Chapter 7

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I was about to walk out of the bathroom when the girls walked in. "Hey guys, look, it's that skank Abbey" Ashley said. Ashley is your typical stuck up bitch who dresses in tight short skirts and crop tops. Her family's rich so, that's probably the reason why she's at a fancy restaurant.They all started to laugh. "Sorry, can I just go passed please?" I ask trying to get through them. "Oh, I'm sorry, I'll move right now" Ashley said, all the girls and herself moved one step to the right. "Thank you" I say making my way through when they all step back to where they were, blocking my path. "Oh I'm sorry, I forgot. You're to fat to fit through this gap" Ashley says, arms crossed. All the girls copy her actions. "Girls, you remember how fat she is, right?" She asks the rest of the group. They all just nod and laugh. Then, Tiffany caught my eye. My bestfriend. She just lowered her head. I stared at her with tears starting to blur my eyesight. "Tiffany, tell Abbey how much she's gained on her body since she moved form" she looks at Tiffany. Tiffany stands there in silence. Ashley gives her a devils look. Tiffany straightens up. "You've gained a lot of weight Abbey. You look disgusting" Tiffany eventually said. By now tears were streaming down my face. I've never felt this horrible before. My eyesight was blurry and I was feeling even more lightheaded. "Well, Abbey, I guess, you don't have any friends anymore? Do you?" She said with a stuck up smirk. My throat was dry. Words struggled to escape my mouth. My words were banging my teeth begging to come out, but couldn't. It was to hard to talk. "I'll take that as a no then" Ashley said. They all started laughing. Pain struck my heart like lightening. Tiffany, still glaring at the floor finally lifted her head. She caught my blurry eyes. She mouthed, I'm sorry. I just stared at her. Thoughts were rushing through my mind. I left my form for a reason. I still wasn't happy, but I was better. I got away from them for a bit. But this. This has topped everything off. Every single year that they made my life a living hell. This is the end. I'm not taking this anymore! "I'm not taking thi-" I started, when Ashley cut across me. "Wow, Abbey that's a beautiful dress. But how could you afford that?" She stared at me. I stayed silent. I tried to walk forward. I took one step then, rip. Ashley teared my dress. A slit went down the skirt. She then got out some scissors from her handbag. She clicked them together three times walking towards me and forcing me towards the wall. She snipped my right strap and put her scissors back into her bag. Then she clicked her fingers and all the girls crowded around me. I slid down to the floor, to weak to hold my weight up. My over gained weight. The girls, including Tiffany, all started ripping my dress. "Okay girls, that's enough." Ashley shouted from the door. They all got up and ran towards Ashley. "All stand aside. Let's let Abbey get back to her 'accompanists'." Ashley said opening the door slowly. I got up slowly, trying to hold my weight. I turned to the mirror looking at my dress. It was a wreck. The guys will be so upset to see this dress ruined. It probably cost them hundreds! I leaned against the sink, catching my breath. "Well, are you going or not?" One of the girls said. "Yeah Abbey. We're being nice here. Appreciate it." Ashley added. Being nice my ass. They just basically jumped me. I took a deep breath and stood up. I walked passed them, again, catching Tiffany's eyes. She glanced away as soon as she caught my eyesight. I walked towards the guys, tears streaming down my face, my eyeliner all smudged and torn dress. Pete was the first to catch my eyes. "Oh my god! Turner! What happened in there?" He exclaimed. I said nothing all the guys turned to me in concern. Pete walked up to me. I pulled him into a hug crying into his chest. He started to stroke my hair and whispering "It's okay, we'll help you through this. We'll get through this problem together, okay?" I nodded, still crying. My face was now buried into Pete's chest. I wouldn't dare take my head away. The pain was getting stronger and stronger. The hurtful remarks that were made in the bathroom were rushing through my head over and over again and again. I've never been hurt like this before.

Okay, so this chapter is long and I know it only has one point of view but hopefully you'll all still like it. I know I haven't updated for a couple of days but I have been really busy with school and stuff but I'm gonna try and update as much as possible!Oh and I've got 48 views!! I know it's not much but, this is my first book so, thank you all so much! :)

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