Where it all Began

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(Side Note: The first two chapters are a recap to help start out the story. In the very end of the second chapter is where it will begin.)

Epifanio was talking with his godson, Güero, and a few other friends in a small room aside from where everyone else was partying. It was Christmas, and they were making a toast.

"Feliz Navidad," Epifanio said.

"Feliz Navidad," everyone else in the room repeated.

They all had their drinks when the phone on Epifanio's desk rang. On the screen, it showed there was a call coming from another phone in the house. It was his wife, Camila, who was still upstairs and had not come down yet.

"When your wife has to call you from the room in your own house, your house too big," he said to the other men. The others laughed.

He picked up and answered, "Yes, yes, what do you want?"

"Esta vez, no voy a bajar y ser el anfitrión de su fiesta (This time, I won't go down and be the host to your party). Come upstairs now," she replied, hanging up immediately after.

Epifanio put the phone back on the receiver and looked at the others in the room. He later excused himself and went upstairs to find her. While on his way, he remembered that the reason he was leaving the drug business was that not only was it getting in the way of running for governor, but it was also destroying his daughter. Epifanio didn't plan to stay at all. With Camila, however, he knew that the power had gone to her head and that it was his fault that it had in the first place. He'd been involved once before when he was really young and got involved in it again after meeting and marrying Camila. How he would admit that to her though, was another story.

Brenda and Teresa were having an argument over wandering about the Vargas property. Teresa had finally gotten Brenda to not take a pair of shoes. Brenda used this time to clean herself up in the restroom when Teresa heard arguing in the nearby room.

"You're going to be by my side on the road to governor like you've done for twenty-five years, and you're going to do this," Epifanio told Camila.

"I'm not," Camila responded.

"I'm going to be governor of Sinaloa, and you're going to help me get there."


"Yes, governor."

"It's my business too, I helped build this empire, and now you want to wash your hands off it. You want me to be a governor's wife."

"You can't run the business and be in an election. I'm talking about legitimacy, people ask questions. Our business will still run, but not with you and I at the helm. At least, not for the foreseeable future. When I'm in there, we'll resume. Bigger, better, more power."

"How long?"

"One year in office, maybe two."

     "The irony is insane

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"The irony is insane. You're asking me to stop doing the only thing I became good at out of necessity. You forced us into this life. If it wasn't for me, getting us out of that mess, running our business, you'd be back at being the dirt-poor farmer that you were."

"When you get like this, you say hurtful things."

"Well, if the truth hurts, I'm sorry, but that's just the way it is. We're planning on expanding to Texas."

Epifanio laughed at her, finding it humorous that she thought she was winning the argument at this point and was planning on going to Texas. He hadn't realized that she really was winning and not being completely sarcastic about it.

"I'll take Texas," she finished.

"Texas? You take Texas?"

"Yes, away from you and your election. And you're going to provide me with the product I need. Think of it as alimony. It's non-negotiable, Epifanio. Maria has instructions to finish packing and send me the rest of my stuff."

"You'll be back."

Camila turned around and walked straight towards Epifanio. She took the ring off her finger and handed it to him.

"You're wrong. I'll call you when I'm settled. Don't come looking for me. And farmer, you still use the wrong fork."

Epifanio looked at the ring in his hand. He was beyond upset. He hadn't expected things to turn so fast on him. Now she was leaving. She walked out of the room, stumbled into Teresa, and walked away after Teresa made the excuse of being lost looking for the restroom. Epifanio talked with Teresa for a bit, saying that they should just blame her and chased after Camila.

"Camila, don't do this," Epifanio said, "And please, take your ring back."

"I made up my mind."

"If you need to expand the business in Dallas, I can send Batman to run the operation."

"Batman is not a businessman. He'll run the entire organization into the ground."

"Camila, I love you, and I need you by my side to run the campaign for governorship. The people love you. Having you on my arm will win me all the votes I need."

     "You just want to keep me under your thumb," Camila answered, feeling insulted, "I'm not that woman

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"You just want to keep me under your thumb," Camila answered, feeling insulted, "I'm not that woman. I thought you knew that."

"You want to throw a twenty-five-year marriage away, then so be it. Good luck in Dallas. I won't be there to protect you."

"I don't need you. I can protect myself."

Epifanio laughed, "Camila, you are like fire on steel. You know how to make the most challenging men bend to your will. I speak from experience. Use that gift. It might keep you safe."

Epifanio walked away from Camila. He didn't feel hurt in the slightest at that moment. Only later into the night would it come rushing back to him. Epifanio really did love her, but he'd gone behind her back. He'd been the one to first break their vows. He would not give up on bringing her home. Epifanio would use whatever means necessary, and he didn't care if it meant he was insane. 

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