Broken Bones

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Camila was on the phone with Reynaldo. He was really sweet to her. He was Isabela's godfather and would do anything for the Vargas family. She sat down, and soon after, Epifanio came out of the house.

Epifanio sat down next to his wife outside. She stared at him nervously. He put an arm around her to make her comfortable. Camila leaned into his embrace and smiled at him. Epifanio was glad to know his wife was happy. That was all he ever wanted. For them to be happy.

He had to go visit the office to tell his secretary and the others he would be gone for two weeks. Camila and Isabela went with him. They would be leaving soon after. Camila was wandering about the halls while Epifanio was talking with his secretary.

"Hola Camila," said Rodrigo.

"Rodrigo," Camila answered.

Rodrigo talked to Camila like they knew each other for years. They had barely known each other for a few days. Camila didn't like him and her opinion of him was a poor one. Rodrigo adored Camila though.

Epifanio was walking to his office when he saw them together and got jealous. He'd been hanging around her more often and it made him uneasy. Epifanio quickly walked towards his office before he did anything he would regret.

Camila had gone looking for him. She ran into his secretary and she told her he had gone to his office. He was looking for a file. Camila thanked her and went to his office. On the way, she ran into Isabela who was with Olivia. Isabela immediately looked away from her mother. Camila walked away and finally found her husband.

 Camila walked away and finally found her husband

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Epifanio had his back to her. She snuck up behind him, put her arms around him best she could, and kissed his cheek. He chuckled and got up from where he was sitting. Epifanio walked towards his desk with Camila just behind him. Camila was just as curious as a cat could be sometimes.

He looked over his shoulder to make sure she was there and made sure the room was clear of anyone else. He turned around, took her wrists, and planted her firmly against the wall. He returned her earlier gesture with an even more intense kiss.

"Epifanio, I said later," she giggled.

"It is later," he stated promptly kissing her entire face.

Epifanio started to kiss along the side of her neck. He nipped at her flesh and she sighed in delight. Though he checked the room of any spectators, that didn't stop someone from watching at the door.

"Mmm, Epi~"

"You want me to stop?"

"No," she replied smiling admirably.

He went back to kissing her. At the door, he was furious. 'That should be me there! Not him! How could she possibly go back to a man like him after deeply expressing her hate for him! Ugh, I want to scream! That bastard will pay! He will pay deeply!' he thought.

Queen or Distressed Damsel/Reina o Damisela AfligidaWhere stories live. Discover now