Intimate Confrontation

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 Epifanio went back to his flat more confused than ever. That was his wife, right? She looked exactly like her. Sounded like her too. Was it just someone who looked and sounded just like her. Who was it? He walked back and forth thinking when he noticed something on the floor. Someone slipped a note under the door.

It read: Sorry. Probably should have told you she didn't remember anything first. Yes, it is your wife. I'm not sure what this guy's deal is, but I bet it has something to do with Renata. Explain later. I don't have enough time to write too much without being seen. - Sophia

So it was his wife. She just didn't remember. How his heart ached. He reunited with his wife for two minutes and she walked away because she couldn't remember him! The rest of the night he laid in bed staring at the ceiling.

Camila wasn't sleeping right either. The strange dreams she had before, he suddenly showed up in. Only once after seeing his face was he everywhere. What was this feeling? She found it annoying but also... cute? Did she like him?

She jumped at the thought. No, she couldn't... Could she? She hadn't even seen the guy for five minutes! 'What is this? This feeling? I don't understand... why is he in my dreams tonight? Why did he kiss me so passionately? And why did it feel right? Wait, WHAT?! What am I thinking?! God, he's got a hold of me like a siren! Who does he think he is?!' she thought.

Camila got up and went downstairs. She sat in front of the fire, staring into it. Magdalena tried to sneak past her but Camila caught her coming in through the door.

 Magdalena tried to sneak past her but Camila caught her coming in through the door

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"What are you doing up so late Maggie?" Camila asked.

"I could say the same for you," she answered. "I was just... out."

"I got that part, but doing what?"

"Just a walk."

"Okay. Anyway, do you know anything about that guy from earlier?"


"That guy. What's his name..."

"Epifanio Vargas, the governor of Sinaloa. Everyone knows him. He's been having a hard time cause he lost his wife. Some dude kidnapped her."

She emphasized 'wife' and 'kidnapped' but the hint went straight over Camila's head. She thought about it for a minute but it didn't really faze her.

"Do you know where he is staying?"

"Yes? Why do you-"

"I just need to know."

"Okay. He's renting out a flat. I-"

"Can you take me there?"


"Tomorrow after Iago leaves. I need to talk to uh..."



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