He is in my heart.

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Safeenah's pov...

"No mum! How could you think of such! No man will ever win my heart, so please, let me be!".

  I screamed at my mum, tears cascading down from my eyes.

  "Safeenah, Ahmad is gone, and he is gone forever. Nothing you will do that will bring him back to life. Deal with it and move on. Do you know how much it hurts to see you like this?!".

   Mum said firmly, before softening her hardened expression.

  "Its so hard..".

I started, and my breath hitched, just right before the sob tore through me. My whole body shook violently as mum engulfed me in a motherly hug.

  "Shhhh its okay. You will be fine. Allah is here with you".

  She whispered soothingly, rubbing my back. After my sob subsided, she sat me on the bed and lay my head on her laps.

"You are a strong woman, Safeenah. You will be okay, but only if you want to. Hurting yourself everyday won't solve issues, but worsen it. You need to let go of your past and face the future. Believe in destiny and put your trust in Allah, and by doing that, you are increasing your Eeman. Kinji ni ai koh?".

   My mum's words were nothing but the truth, though it hurts hearing it over and over again that Ahmad is now my past.

  I slowly nodded as she wiped away my tears with her thumb.

  "When last did you bath?".

  "Yesterday morning".

I mumbled, pouting out my lips.

"Subhanallah Safeenah you are a princess for heaven's sake! Okay now, lemme have your water ready. Malikah!".

The servant scurried in and dropped on her knees.

"Go and have the princess's bathing water ready".

She ran into the toilet. Mum helped me out of my clothes and into a white bathing robe.

  "Now go and clean yourself and I will have your dinner brought to you. Then we will talk about king Safwan".

  I nodded because the last thing I want is to talk about him or hear his name mentioned.

  I stayed in the toilet, scrubbing my body for almost an hour before I came out.

"Hello baby princess!".

  Mabee said, walking into the room.

  "Hi Mabee".

I said as he kissed my cheeks before sitting down on the couch.

"So how is Sana, my sister in law?".

I asked, trying to have a conversation for the first time in months with him. Mum is right, I need to move, though its hard.

   A smile lit up my brother's face at the mention of Sana. Their love life is just so cute and admirable.

  "She is good, nervous as me tho. The wedding is in three weeks. And you know what?".


I prodded, as a servant was helping with my zippers.

  "I just wish time could fly. You have no idea how much I love that lady.....".

  Tears stung my eyes as Mabee kept on expressing how much he loves Sana. Ahmad loved me so much that he would ramble on and on about it, trying to describe to me how much he love me, but he usually ends up failing.

LIFE OF PRINCESS SAFEENAHWhere stories live. Discover now