Mexican Flowers

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Iago sat down next to Camila. She looked up at him with confused eyes. He tried to hand her the pills but Camila refused to take them.

"I'm not feeling so good..." she said quietly.

"These are supposed to help," he replied.

"Just for tonight. I don't feel like I can take anything right now. My head is spinning... They give me headaches. Just tonight, please?"

He couldn't say no. Her expression looked downright awful, her eyes dark. He gave her a small smile and a small kiss on the forehead. She hardly smiled back. Instead, she stared at the floor as he left.

 Instead, she stared at the floor as he left

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"Iago," she said.

"Yes?" he asked, more hopeful.

"Why did they call you Alejandro? Is there something you're not telling me?"

"Honey see... my name is Iago, but they call me Alejandro because there was a man with that name who is known for being very macho. They're jealous because they all think you're really hot and are upset I got to you first."

"Oh," she said smiling a little.

"You should get some sleep."


"Renata," added Magdalena, "Would it please you to join me to go out to the markets tomorrow? You've never been. Maybe you'd like to get something."

Iago gave her a concerned glare. He didn't like the markets. Rosa was always there and she made him uncomfortable. She always made people feel like she knew their darkest secrets. It made them shiver. Nonetheless, he let her go.

As for Isabela, she decided not to go to school that day and was sitting on the couch upside down trying to remember the man from a few weeks ago. It was then that Rosario came up to her with a package.

"Gracias," Isabela told Rosario.

She opened the box and took out a pressed flower. It had reddish, pink petals that had white tips. Isabela had seen flowers like them before. She just didn't know what they were called. She went to find her father to see if he knew.

It took a while to find him. He was in the library looking through old books. She didn't bother to ask about them. She knocked on the door before entering.

"Hey," she said quietly.

"Hi honey," he said, closing the book and setting it aside. "What's up?"

"This was sent to me. I remember seeing them but I don't know what it's called."

"It's a Dahlia. Your mother's favorite. Back when we were in Mexico City and still young, I bought her one. I knew then and there she was the one for me. I'd bring her these every time we would meet."

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