(FILLER) Sleepin' at the Lunch Table

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Keefe smirked at the way Dex jumped when he came out of his classroom for lunch.  He was leaning one arm above his head against the doorway and had been looking directly where the Technopath would be for five minutes, so it was no surprise he'd freaked him out so much.

"Hey, dude."

"Hi."  Dex said, relaxing a bit and blinking a few times.  "I can sleep at lunch, right?"

"You've already asked that."  Keefe snorted, "But yes, you can."

"Thank God."

Keefe chucked, linking arms with the other.


"Well if it isn't the two lovebirds," Tam greeted once Keefe and Dex joined them at the table.

Dex ignored him, shifting on the bench before laying down and setting his head on Keefe's thighs while he brought up his legs to put on the bench where there was, thankfully, no one.

Keefe took a bite of his food with his right hand, absentmindedly playing with Dex's soft hair with his left.  "Wake the baby and I'll kill everyone at this table."

Fitz snorted.

The Empath raised a challenging eyebrow before putting his finger to his lips and then making a motion of cutting his throat with said finger.

Fitz put up his hands in defense as Biana said, "So, hows it going?"

"... Good?"  Keefe said slowly, confused by what she meant by 'it.'

She winked and Keefe raised an eyebrow, taking another bite of his food.  Dex still wasn't asleep he could tell, and was growing frustrated with that fact.  And a little bit embarrassed.  He began carding his fingers through the other's hair, figuring that'd calm him down.  "Hows it going for you?"

She grinned.  "It's going good."

"What are you two talking about?"  Tam interrupted, turning to Linh when she tried to hide her small laugh by taking a sip of water, "Do you know what they're talking about."

"Not a clue," She said innocently.  Her brother scowled.  "Oh, stop it."

Keefe tilted his head at Linh, who winked.  If one of the girls told her he and Dex were faking...

"You and Dex should go on a double date with someone sometime," Sophie's casualness was off the charts.  She and Biana still hadn't come out to anyone aside from Fitz.

"Maybe," Keefe replied.  He contemplated the idea.  "If we can find anyone."

"I'm sure you will," Biana said as Fitz laughed through his nose.  She elbowed his side, causing Keefe to grin and Dex's emotions to lighten up - he was probably watching from under the table.

The group had passed through various topics before Keefe finally felt Dex's emotions become a steady, peaceful calm and he held up a finger to everyone before bringing it to his lips and then pointing downwards.

Biana's bottom lip stuck out with a smile and Keefe couldn't help but grin slightly himself.

"You guys know Dex can sleep through, like, anything right?"  Sophie asked the two of them in a whispered voice.  "I mean, seriously, good luck with waking him up, Keefe."

The Empath shrugged, looking down, but he couldn't see anything but a bit of strawberry-blond hair past the table.  Biana leaned down to look at Dex as well and came back up with a hand to her heart.  "He's so precious."

Sophie did the same, returning with a, "I'm copying this down on paper for you."

'Thank you,' Keefe mouthed - and he really did mean it... it's good blackmail material after all.  He totally didn't want a cute picture of a tranquil Dex just because he liked staring at his face... nope.  Not at all.

"Does this happen often?"  Fitz wondered out loud.  Everyone turned to Keefe for the answer.

"Sorta," he said.  "He rarely actually falls asleep though."

"So, you two cuddle with intentions to fall asleep?"  Tam clarified.

"I guess so."

"Well I think it's cute," Linh smiled.  "You two are really meant for each other."

Keefe smiled at her and took a sip of his water.  "I agree with that."

"We all do," Biana said with a oddly knowing look.

"I don't k-" Fitz was about to say, but the bell cut him off.  As it should.

All around them, prodigies began to pack up and put their trays away if they hadn't yet.  Keefe felt a mild panic at the idea of waking up the boy in his lap.

"You need help?"  Sophie asked.

"Nah, I got it."  Keefe replied.  Couldn't have anyone thinking he was a bad boyfriend who didn't know how to wake up his partner.

Hesitantly, he began shaking Dex back and fourth, leaning down to whisper, "Baby, wake up.  Lunch is over."

After another moment of shaking him and repeating the phrase, Dex's eyes fluttered open.  Praise the Lord!

Fitz snorted, causing Keefe to look up in shock.  "Why are you still here?"

"I just wanted to make sure you could get him up," the Telepath smirked before starting on the trek to his next class.

Dex groaned which made the blond look back down.

"What class do you have next?"

It took a moment for the gears in Dex's brain to click into place.  "History."

Keefe looked up and bit his bottom lip.  "You're skipping with me."

"I am?"

"Yep.  Stand up, come on."

Dex (who was now somewhat grumpy at the sudden order) went into a seated position before rubbing his eyes and getting off of the bench at the lunch table.

Keefe copied his last action and wrapped an arm around his shoulder.  "You need more sleep - maybe this wasn't the best idea."

"Need me to carry you both?"  Ro offered from behind them.

Keefe turned around to glare at her.  She hadn't talked to him all day and this was the first thing she said?  "I'm not tired."

"Sure you aren't."

"Sure you aren't." Keefe mimicked, digging in his pocket for his home crystal.

"We're going to your house?"  Dex asked.

"Yeah - is that okay?"

The Technopath nodded.  "Yeah, i's fine."

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