A love that was meant to be (Syo Kurusu x reader)

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Note: I kinda came up with this idea when I was watching the new Uta no Prince Sama Movie even though this story has nothing to do with the movie plot-wise. You are around the age of 19. Syo is a year older than you (so he is 20)


"I swear Y/n-Chan, I love you but I never understand why you have an obsession with some pop idol," I heard my friend, f/n state.

"He is not just some pop idol!" I argued, "Unlike most idols, he is kind and not stuck up!" My friend rolled her eyes and replied with a slight scoff. F/n was always like this, but it was only because she was overprotective over the people she loves.

I saw F/n's eyes flash to my sketchbook that was next to my bedside. Before I could react, she jumped up from the ground and snatched my small flower printed sketchbook. She flipped through the book's content and stared in annoyance. "I thought you had said you weren't into this guy anymore?" She pointed to a picture of Syo that I drew a few weeks back while giving me a questioning look.

"I-I uh, I mean...Did I really say that...?" I muttered.

"You really are helpless, aren't you Y/n-Chan? How many times do I have to tell you that you have to get over this Syo guy! The quicker you get over this frivolous crush the better. You don't want to grow up to be a 50-year-old unmarried woman who refuses to settle down unless if it was with this guy do you?" She threw the notebook haphazardly on the shaggy carpeting as I shook my head. "I know! We can set you up on a dating site!"

"What!" I exclaimed, "You know that I am not good with those sorts of things! Anyways, I doubt that there will be many guys who will want to date someone like me. Once they see my face, they will want to bleach their eyes!"

"Well, unlike you, I am up-to-date with the newest trends and dating apps. There is this new dating app called Heart Catcher and it's made for people just like you!" F/n ripped my phone from my hands and pulled the app on my phone. It was filled with cute chibi animals, hearts and pink italics that showed how the app worked. Seeing how it wasn't complicated, I thought that it wouldn't hurt to try instead of lying to myself. Although she was very blunt, F/n was telling the truth when it came to my chances of forming a relationship with Syo, my favorite Idol of all time.

"Okay, I will do it!" She grinned and showed me through the other design features of Heart Catcher. After about an hour, I was able to successfully create an account on the dating app.

"Now it usually takes a day for you to be noticed but don't stress if it takes longer-" A little chime sound rang from my phone informing me that I had a notification. We stared at each other in shock as it rang again. I turned my head to my phone and shakily pick it up.

"Is it..." She read over my shoulder as I turned on my phone. She and I gasped in surprise; somebody had already sent a friend request! It was from a person named >Manly_Fedora<.  I quickly accept the friend request.

"OH MY GOSH, HE TEXTED YOU!!! YOU NEED TO REPLY!" F/n screamed. I fumbled with the phone as another notification showed up on the screen. I shakily tap the cloud icon which brought me to a pastel pink chatroom.

>Manly_Fedora<:  Hello

"Gah, F/n-Chan what do I say?!" My face flushed, although I had no idea why and I felt like my heart was being drummed by tiny musicians. The sound ringed loudly in my ears.

"Just stay calm," She advised, "Don't overdo yourself just pretend you were talking to me!"

"So I answer with Hello my fellow brethren, how are you today?"  I asked sarcastically.

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