Book Review

142 6 22

For IiyuminB


Sorry for taking too long.

I'm gonna judge you on the basis of your title, cover, summary, content and language fluency.

Cover: It was aesthetically pleasing, beautiful is the only word that came out of my mouth when I first saw it.

Title: Very innovative. Actually I'd like to know where you got the inspiration from.

Summary: It connected with me. I got to know only a limited information which was required and that's the best part. In order to make it look longer you wrote a prologue which was quite gripping. No glitches here at all. Well keep it up!


It was really interesting to start a chapter with nightmare in the opening para. Your book felt honest and real.

Now in the second paragraph there was a sentence which I couldn't understand. Lemme know if I'm correct.

- I stared beyond my plain Jane of a face to examine the sky.

Is the name of the plane Jane? Because I got confused here. And something was a little off with this sentence.

So our main character is pretty rich since she's owning a private jet.

Your descriptions were filled with million secrets, every character held some importance or the other. I'm amazed!

While talking with Ms Seville, I could see two new personality traits of Ambrosia.( I'll call her Amber in short lmao.) Okay so these two traits were sarcasm and worthlessness. At the start it seemed like she was a happy, poetic person but these two traits were complete opposites.

If this is what her personality is, I'd suggest try to use them before as well. Like while looking out of the plane she could make a sarcastic sentence in the form of poetry. You know what I mean?

Now you wrote about your parents who lived in South Africa. What happened to her biological parents? Was she an orphan or was she abandoned? It wasn't clear, make sure to give some hints. You did state later that they died in a boating accident but a little mention about their death earlier would be highly appreciated. Also I'd like to know more details about them.

And a very small thing 'Use a comma' when required. When you write long sentences, make sure to use it. Or you can split up the sentence into two.

I really love your writing style. Do you write poetry by any chance? There's a tinge of aura in your writing. Im mesmerized by it. When you read a good book, you want to know what's happening and that's exactly what I felt. More prosaically, the preference for what is known underlies the pleasures of nostalgic reminiscence.

In the second chapter, the starting was abrupt. You could add details about who Maggie was except just telling that she was a small pudgy lady. Details like skin color, eyes and hair really add importance to a book.

There were some phrases like "I felt my cheek heat and lowered my head. "

Write something like this instead-
A wave of warmth rushed up my neck and broke over my cheeks.
Is this better?

One last thing, when you describe a character make sure you stick to those characteristics only. One person cannot show many traits. It comes out to be weird and over exaggerated on the part of the reader.

Yes precision is important but since your book book has a lot of elements, make sure you work on the details.

The opening chapter gives an in depth and simple to understand account of all you need to know before taking to the water.

I can say your efforts have paid off very well.

I'd give you a score of 8 for now. You have a lot of potential to reach 10.

I hope you're satisfied!!

Thank you

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