Runaway Wife

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(Side note: I can't edit pictures to save my life. I'm still learning so please bear with me. 😐)

Camila woke up the following morning unable to see anything. One of her hands was free, while the other one was not. She used her free hand to take off the blindfold she wore. She was in a room that she'd never seen before.

Camila saw that her other hand was handcuffed to the bedpost. She didn't remember what had happened and panicked at the thought of what could have happened. Camila tried to squeeze her hand through the cuff, but it was no use. She noticed a bobby pin on the dresser and went to reach for it. Before she could, the door opened. Camila quickly sat down on the bed, and her expression went from fear to shock.

"Epifanio?" she asked. "Where are we?"

"Still in the house."


"How do you feel?"

"Why does that matter all of a sudden? Oh yeah let me just ask my wife if she's okay after drugging her and handcuffing her to a bed in a room she's never been before," Camila answered with complete sarcasm.

"I told you before that you'd be back, didn't I?"

"So, what? You intend to keep me here?"

"I don't intend to lose you again mi amor (my love)."

Camila rolled her eyes. She refused to look at him anymore. Much less talk to him. Epifanio just dug his own grave. Camila couldn't understand him sometimes, but now he was just plain insane.

 Camila couldn't understand him sometimes, but now he was just plain insane

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Isabela didn't know her mother was home. She didn't want to see her either. All she could care about was that at least her father was trying to give her a normal life. Camila was the figure who ran away in her life and didn't so much as think twice about her. In truth, Camila loved her daughter and wanted to be a role model for her daughter. To show her that even though she is a girl, she can be in control. Isabela didn't see it that way.

Epifanio greeted his daughter as she came home. He didn't mention that her mother was there. He wanted to surprise her the next day after she came home from school. Epifanio was going to talk to her for a bit about her mother finally making the switch, and give them some time to talk and make up.

Camila sat in the room alone. Epifanio walked in again a few hours later. She didn't meet his eyes or look up at all for that matter. He was really pushing it. If she was on a leash before, this was hell. Epifanio was treating her like a stray dog put in the pound.

"I brought you some food."

"So you can drug me again? I don't think so."

"Honey, you need to eat."

"Wonderful to know how much you care about me. Oh, wait, that's right, you couldn't care less. I'm your plaything."

"Camila, enough. Please, eat something. I don't need you to starve. You'll need your strength for tomorrow."

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