Mission: Don't Get Crushed by the Kelber Elves

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I've been writing all day and it just occurred to me that it could be MINOR ocd or MINOR mania but oh well!

The two got into the dance in... oh.... five to ten minutes. It should not take that long to scan someone's registry pendant.

The line wasn't even that long!

Whatever. They were inside now and wow was the music loud. There was a group of students in the middle, all of them dancing and jumping to the music and Keefe decided that that area was the 'death zone.'

Gently, Keefe pulled Dex to a table against the wall parallel to where the dj was. The boys leaned against it, waiting for Sophie and Biana. Fitz could go screw himself.

Dex hoisted himself up so that he could sit on the table. "Why did Biana choose a jumpsuit?!"

They had to yell to get their words across. The music was way too loud.

Keefe shrugged, looking the boy up and down. "It looks good on you! You should wear it more often!"

Dex gave a questioning look, but still said, "Thank you! I might!"

"That took way too long!" They heard a voice say. Keefe turned his head to find Biana and Sophie walking towards them.

"Where's Fitzy?!"

Biana rolled her eyes and threw her thumb back behind her to where a hallway was. "He duct off that way! That's all I know and all I want to know!"

Keefe snorted. "You two gonna go dance?!"

"Later!" Sophie said. She and Biana took a stand next to him. "And Dex, I didn't get to tell you, but you look really cute!"

Dex looked away, towards the crowd. "Thank you!"

"So," Keefe said, looking back at the boy, "what do you want to do?!"

"We could go see if there's people having sex in the middle!"  Dex yelled through the noise with a shrug.

He'd probably meant it as a joke, but Keefe couldn't think of any other way to traumatize the boy.  "Okay!"

"Wait - what?!"

Keefe laced his fingers with Dex's and pulled him away from the girls and into the massive crows of prodigies - all either jumping, screaming, or being way to close to one another.

"Who knows!"  Keefe called, "Maybe we'll find Fitz in here!"


"I kid! I kid!  Take a chill pill, Dizznee!"

Dex's emotions became more flustered the farther they got into the crowd of people.

"FITZY!"  Keefe screamed.  "YOU IN HERE?!"

"Keefe, shut up!"


"Keefe - AH!"  Dex let out a high pitched yelp as somebody knocked him into Keefe's back.  His hand grabbed Keefe's waist for support.

Keefe reached back and grabbed said hand, wrapping it around his middle and doing the same with the other.  "Live a little, Dexy!"

"Are you high off of emotions?!"

Keefe let out a laugh.  "Nope!  Hold on tight though, because we aren't done looking!"

"Why are we even looking for Fitz?!"  Dex hollered as Keefe lead him the rest of the way through the mass of people.

"I dunno!  I haven't seen him since this shin-dig started!"  Keefe called as he screeched to a halt to let a line of prodigies doing the conga pass.

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