Renata Vargas

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Renata woke up with a huge headache. She looked around, nothing looked familiar. Then again, she couldn't remember a single thing. Not even her own name.

"Morning love," said a man walking out of the bathroom.

"Who are you?" she asked in return.

"They said you would have trouble remembering," he answered with a sigh. "You were in an accident. I'm your husband, Iago."

"Okay, who am I?"

"My wife, Renata Vazquez."

She looked down embarrassed and confused

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She looked down embarrassed and confused. Then came a knock and a voice at the door. The voice said, "Breakfast is ready downstairs."

"Thank you, Magdalena. We'll be right there," Iago replied. "Care to join me?"

"Sure," Renata said reluctantly.

She got up and dressed in a teal blue dress. Iago helped her downstairs. She was still a little shaken.

"Renata? Is that you dear?" asked Magdalena.

"Yes, I mean no. I-I'm sorry, I don't remember a thing. Anything for that matter. So this is my husband and you are his maid?"

"Yes, ma'am. That was a horrible accident you were in."

"I don't remember anything. I don't... I..."

"It's okay sweetheart. You'll come to remember in time. Now, you need to eat and then we'll go out for a walk for some fresh air. Help you calm down and try to remember some things."

"I uh... Is that okay?" she asked turning to Iago.

"Of course, you need to remember how to get around," Iago told her.

Renata felt like she was going to collapse. Iago helped her onto the sofa and held her. She was uncomfortable with it since she didn't know this person. Or, at least she had before some accident. Magdalena brought her some water.

Iago sensed her uneasiness and was reluctant to let her go. Nonetheless, he did so anyway and instead put a blanket around her. She laid down and fell back asleep.

"Ma'am your- Oh! Renata is asleep again," Magdalena said.

"Yes, she has not been feeling well. She needs her rest. After she wakes, please get her something. Oh, and Magdalena," he said as he went out the door. "Not a word, or else."

"Yes sir, I understand."

"Good. I'm off."

With that, Iago left and went to work. Magdalena went to check on Renata. She didn't know this woman's real name, but she knew it wasn't Renata. Renata had left him but around two months ago. True, she had been in an accident, but this woman looked nothing like her.

Renata, or whoever this woman was, on the other hand, was having strange visions in her dreams. There was a man she did not know, and a young girl about eight. The girl was terrified of the horses and ran over to her yelling mommy. After that, she woke up on the couch. She drank the water she had been given earlier.

 She drank the water she had been given earlier

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"Ah, you're awake," she said. "Didn't sleep for too long. About fifteen minutes. Feel any better at least?"

"A little. I had the strangest dream," Renata answered.

"Might I ask what it was about?" Magdalena said, her interest peaked.

"There was a little girl. She ran over to me. She was scared of the horses. She was young, seven, eight maybe? And there was a man-"

"A man? What did he look like?"

"I-I couldn't see his face. It was blurred."

"Oh," she replied, disappointed.

Magdalena shook away her disappointment and put on a smile. She would be taking Renata out and around the neighborhood and town so she would find her way around.

 She would be taking Renata out and around the neighborhood and town so she would find her way around

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(Vazquez home)

Renata took in the sounds and sights. The house she was in was beautiful. She enjoyed the views about her and met some of Magdalena's friends. They were very nice to her but shared Magdalena's thoughts. She didn't look anything like Renata but shared a personality.

She spent the next few hours with them and returned home to find Iago at the house. He was angry. Very angry. He dismissed Renata and spoke with Magdalena. Turns out he had followed them all day and skipped work. It didn't matter though, the company didn't need him there. He just kept them in line whenever chaos broke out since one of his workers was a pain.

"You introduced her to your friends?! Are you kidding me?! You know how I feel about Rosa! She easily catches on to things!" he yelled.

"Relax. It's fine. She knows it's Renata, and she remembers Rosa. Well, now she does," was her answer.

Iago knew that her answer meant that Renata was listening, she was just hidden. Magdalena knew very well when someone was budging into the conversation as well as kids hiding instead of leaving as asked.

"Besides, Rosa was drunk out of her mind. And what do you mean easily catches on? Do you mean how you separated for a while and it turned out to be a complete misunderstanding yet she made it a huge deal? Is that it?"

"I uh... y-yes," Iago stuttered.

Nothing had ever happened between Iago and Renata, they loved each other. Renata, however, had left for France years ago and unfortunately passed away from a heart attack. No one knew though, except for him. He made it clear to keep it a secret because everyone would then pity him, and he hated that.

After hearing about Camila again, he decided he would no longer be heartbroken. He loved Renata, truly, but not as much as he had Camila all those years ago. They had dated in high school up until graduation. After that, he left off to college and they no longer spoke. Iago's love for her still remained, but when he found her again, she was already engaged.

Twenty-five years later he managed to find her once more. Iago wasn't planning on losing her this time. He was tired of life turning the tables on him and saying what wasn't meant to be.  Iago had everything, except for the woman he wanted most, Camila. 

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