The Start of the Big Day

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"Today's the big day!" Keefe whispered to Dex, already practically bouncing on his feet. 

Sophie and Biana had both decided that while they wouldn't say anything unless they were asked, that day they'd start showing affection in public. The former of which, Keefe was simply dying to see. He already knew that Sophie was a blushing mess when she had a crush on someone, so he could only imagine how she'd be when Biana - who was very much not a blushing mess - did things like pepper her face with kisses casually in the middle of Foxfire. If any luck was on Keefe's side, she'd be worse than Dex.

"Okay," Dex hushed, eyes searching around the main part of the school to make sure no one had heart them - not that they would know what they were talking about. "Calm down, babe."

Keefe smiled at the nickname. Just because Dex didn't mean it with his full heart didn't mean that it was any less sweet when he said it with attempted begrudge. Especially with the way he couldn't meet Keefe's eyes immediately after.

"I know, but it's... I mean, can you please imagine it with me?" Keefe wrapped his arm around Dex's shoulder and used his opposite hand to put in front of them as though he were making a picture appear out of thin air.  "We're all sitting at the lunch table when all the sudden-"

"You two start making out? Yeah, uh, please leave if that's what you're planning." A voice said, making Dex's shoulder's to hunch back up into their usual 'I'm uncomfortable' kind of way.

Keefe turned the two of them around to glare at whoever it was that the voice belonged to, finding a small girl with blonde hair full of tiny braids.  "You've ruined my vision."

"I had to so you wouldn't ruin my appetite."

"Oh please," Dex said sarcastically, "it'd make the day far more enjoyable."

Marella raised her eyebrows. "Maybe for you. For us singies on the other hand-"

"Singies?" Biana questioned as she and Sophie walked up to the small group. Keefe was quick to notice the way her arm was wrapped around Sophie's waist. And even more so quick to take notice of the way Sophie seemed to have no idea what to do with her own limbs.

"Oh is it finally the day?" Marella asked.

Sophie shot her a warning look before the threat was wiped away completely by Biana turning her face so that she could rub her nose against the Inflictor's cheek with a grin. 

"So it really is," Marella continued. "At least that's what I'm assuming given blushie right there."

"It's the best day," Biana conceded.

Keefe couldn't help but put a hand to his heart.  "I'm such a proud father."

"Much like Grady, I assume?" Marella smirked.

Sophie looked down at the ground, toying with the hem of her uniform. She bit her lip.

"I'm pretty sure the Gradster would ban me if he knew," Biana said with a wink. "And he'd prohibit sleepovers because god forbid I get to cuddle with my girlfriend."

"Pretty sure he's worried about you guys doing other stuff." Dex snickered.

"Ugh," Sophie mumbled as her face grew redder and her emotions became more intense. She put a hand over her face. "Dex."

Dex cackled as Biana tried to hide her laughs with a few fake coughs and pulled Sophie closer to her.  "You're a dick, you know that?"

"Just an ass," Dex responded slyly, swiping at the air.

Keefe kicked his ankle.  "No need to blush so much, Foster. Please though do excuse my boyfriend. He can't control himself."

Marella opened and closed her mouth. "Not that I'm upset with the information I've just learned about all of you," she eyed them carefully and began to back away, "but I'm gonna go find someone sane."

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