(FILLER) You Betted Me On Ripplefluffs?

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This is the strangest chapter I've ever written for a fanfic without a doubt.  I promise next one won't be so weird.  I'm sorry I ran out of ideas and I'm grasping at straws of irl things again I'M SORRY

Yo I might delete this later

Dex raised an eyebrow, looking up from his homework as Keefe shut his bedroom door with both hands.  The boy stayed there for a minute before turning over and sliding downwards.  "Your siblings are going to kill me."

Dex snorted.  "What'd they do?  Threaten to tie you to the chandelier?"

The Empath shook his head, looking as though he'd been attacked by a pack of feral chipmunks - which was fair considering how crazy the triplets were.  "They literally chased me from the bathroom into here with a harpoon gun."

"The triplets don't have a harpoon gun," Dex snickered.  "It just looks like one - the best thing it can do is launch socks disguized as arrows."

"Did you give them that?  You're evil."  Keefe added when the other nodded with a dimpled grin.  "Seriously, why would you do that?"

Dex shrugged.  "Sibling agreements and sibling pacts, my friend."

Keefe smirked.  "Boyfriend you mean."  He gave a small gesture to the door behind him.  Dex rolled his eyes, doubting that his siblings were still listening in.

"I still think it's funny you thought they had a harpoon gun."

"I don't know how your parents raise you guys!  Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Biana has to take a five page test on Sophie if Grady finds out."

"True," Dex agreed, setting down his homework as Keefe walked up to him, putting his hands on his knees and pressing their foreheads together, forcing Dex to look up at him, "but it's still funny."

Keefe groaned, flopping back onto the bed.  He picked up the homework pages.  "What are you working on anyways?  You should let me do it.  I had to do this all already."

"You won't be able to copy my handwriting," Dex said as he attempted to snatch the papers back.

"Oh yes I can."

Dex screwed up his face.

"You don't want to know."

"Okay..."  Dex said.  "But since when are you offering to do my homework for me?  What's so important that I can't just do it now while you do whatever it is you were wanting to?"

Keefe stopped writing and looked up at Dex with a sheepish grin.  Oh no...

"What'd you do?"

Keefe's eyes trailed towards the door before going back to Dex.  "Made a bet with Fitzy..."

"What was the bet?"  He already knew he wouldn't be liking the answer.

The Empath gave a few very scared laughs.  "So, he started doubting us and I bet him that I'd prove to him it was, you know, real..."

"Mm-hmm."  Dex said, mildly hoping for another kiss.

"So... I stole some of Biana's makeup..."

Oh no.

"And I'm just gonna make a tiny dot on your neck."

Oh no he was not!  "No in the hell you are not.  A hickey doesn't mean that it's love - that means that the two of us got wild - something you said and known I'd never do."  Dex huffed.  "Why was that the first thing that came to mind?  Why not just kiss in front of him?"

"Because he saw us kiss!  At the dance," he added when Dex squinted.  "But when it happened, apparently Biana whispered, 'it's canon' like a weirdo and Sophie started crying and-"

"Sophie started crying?"  Dex asked slowly.

"Yeah - apparently she was, like, really happy or something - anyways," he said, "I'm not for the idea either, but Fitz wiggled his goddamned eyebrows after I agreed and how was I supposed to know that's what he meant?"

Dex made gagging noises to properly communicate his feelings about the situation.

"Listen, dude," Keefe said.  "If the idea really freaks you out, we won't have to do anything at all.  I just figured it was a better option than making out in the halls like idiots and then getting detention and then your parents sacrificing me."

Dex groaned and let himself fall backwards onto his bed.  "I'm literally going to sacrifice that boy."

"Not if I get to first," Keefe mumbled.  "I figured I'd at least make you aware of him though."

Putting his hands to his face, Dex felt his face get hot.  "I'll agree to this, but only - and I mean only  if not only he is the ONLY person to see that, but you also threaten him with his life if he so much as mouths it to anyone, and you owe me - BIG TIME."

Keefe swallowed.  "I will literally give you all of my hair products and clothes if you so desire.  And I'll share half of my 'prize' with you."

Dex moved his fingers to reveal an eye.  "Prize?"

"The bet was on 100 ripplefluffs.  He's going to have to make me 100 ripplefluffs."

"That's a lot of sweets..." Dex mumbled.

"I know, but it's going to be great to imagine him slaving away at everything in the kitchen."  Keefe snickered.  "He's going to loose his mind."

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