~Chapter 16 The Date: Part 2~

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I opened the door quickly and got out quickly. I ran towards it then stopped I felt like Alice from Alice in Wonderland, curious, and happy. Dave came over to me and held my waist, he put his head on my shoulder.

"Come on let's go" he grabbed my hand and pulled me up the hill (the horse ranch is on a hill) he made me run with him. We got to the top and there was a barn like 10 feet away from us and he brought me to it. He let go of my hand and walked over to the doors, he opened one and offered for me to walk in. So I did. I walked in with Dave right beside me and all I saw were two horses in two stalls.

"Alright. So I asked the guy who owns this place if I could just borrow two horses and he asked why...so I told him why and he just let me borrow the whole ranch while he feeds the horses and takes care of them" Dave explained with his hands together leaning on the side of the stall

"Oh my god really?" I asked walking toward the black horse to his right. I pet it.

"Yes and the horse your petting right now is Midnight. She is your ride for the rest of the night." He explained "And this boy over here is mine. His name is Spirit. I actually kind of grew up with him." he explained again and started petting the horse to his left. "Have you ever ridden a horse?"

"Uhm yeah it's been a long time but yeah" I sighed

"Good" he said he brought over a saddle "Then you should be able to do this." He handed me it. I took it.

"Alright then open the door me" I smirked. He opened the stall door. I walked in with my horse I put the saddle on her back. She let me, before I strapped it on her I pet her. Then I strapped it on her.

"Alright Dave, give me a harness" I ordered

"Okay. Look at the saddle again while I get the harness" he said I nodded and when he left I looked at the saddle. Leather, black, and it had a....CTE cog and crown on it.

"Oh my god!" I squealed. Midnight jumped a little.

"I'm guessing you saw it. Well here's your harness." he laughed giving me the harness which I took. Before I put it on Midnight, I saw it had the cog and crown where the nose part is (A|N lol don't kill me I haven't had a horse since I was like 6) I put it on Midnight. The pitch black female horse. I stepped back a bit out of the stall to look at all of her. She looked even more majestic.

"You ready?" Dave asked as he walked up to me on his horse

"Yeah" I said. I threw my body on the saddle then put my right leg to the right side and kept my left on the left. (A|N I forgot what the foot things are called. Kylee don't kill me) Midnight walked out of the stall a bit.

"Alright you know how to ride a horse, right?" He asked kind of tense

"Yeah" I laughed he got less tense.

"Alright follow me" he said as he rid Spirit down the hill. He was running. I kind of whipped the reins on Midnight and she started running down the hill towards Dave and Spirit. She slowly stopped when we got towards them.

"Ok so I'm gonna take you to a place...where I've always wanted to take you" he looked deeply into my eyes when he said that. Melting.

"Alright where are you taking me?" I asked breaking the eye contact. It's always with me where I can't keep eye contact for a long time, he coughed.

"Over to a lake area" he answered

"Dave! It's freaking freezing!" I laughed yelled at him. He laughed.

"I know but just come on"

"Fine." I said "Your lucky I love you.." I whispered that he might have heard it and ignores it but I don't know. We rode of to the lake area and it was in the woods. He stopped and got off Spirit and attached the reins to a low tree branch I did the same.

"Wow it's cold" I said rubbing my hands up and down my arms.

"Aww I'm sorry. Here." He said offering me his coat.

"No Dave I don't need you freezing to death" I laughed.

"You sure?" He asked. I nodded yes. Then he put his coat back on. "Ok after this we have to get you a jacket that can actually keep you warm" we laughed.

"Why's there a guitar over there?" I asked him pointing to a guitar that was on a tree then it led to trees that made a big circle, so it would be perfect for campers. There was a fire in the middle and big logs around it.

"Well let me explain. When I first told you in the car I didn't want to spoil anything. So the reason why I brought you to the horse ranch is because I know how much you love horses. The reason I brought you to the middle of the woods with a lake. Is because we both like the outdoors and it's just nice and pretty on the fall. Now the reason this fire is here is because it was made by me and my friends who work at the ranch kept it like this for me and you. And logs here so we can sit on them. That guitar is over there because..." he got up and walked over to the guitar and picked it up "because I'm gonna sing you a song." He walked over to me and sat besides me. He started singing James Dean & Audrey Hepburn.

"Stay for tonight if you want to I can show you what my dreams are made of as I'm dreaming of your face" he started, damn he had a sexy singing voice and voice, I sang along.

"I've been away for a long time such a long time and I miss you there I can't imagine being anywhere else I can't imagine being anywhere else but here" damn he sang that on point. What am I talking about he always done.

"Forever with me..." he finished. I just blushed. "Amelia, will you go out with me?" he asked. I was about to cry.

"Yes!!! A million times yes!!!" I cried and yelled while hugging him tightly he got up and spun me around. "Wow that was perfect it's sunset. Wanna ride to the sunset?" he asked grabbing my hand.

"Yeah" I said. We walked over to our horses and untied them, we got on and we rode back to the ranch we jumped over the fence and we were in the horse field like where they graze n shit. We just rode around for a couple of hours having fun. Then Midnight and I stopped and I got off her.

"Your a good horse" I said to her while rubbing her neck then going to her nose. I kept saying until Dave came over.

"Hey you ready to go. It's 10" he asked

"Uhm yeah" I said going back on Midnight "You know. She doesn't act like that with everyone not even with the guys here who take care of her." Dave said "Midnight?" "yeah" "Oh...well... I feel special" I laughed "You are" Dave said as we walked on to the barn. I blushed. I kind of bounced which made it weird when we were talking. "Don't give me the silent treatment of what you don't know what I'm talking about" he laughed "You can sing, you can ride a horse, you make friends easily even with the people you hate. Your brothers Ronnie Radke, even through how much you've been through your still here, which I'm glad about. I haven't seen any of you're drawing but I'm pretty sure there fucking awesome. You now have the band and...me" he explained. I blushed even more. "Aww." I said. We got off our horses and took them to their stables. We took off the saddle and harness and put them back.

"You know I don't deserve you..." I said walking over to him giving us like 3 feet apart. He walked over to me and kissed me, then he hugged me.

"You do deserve me."

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