Book review

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For SuryanshDubey


Title : The title is fairly common and provides a generic hint as to what the prose is about. I would probably change it to something that provides a bit more mystery, hooking the readers in to the book.
Possibly focusing on a small detail for the title would be a great idea.

The cover: When I looked at the cover,  I immediately noticed the blaring red title, which although draws the readers in, provides an almost cheesy feeling.

If the font was possibly taller as opposed to wider, it might work better. I would also suggest changing the font color from crimson to more of a maroon/dark red.
The subtitle is at the very bottom, which to me, provides a good match of color and font, very classy and clean.

I would change it from "By Suryansh" to either "Suryansh" or "Suryansh Dubey" for a better mash up between the title and the sub title. I would also suggest changing either the title or the subtitle so that they match, just at a different size.

Summary: The summary provided is what looks like a quote from the prose, but doesn't match the passages.

There is lots of repetition, which can be used effectively, but I believe if you centered it more in to a paragraph and condensed it, it would work. If you do that and then move into a paragraph providing context for the paragraph  before, I think the summary will seem more professional as well as smoother.

Content : So far the book has been moving pretty fast, and doesn't really take time to give extra detail for anything, which makes the overall story kind of blurry, a fever dream of sorts, and that's okay, I just think if it was to be revised and more details/ changes of pace/emotions /clarifications were added, it would truly come together.

Language : In terms of fluency, it needs a lot of work, there are just general grammatical errros that needs fixing.

Lots of run-on sentences and not capitalizing things, but it can be read. Dialogue can be blurry and misread.

Overall rating:


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