The Triplets

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Keefe turned the corner with, for once, the full intention of going to class.  He didn't need to go to class, but it wasn't like he had anything better to do - well that, and the fact that it was kind of fun to watch his teachers' faces when he walked in on a Tuesday instead of just skimming through the book at home.

Again, he had the full intention of going to class, but something stopped him.  Or rather, somethings.

Bex looked up at him, an eyebrow raised and a small pout to her lips.  "Where do you think you're going?"

Keefe looked between the three of them.  This couldn't be good.  "To Elvin history.  Where do you think you're stopping?"

Neither triplet looked amused as Lex replyed, "In front of you,"  and Rex added, "We need to have a chat."

Keefe Sencen wasn't scared of many things.  He could handle blood, giant bugs, and even a shaved head.  However, in that moment, he was scared of three, skinny, fourteen year olds. 


"Where are you guys taking me?"  Keefe asked as he allowed himself to be dragged through the level three hall.  Rex and Lex each had a grip on his wrist while Bex lead the way until they were all outside.

They stopped just outside the main building and Keefe watched as Rex took off his shoe to tuck it in the door, ensuring that all of them could get back inside.  Lex still held the Empath in place as the other two began circling him as though he were the prey and they were lions.

"What?!"  Keefe demanded when none of them spoke.

"You're dating our brother."  Bex's words were slow, and it was not a question.  "For how long?"

Keefe opened his mouth to speak before closing it again and regaining himself.  "Not too long.  A year, maybe?"

"Maybe?"  Lex barked with a laugh.  "Maybe won't cut it, Sencen."


Bex marched up to him, pulling him down by his shirt collar until he was looking directly - almost up - into her eyes.  "If you ever hurt him, abandon him, embarrass him, or anything - anything - else... We will make your life a living hell and you will wish you were dead.  We'll pull out your teeth and put them on a necklace type of you'll wish you were dead.  Am.  I.  Understood?"

Keefe nodded with his jaw clenched shut.  Not his pearly whites!

Bex released his shirt, allowing him to stand back up again.  "Now, when did you ask him out.  Or did he ask you out?"

"Can't he tell you that?"  Keefe said, looking to the side.  "It's his personal information too."

The triplets made eye contact before Rex gave them a single nod and began digging in his bag for something.  When he pulled away, he had a pencil and a piece of paper in his hands.  "Write down who asked out who, where your fist kiss was if you've had one yet, when you two became a couple, and then on the opposite side of the page - he turned the paper over to reveal a contract - sign at the bottom to prove to us that you won't hurt him."

This was insane!

"We'll compare your answers to Dex's when we ask him about it."  Lex said.

The paper and pencil was then set in his hands and Keefe realized, with a weird sense of dread, that when he and Dex eventually 'broke up'... He might actually be murdered.  Why hadn't Dex warned them?  Or him for that matter?!

Keefe cleared his throat and balanced the paper on his leg to scribble out the answers he remembered from lunch.  He then turned over the paper, making sure to read every word the triplets had messily written (he didn't want to sell his soul, thank you) before signing at the bottom of the page.  Keefe handed the items back to Bex who folded the paper into fourths.

"Was that all?"  Keefe asked.

"Just remember what we said.  He's ours to torture, not yours."  And with that, the triplets were back in the building and... Rex had taken his shoe before Keefe could get back inside.  Perfect.  Just perfect.

From behind him, a slow clap could be heard.  "You okay there, bud?  Do you need to sit down."  It was the mocking tone of Ro who hadn't bothered to speak in Keefe's defense throughout the whole interrogation.

Keefe whipped his head around.  "What the hell?"

Ro only shrugged with a small smile.  "Your actions, your consequences."

"Will you at least help me get back inside so I can go to class?"

"Pfft! No way!  I hate all that stuff."  Ro's laugh was more of a cackle.

Keefe ran his hand down his face, looking around at the woods surrounding the school.  "Whatever.  I'm calling Dex."

Before Ro could ask why, Keefe pulled out his imparter and demanded Dex's name at the white screen.  After a minute, his face appeared.

"You okay?..."  From what Keefe could tell, Dex was in the hall, probably having been excused for just a minute.  He wondered if Dex had told his mentor that it was his mom or dad calling.

"Oh, yeah.  Perfect.  I was just given the third degree about dating you by the triplets, so that was fun.  But, anyways, do you think you could let me back into the building?"

"What do you mean given the third degree?"  Dex was already up and walking.

"You know... dragged outside and forced to write down stuff like when we started dating was on paper.  And practically forced to sign a contract.  It's fine though."  Keefe laughed when Dex face palmed and muttered something about killing the triplets.  "Seriously, Dizznee.  I'm fine - just trapped outside.  And I figured I should warn you since they'll probably question you too."

"Still."  Dex mumbled.  "I'm sorry about that."

"It's all good!"  Keefe insisted.

"I'll be there to let you in in two minutes.  Your at the west exit, right?"


"Alright, see you then."  Dex said, giving a small salute before the screen lost color again.

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