Chapter 9

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We were all watching Pete from afar. He looked like he was standing his ground when I saw his face drop. Oh no. What did she say? I haven't seen Pete like this since...since... since his, depression.. Oh no, she better not have said something bad..

I glance over at Pete, Abbey still on my shoulder. He looked sad. Pete hasn't been sad for years, why tonight? I felt my heart sink. My bestfriend, sad after all these years? I thought he was over it. I mean yeah, he gets upset but I can tell by his face and this, this is bad...

I can hear the girl at the front of the group say something. I can't quite make it out but Pete's face drops even lower. "hey Abbey, who's the girl at the front?" I ask.
"Oh umm, Ashley. She's horrible.." she answers.
"Oh no" I say. Abbeys face is confused. She had only just lifted her head from my shoulder.
"What is it?" She asks.
"Umm-"I start but Andy cuts across.
"Abbey, look over at Pete" he says.
"Why? He looks fine to me" Abbey says. She looks closer. Her eyes widen.
"Pete! Guys, Abbey has obviously said something horrible! It might bring back memories from his... well, you know what I'm on about" she says.
She starts to walk quite quickly. As she walks by me I grab her wrist.
"Wait" I say, "how do you know about Pete and his, issues?"
"It was all over the internet. The whole fandom was going wild. They were all posting pictures of Pete and wishing that he'd get better. Even me" she says with her head pointing at the floor. I know Abbey's gone through some tough times as well so, I think she can help. Plus, she's had some history with these girls. Maybe she can stop them? We all get up and walk over to the group. Pete runs up to me and hugs me. Abbey runs to Pete.
"Pete I promise I will get them to stop. It's my fault for all that they said to you. It's not true. I know it, the guys know it, don't listen to these girls. We all love you, that's all that matters." she whispers in his ear. Andy and Joe just stand and stare at the girls. They aren't impressed with their actions.
Go sit down with the guys. I'll be back in a minuet" she signals to us to take him back to the table.
"But Abbe-" Pete starts
"No buts. Go with the guys. I will make things better. Even if it puts me through more pain." she says. Pete tries to talk but she puts her finger on his mouth to silence him. We make our way back. I hope Abbey will be okay. If anything bad happens to her, I will be furious.

I tell Pete and the guys to go sit down. They don't need this right now. They're part of my history, not theirs.
"So, Abbey. Done crying yet?" Ashley smirks. I just stare. "oh come on. I didn't say anything that bad. To you, or to that dick" she finishes.
"He has a name Ashley." I snap.
"Oh I'm so sorry." she says sarcastically.
"Don't get sarcy with me. You don't understand what Pete has been through. You're so "popular" no one treats you like dirt." I start.
"I-I-" she stutters.
"Oh and by the way. Just because you're "popular" does not mean you can treat me or anyone else like shit! I mean for gods sake! You even treat your group like shit. They only stay beside you because they know that they would rather hate life being with you than not being "popular" and loving life." she tries to cut across me.
"Don't cut across me. I'm not done with you yet." I start. "I don't know who the hell you think you are but treating other people differently because they aren't like you or because they like different things isn't okay. You have no right to do that." I try to carry on but..she cut across.
"I don't give a shit if I have no right to do any if that. This is my perfect life and I'm living it the way I want to" she says standing her ground.
"So your idea of a "perfect life" is treating other people like shit? I'm sorry but that is disgusting." my words push hers down to the bottom of her heels. Tears start occurring in her eyes. Ashley crying? This is the first time I've seen her cry...have I broken Ashley? These thoughts took over my brain. I wasn't concentrating when **slap** she slaps me across the face.
"You bitch!" She says. Her tears now crash out of her eyes and flow faster than the speed of light. She then storms off. All the girls follow except Tiffany.
"Abbey, I've never seen you stand up like that before"
"Yeah well, maybe before I needed someone else to stand up for me but, you were never there." I answer.
"I'm really sorry Abbey. I mean it." Tiff says.
"Save it Tiff, you ditched me to be apart of that group and left my on the curb all alone. I'm sorry but I can't take you back because you said sorry. Sorry doesn't make all those feelings go away." I say walking away.
"Abbey please!" She shouts to me. I keep walking. I'm in no mood to talk about our past. I turned around and all I saw was her running after the group. I walk back to this guys. They're all looking after Pete. Patrick looks up. Everyone else's heads follow. Even Pete's.
"What happened?" Pete asked wiping a tear away from his cheek. I smiled and told them exactly what happened. I finished my story and Pete ran up to me and gave me a massive hug.
"Abbey I am so proud of you for standing up for me and most importantly yourself." he says, his grip right around my waist.
"It's okay." I say "I did it for you" I smile. He smiles and the whole gang smiles.

Yeah, the night was a little dreadful but, it turned out okay in the end. I'm glad we did this tonight. I never imagined to ever stand up to those girls but somehow I managed. All I needed was some encouragement and someone important to stand up for also.

Sorry I haven't updated for about a month.. I've been busy and very stressed. I hope you enjoyed this chapter :)oh and thank you all for reading my book. I came back on today to find out I have 76 views!! I'm so grateful. I never thought my first book would actually get any views! Love you all :)

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