I Told My Teacher About You

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"Dude, we have a big problem."  Keefe mumbled, stealing a glance at the corner to make sure nobody had followed him and Dex.

"What problem?  The problem that you've pulled me away from my mass amount homework?"  Dex grumbled.

Keefe ran a hand down his face.  "No.  It's worse and I don't think you'll want your work after I tell you."

"You're freaking me out, Keefe.  What happened?"

"I -" Keefe sighed.  "I told my teacher that we were together."

"Why - Why would you tell a mentor that?"

"Look, I panicked.  You know how Lady Belva has, like, the biggest crush on me and how weird it is?"

Dex nodded, but his facial expression of 'what the hell, dude' didn't change.

"Well, I was just doing my work in class for once when all the sudden - bam!  Out of nowhere she just asks me if I'm seeing anybody.  And I'm thinking 'why on earth would she ask that she's my teacher' but then I realized and... I panicked."

"Hold on!"  Dex snapped.  "Wasn't she your level three mentor?"

"Lady Chrysta had to take a day off for some dumb assignment or whatever.  I didn't know Belva would be teaching me or else I would've skipped the lesson entirely!"  Keefe ran a hand through his hair.  "But now I've gotten us both into a huge mess because I guess she leaked the information..."

Dex's eyes were the sizes of dinner plates.  "Whoa, whoa, whoa.  You told her we were dating?!"

"I told her you were my boyfriend, yes!  That's what I've been saying!"


The Empath wanted to strangle Dex.  "I'm sorry!  I know!  I suck!  But can we please focus here?"

"What is there to focus on?"  Dex snarled.  "You told someone I was your boyfriend and now it's probably been spread around the school.  I get enough stuff as it is, Keefe."

Keefe's hand went to his face where it stayed.  God, oh God he sucked.  "I'm really, really sorry.  But I didn't know how else to not make it so... awkward.  I mean come on."

Dex gave a long sigh before falling back against the wall.  "So what do we do?"

"What do you mean what do we do?"  Keefe peered out from under his fingers.  "I was just going to ask you for a fake break up."

"Uh, yeah, and then you're free again and she's free to try to get all up in there."  They both shivered at the thought.

"That's a good point."  Keefe murmured.  "So... you don't mind?"

Dex raised his eyebrows higher.  "Of course I mind.  But, I'll help you out here...  I guess."

Keefe grinned.

"On one condition."

Keefe stopped grinning.

"You literally never do something like this again."

"Deal!  I'll, uh, come to your house after school today so we can get our story straight then?"  Keefe asked, taking a step towards the study hall room.

"Wait!"  Dex stopped him.  "How do you even know she leaked it?  She's your teacher."

"Firstly, technically she's not my teacher anymore,"  Keefe started.  "And secondly, because a student who I know has a session with her just stopped me and said, 'Dex, huh?' and then he snickered!  He snickered!"

Dex pinched the bridge of his nose with a flushed face.  "You know I'm terrible at lying, right?"

"You do secret stuff for the council all the time and never tell us."  Keefe pointed out.

"Yes.  Secret projects.  But I never actually lie to you guys.  I'm pretty careful about that."

Keefe bit the inside of his cheek.  "Oh.  Right.  Sorry."

"How many people do you think that guy has told by now?"

"Honestly?  I have no idea."  Keefe swallowed nervously.  "But if we're lucky our friends haven't found out yet."

Dex huffed.  "And what if they have?  And what do we tell Ro and Lovise?"

Wow Keefe had not thought that far.  "I - uh - we lie until we can figure out a way to break it to them?  But we can tell Ro and Lovise."  He was pretty sure the ogre princess was onto him anyways.  After all, she'd been there when he had his nervous breakdown afterwards and told her to distract Lovise while he talked privately with Dex so...

Dex nodded, staring at the corner.  "I can't believe you've done this."

"I can't either.  Now let's run to study hall.  I'm pretty sure if we're late they're gonna think we were getting it on in the hallway."  Keefe grabbed Dex's hand and took one step before stopping. "Is this okay?"

"What?  Hand holding?  Of course.  It's just a hand."

Keefe swallowed again, and nodded,  "Let's go then, Dexy."

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