. He had barely come here lately, he knew it was annoying Falconclaw. The few times that he did show up in the shadowy forest, they would have a fight and Falconheart would wake up.

He had never truly forgiven Falconclaw for the training that he had been given, part of him still blamed the dead warrior for Ashblaze's death though he would never mention it to him.

Falconheart heard moment and saw Falconclaw step out of the shadows, his amber eyes glinting with annoyance. "Long time no see, Falconheart." He sneered, his voice dragging low with a growl.

"You're the one who brings me here." Falconheart twitched his tail is annoyance. "So don't get mad at me when I don't show up here."

"You're not as eager to learn as the apprentice I first met." Falconclaw growled. "You're becoming harder to reach."

"Maybe it's because I don't need you anymore." Falconheart rolled his eyes. "Why don't you find another gullible apprentice to train."
"Believe me." Falconclaw's voice was low. "It's tempting, but I'd rather not give up on my current apprentice."
"I haven't been an apprentice for six moons." Falconheart spat.

"And yet today you couldn't keep focused on a simple patrol." Falconclaw's amber eyes burned intently. "It seems that a particular cat has been dragging you down." Falconheart's fur stood on end. "It's bad enough that you're fawning off a kittypet spawn, but even worse that you're letting her distract you. Mates are nothing but a waste of time."

"What would you know." Falconheart growled. "Like any cat would ever find you appealing."

Falconclaw chuckled dangerously. "Oh, what do I know? What do you know? I had a mate for a while, actually." Falconheart's ears flattened. Falconclaw? Had a mate? "It was a short relationship, but mates are nothing but distractions. Same with ktis, they do nothing but pull you down and ruin your life. It was bad enough me putting any time into Thornstar, and look what that turned in to."

"Yeah but I'm nothing like you," Falconheart scoffed. "And Sedgefern isn't a distraction, she's done more for me than you ever have."

"Before that kittypet you were a sharp, skilled and dangerous warrior." Falconheart unsheathed his claws at Falconclaw's insult. "Now you are softer than a hare," Falconclaw began to turn away. "Hold on to this moment, Falconheart, because soon I'll claw that smug look off your face and I'll relish in watching you lose it all."

Something about Falconclaw's words chilled Falconheart to the bone. Is he threatening me? Or Segdefern. Falconheart let out a low growl as Falconclaw vanished into the darkness. If he touches her, I'll make sure that starving in this starless forest is the least of his concerns.

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