Chapter 21

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Honeyfrost opened her eyes, she was no longer in the Dark Forest, dying, but in the medicine cat den. Her throat ached and she placed a paw where her wound had been. She came away with blood on her paw but her wound wasn't as bad as it had been in the Dark Forest. It was still night in the forest, Pebblestep was sleeping silently as was Briarrose and the kits.

Honeyfrost rose to her paws and shakily walked over to the herb store. She planned on treating herself, but her movements woke Pebblestep. Her mentor lifted her head and blinked sleepily. "Honeyfrost?" Her blue eyes suddenly widened when she saw Honeyfrost's throat. "What in the name of StarClan happened to you?" She jumped to her paws and made Honeyfrost sit down.

"It's a long story." Honeyfrost choked out, speaking caused her too much pain.

"Just let me treat you, don't talk." Pebblestep mewed sternly and started treating Honeyfrost's wound. After a few moments of applying marigold and cobwebs, the wound was dressed and she stepped back. "So what happened?"

Honeyfrost started quickly explaining what happened, the whole situation with Falconheart and Nightheart training in the Dark Forest and how Dawnstar had taken Falconheart to the Spirit Garden to seek guidance from StarClan and they led an attack on the Dark Forest.

"I was sleeping when I woke up in the Dark Forest and was attacked by Thornstar. He dragged me into the battle and threatened to kill me. I nearly got away when the battle began but an old warrior named Oakpelt did this to me, I woke up and left."

"Wow." Pebblestep stared in shock at Honeyfrost's story. "Are the other's okay?"

"I hope so." Honeyfrost sighed. "I left before the battle was over." She thought for a moment, remembering what she had told Blackstorm, Nightheart and Falconheart before she woke up. This is our destiny. She thought. "Did you know about the prophecy?"

Pebblestep seemed surprised by the question but nodded. "Yes, I knew about it. I didn't know when the right time to tell you was. I'm assuming Honeywing told you?"

Honeyfrost nodded. "She told me a few moons ago, and I told Falconheart, Blackstorm and Nightheart about it before I woke. I believe that this is our moment, this is when the prophecy will be fulfilled. Even if I don't fully understand it. "

"I think you're right." Pebblestep rested her tail on Honeyfrost's shoulder. "Decoding prophecies is part of the job we have as medicine cats. You'll face many more in your time, I'm sure, though you may not always be the subject of them."

Honeyfrost rested her eyes on the four kits sleeping safely at Briarrose's belly. "No," She sighed happily. "But I'm okay with that, it's time for different cats to shine and I believe it's the four of them."

Honeyfrost was unable to fall back asleep, not knowing what was going on in the Dark Forest. She stayed awake and eventually dawn came. She hoped that her Clanmates wouldn't notice the wound on her neck. It wasn't a deep or deadly wound, but it would still bring up questions if anyone saw it.

At long last, just past dawn Falconheart and Dawnstar returned. Honeyfrost sprinted from the medicine cat den to her mother and brother. "You're back!" She exclaimed. "Are you alright?"

"Yes," Dawnstar mewed. In an instant, Falconheart was looking at the wound on her neck.

"Are you okay?" He questioned.

"I'm fine, Falconheart." Honeyfrost assured him.

"I need to find Sedgefern." He said, once Falconheart had made sure that Honeyfrost was alright.

"Follow me," Dawnstar brushed her tail along Honeyfrost's pelt. Honeyfrost followed her mother, noticing that Dawnstar had several healed wounds, including one on her throat. They reached the leader's den and both of them sat down.

"So what happened?"

"Falconheart killed Falconclaw and the rest of the Dark Forest warriors fled, defeated." Dawnstar held her high proud. "And I don't think they would have been able to do without your encouragement, your words guided your brother to victory."

Honeyfrost felt warmed, knowing she had helped. "It's getting a little old, isn't it. I keep getting held hostage."

"Yes, but this time they severely underestimated you. You may be a medicine cat, but you defeated a great evil. You saved many lives, not just your own when you defeated Echoheart. I know it's not something that you wanted to do, but taking lives of dangerous cats is something that has to be done sometimes. When I killed Thornstar I struggled with it for a while, I didn't like taking a life but Thornstar was a threat to the forest."

Honeyfrost pressed against her mother. "Thank you, but I still don't feel like taking any more lives any time soon."

"And that's just fine." Dawnstar purred loudly.

"What happened to you?" Honeyfrost question, giving her wound a sniff.

"Unfortunately Thornstar got a few too many wounds on me. I collapsed in the Dark Forest and lost a life."

"You lost a life?" Honeyfrost tensed. "Are you alright?"

"It's fine, Honeyfrost." Dawnstar assured her. "I still have six lives remaining. I don't plan on dying anytime soon."

"Good." Honeyfrost purred loudly. "I want to serve as your medicine cat for as long as I can."

"I hope so." Dawnstar rested her chin on Honeyfrost's head. "Now if you don't mind, I'd like to get some sleep. I didn't do much of that last night." Honeyfrost agreed and left her mother to get some sleep. She looked into the sky, and she felt something tugging her outside of camp. She couldn't explain it, but it felt like her paws started moving on her own. Honeyfrost started quickly walking outside of camp and into the forest. Her heart led her towards the AshClan border, and she stopped once she saw a figure sitting by the river.

It was Blackstorm, staring into the river's surface. He doesn't know I'm okay yet. "Hey there, stranger." She spoke and Blackstorm jumped slightly, looking up from his own reflection.

"Honeyfrost!" Blackstorm ran to the border, not daring to cross it. "You're alright! I'm so glad to see you're alright! I was so scared."

"I know." Honeyfrost sighed and approached the border. "I don't know what brought me here, but I'm glad I could see you."
"I'm glad too." Blackstorm looked like he wanted to cross the border and for a moment Honeyfrost wanted him to. She wanted to see him, to press and nuzzle against him like she did in the past. There's no time for that now. "I--" Blackstorm stammered. "I'm glad your brother is alright too, he did something amazing."
"Nightheart did too." Honeyfrost responded. "I hope she's doing well. She protected me when Echoheart captured me. She's a great warrior."

"She is." Blackstorm's eyes sparkled. "So is Falconheart." He sat down and looked into the river again. "Hard to believe all four of us were involved in that prophecy."

"We have a lot in common." Honeyfrost thought. "Two of us drove to being medicine cats, two training in the Dark Forest. Two falling in love with each other." She glanced at hm. "It was destiny who brought us together."
"Destiny is cruel." Blackstorm sighed.

"But, we're still close." Honeyfrost assured him. "And honestly," she gazed up towards the sky. "I don't think I'd have it any other way."

Blackstorm looked at Honeyfrost, his eyes soft. "I don't either. I'm my Clan's medicine cat, I have a great sister." He met Honeyfrost's gaze, the look in his eyes warmed her heart. She felt so close to him, no matter how far apart the two of them had to be. "And I have a best friend."

"You always will." Honeyfrost purred loudly. "I promise."

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