Chapter 3

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This girl sure looked excited. Her face lit up as soon as she stepped onto the bus, even though the bus isn't that glamorous. But, she's a fan I guess, she's probably be smiling just seeing us eat. She looked around for a bit. We all just let her have a moment. This moment kinda turned into like three minuets so eventually I decided to say something. "Hello?" She didn't answer. "Hey, what's her name?" I whispered to Patrick. "Oh, Abbey" he answered. I nodded and gave him a thumbs up. I clapped. No reaction. Wow, this girl is really stuck in her dream. I then clapped in front of her face. Still no reaction. Eventually I gave up and went back to my bunk. She was really hard to crack if I'm honest.

I stared around the bus looking at everything in my sight. I could see Joe coming up to me and clapping in my face a few times. I didn't mean to be rude or anything but I was literally frozen and couldn't react to anything. I was way to excited! I was still looking around the bus. Gosh, it must have been at least 5-10 minuets. Then I hear someone call my voice. "Turner. Abbey Turner." Obviously, I remembered that was Pete. He's probably gonna be the only one calling me 'Turner' over the next three months. He clicked in my face. I snapped and turned around with a huge smile on my face. "oh good, you're not dead" Joe joked laughing. "Sorry, I must've been like that for ages!" I apologised. "Don't worry" Patrick said "You're obviously really excited to be on tour with us" he smiled. "Boy I am!" I said. What was that? 'Boy am I!' ? I've never said that in my life! Oh well, they won't take the piss out of me. "So Turner, let's get you settled." Pete shouted, probably knowing I was in deep thought again. I smiled. He walked into a room calling me after him. I ran after him with an even bigger smile, waving bye to the guys as I ran passed them.
"Wowwwww" I said under my breath. "I know right?" Pete said. I then got confused, why is Pete showing me this room? "So why are we in here?" I ask. "Abbey, this is your room." he answered. "Really? This is my room?" I asked. He just nodded with a smirk on his face this time. No words needed I guess. "You know, I'm fine with a bunk Pete." He looked at me tilting his head a little. "Turner, you're a guessed. Why would we make you sleep in a smelly old bunk? Plus, there isn't a spare one there." he added. "Yeah there is." I answered. Shit, that sounds rude. "I mean when I was day dreaming I scanned everything in sight." I immediately added. Whilst laughing of course. "Oh well, you're sleeping in here for the next three months." he said quickly after I spoke. I to speak again but he cut across me. "We have a rule on the bus Turner. Never say no to a good deal." he winked and headed for the door. "I'll let you get ready. I won't bother saying where everything is 'cause, it's quite obvious"he said laughing. He walked out. "Pete!" I yelled after him. "Sup?" he says poking his head 'round the corner of the door. "Thank you" I say smiling. "No problem, Turner" he started to laugh. I could tell he likes calling me that. He came into the room and drew me into a hug. It felt amazing. I've never been to one of their concerts and now I'm here, on tour with them, and hugging Pete Wentz! Yeah, my thoughts sometimes get out of hand, aha. He left. But then poked his head through the door again. "oh, by the way" he said. "yeah?" I answered. "Did you bring anything fancy or smart with you?" He asked. "umm, does band merch and Dm's count as 'fancy' ?" I asked laughing. He laughed with me. "wait here." he said. So I waited. I could hear him talking to the guys. I couldn't hear what they were saying exactly but something about a present or something. But I might be wrong. I'm not very good at eavesdropping. So I decided to put some clothes into the drawers and wardrobes while I was waiting.

Turner was definitely really excited for the next three months. You could tell just by looking at her. She had a smile on her face all the time! I was talking to her and then left. I asked if she had anything fancy. She answered with band merch as a joke. I told her to wait in her room for a bit. Me and the guys got her a little something. I ran out of the room. Joe was lying on his bunk, Andy was eating, and Patrick was playing guitar. "Hey guys" I whispered, just case Abbey could hear us. "What's up Pete? Abbey okay?" Patrick asked. "Yeah, Abbey's fine." I said "Listen, where did you put that dress we got her for tonight? I thought I'd give it to her now, so she can build up some excitement!" I said. "Sure" Patrick answered. "It's in the back room" he finished. "Thank you!" I said and ran to the back room which was passed Abbey's room. "hey Pete!" she called. "hold that thought, I'll be back ASAP!" I called back to her. I picked up the dress and hung it on the back of my top, so when she asks I'd just turn around and she'd see it. I walked back to her room. "So, what is it?" She asked. I didn't say anything. I just slowly turned around. She squealed a little and ran up to me! "Omg, Pete! It's gorgeous!" I said hugging him. "Don't thank me, we all got it for you." he answered. She really seemed to like it. She looked at herself in the mirror putting it in front of her. Oh gosh. Her face became less happy. "Abbey, are you okay? If you don't like it we'll take it back." I said with a worried face. "No, don't take it back I love it. I really do." she said. "so what's the problem?" I ask. "Well" she starts. "I haven't worn a dress in like 2years!" she finished. "All the girls would make fun of me and say, things like 'why don't you just stay to your, ucky band merch and ripped jeans' and stuff like 'you're not pretty enough to look glamorous' so I eventually gave up on dresses. I just couldn't take it anymore" she added before I could even answer. She sat down on the bed with the dress beside her. She started to cry a little. "Turner, that's terrible." I said. I sat down next to her. Then Patrick and the guys ran in. "Abbey, what's wrong?" Andy asked. I gestured for him to stay quiet for little. Not rudely or anything just a calm suggestion. "Listen, Turner. Those girls are all jealous bitches. You don't have to let them get to you." before she could answer I carried on to reassure her. "What sort of person would say that? They're horrible girls by the sound of it." I finished. She eventually answered. "The worst part of it" she said. "Yeah?" I answered. "My bestfriend joined in and started to call me thing like 'worthless' , 'emo' , 'bitch' . My bestfriend!" she finished whilst breaking into tears. All the guys came and sat on the bed with her. "Sorry, guys, just the thought of wearing a dress is bringing memories back" she said. Patrick wanted to help, cause he's that kind of guy, "Abbey, are these girls here right now?" he asked. She shook her head. "So, are they gonna judge you like that?" he asked again. She shook her head. "So why are you letting them break your happiness?!" He starts. "Look, we're not gonna judge you. So you have nothing to worry about!" he finishes. She nods and both me and Patrick wipe a tear of a cheek each. She smiled. "okay, guys, I think it's best if we all leave her have some privacy" Andy suggested. "yeah, okay" Joe said. The guys left. I was the last one to leave the room. "Thanks Pete" she called laughing. "Don't start that now missy" I said laughing. She ran up to me and gave me a massive hug. Turner was like my little sister. I already loved her like family, and I've only known her a couple of hours. But, I knew we'd all enjoy having her on tour.

Okay, so this was quite long but, I though I'd put something in about Abbey's past life. Hopefully, you're enjoying. I'm not a very good writer but I'm 12 so, I'm trying my best, aha. Leave comments and enjoy :)

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