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I'm sorry I can't write fluff well. Let alone dude fluff. I've only ever dated a chick. I mean, I like a guy right now, but he's high key cursed and we've only been on one date.
Also I'm sorry this one is short.

"What happened to you two?" Juline asked as Ro and Lovise trailed into the house, still carrying the drenched boys.

Lovise sighed. "I don't want to know."

"Dex tripped and fell into the lake!" Keefe exclaimed. "And then he yanked me in there with him - it's not my fault."

Dex tisked. "You're a tattle-tail and a liar."

"How on earth am I a liar?" Keefe questioned. Meanwhile the bodyguards began making their way up the stairs and passed an amused Juline.

"You're the one who started the water fight."

"No I'm not - you started it when you pulled me in with you! I was being nice and offering you my hand, Dexy."

"Shut up." Ro threatened. "Or else you two will not like how you wake up tomorrow morning."

Not too surprisingly, the two were forced to shower and decided to make it a race to see who could get out the fastest. Dex ended up winning by about two minutes despite taking the shower in the bathroom that was in his parent's room rather than his own room, which was the one Keefe got.

Keefe stepped out of the bathroom wearing a pair of Dex's brown pants of which were still too big for him and a simple white tunic - also of which he still had yet to grow into.

Dex propped himself up a bit by letting his cheek rest in the center of his palm. "Slow poke."

Keefe smirked down at him, making his way over to the bed and lying next to Dex. "You're just jealous you don't got this hair."

"Uh-huh." Dex joked. "I'm so envious."

"I know." Keefe mumbled, brushing a stray strand of strawberry blond hair behind Dex's ear. "Everyone is." He paused for a moment. "I like the color of your eyes."

Dex's cheeks tinted pink as he snickered. "Thank you?"

"You're welcome." The Empath said gently. His fingers continued to make their way through the other's hair as Dex leaned ever so slightly into his touch.

The two were silent for a moment, enjoying each other's company. Keefe studied Dex's freckles of which were dusted across his cheeks that'd been brought out by the spring sun. He liked them. They brought a youthful sort of sweetness to his face.

Dex meanwhile, stared from one ice blue eye to the other. It seemed as if he were lost in thought by the way his emotions swirled with curiosity.

Keefe couldn't hold back a smirk when the boy's gaze trailed down to his lips for a moment, before flickering back up to meet his gaze. Adjusting himself to get a bit of leverage, Keefe's hand traveled down to cup Dex's jaw as he leaned down to give a soft kiss to his cheek.

Dex turned himself onto his back, a sudden confidence to him as he reached up to pull Keefe back down for an actual kiss. 

In favor of not falling on the Technopath, Keefe favored in holding himself up on his forearms. 

After a moment, Dex pulled away with his eyes fluttering open. "We should probably stop before the triplets break in," he whispered. "If they see us kiss they might just scream."

Keefe leaned back down to give one more kiss before they broke again. "You're probably right."

The three had managed to make their way into Dex's room through his unlocked window the night before, probably hoping to humiliate Dex by catching him and Keefe being all cutesy and kissy - not that their relationship was anywhere near that point yet. They'd only been faking dating for a few months and actually dating for a week or so. So, thankfully, all the triplets managed to find was Dex tinkering away at a gadget while Keefe drew in his sketch book.

"What do you wanna do?" Keefe questioned. "Other than fall into freezing water again."

"Haha." Dex responded sarcastically. "But... I'm not sure."

"We could just lay here."

Dex smiled at the idea, but still shook his head. "Nah... We could see if the others want to do anything?"

Keefe thought it over. He did want to spend the day with Dex and only Dex considering that their relationship wasn't a public thing... "What would we do though?"

"We could play base quest?" Dex offered, continuing when Keefe made a face. "Okay... we could play hide and seek?"

It took him a moment to decide. "Alright, Dexinator." Keefe agreed. "I like that plan."

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