Chapter 10

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We all got in the car and left to go back to what we call 'home' for the meantime. I was in the back seat sitting next to Abbey. I am really proud of her for helping me tonight. I felt like shit but, she helped me get better. On the way home she started telling jokes, and really good ones too! She didn't fail to make one of us laugh. A true comedian in my eyes.
"Hey is that your guitar?" Abbey asked Patrick, pointing toward it.
"Uh? Oh yeah, why? You want a go?" He answers, popping up a question that he never asks!
"Oh my gosh! Really?" Abbey was very excited. Patrick nodded reaching over to get his guitar. Joe and Andy were sitting on their beds. Joe underneath and Andy on the top. Joe was knackered so he just laid down. Andy on the other hand knew something was gonna happen so, he just sat up in his bed. Patrick offered her the guitar smiling. She accepted the guitar and sat down. She started playing one of her own songs. The title was "You Give Me Hope" , a song about someone who is suicidal and wants to give up but their friend is helping them by telling them that the way that they're so strong gives them hope in life. It was a very good song. Her voice, so angelic, I could listen to her sing all day! It's so soothing that I almost fell asleep. She finished the song just as I was about to fall asleep but then I awoke by the noise of clapping and it made me start clapping like a seal. Abbey just stared at me, probably thinking why I was clapping so rapidly.

It was getting late. By the time I stopped singing it was about 23:00pm so I decided to go to bed, the guys slowly following. For once Patrick was the first one to fall asleep. I was in bed listening to music, quietly incase I woke someone up, and started falling asleep. Then I heard a knock on my door. I told them to come in. It was Pete. He was stood there, his baggy, black tank top sagging down to past his hips, his joggers puffing out like a puffer fish, and his hair all scruffy and all over the place. He wiped the sleep from his eyes very pathetically, obviously tired. He just stood there so I decided to say something.
"Pete?" I said. He just stayed there staring at me.. "are you okay?" He looks up from the floor to look at me then glanced at the floor again. I paused my music and got out of bed and walked over to him.
"Close the door" I said switching the light on and walking over to my bed. He did so, and slowly scuffled towards me. I gestured for him to sit on the bed next to me, something was obviously worrying him. He stared at me. His eyes wouldn't move, he wouldn't blink, he just stared.
"Pete? You're starting to creep me out.. you haven't blinked for about five minuets.." I say looking him in the eye.
There's a moment of silence. He bursts into tears and pulls me into a hug.
"Pete, are you okay? Please just tell me, I can help you." I say hugging him tightly. He pulls away from the hug and looks down at his feet.
"Umm.. Uh-" he started.
"Pete, just say it. I won't judge you in anyway, I want to help" I said. He took a deep breath and looked at me.
"Okay, I just wanted to say thank you for helping me tonight" he said.
"Well that wasn't hard to say." I said. "what made you hesitate before saying it?" He looks at me. He places his hands on mine, pulling me closer to him.
"Abbey you have to help me" he says urgently.
"That's what I'm trying to do" I answer, laughing a bit. His face was straight. Obviously not a good time for little remarks.
"Abbey I have a serious problem" he says.
"Whatever it is I'll do my best to help you" I say, again.
"Okay. Abbey." he starts, staring me in the eyes. "I feel like killing myself" he finished. My body froze in shock. Why is he asking me for help? He could ask one of the guys, why me?
"Uhh- Pete, why are you telling me this? Wouldn't you rather-" he then interrupted.
"Abbey, you know how I feel right now. You felt the same pain as I did tonight. I was hoping we could get through this together?" Our eyes were glued in each others sight. He needs to tell someone else.
"Hey, Pete. umm, you need an adults help as well.. I'm just a kid" I said.
"but, bu-"he stuttered. I lift my finger and press it against his lips to silence him.
"Pete, can we at least tell Patrick? He's one of your bestfriends and he has been through things like this" I explain.
"Umm, yeah, okay. I can't keep it a secret from him" he answers. I nod at him and embrace him into another hug.
"Thanks Turner" he says, pulling away.
"No problem" I say "now go back to bed, haven't you got a show tomorrow?" I ask.
"Ahh shit, yeah. Night Turner!" He runs out of the room. I get off the bed and walk over to the door and I switch the lights off before getting under my blankets. I then hear scuffling feet scurrying to my room. The light switched back on like a flash of lightning.
"Oh um, Turner! If you want I can arrange for you to come on stage and play with us for a couple of songs?" He says catching his breath from running, even though his bunk isn't that far away from my room.
"I'd like that" I say smiling at him.
"Okay cool, I'll ask the guys in the morning" he says. "Okay I'm going to bed now, for real!" He says staying in my room. I stare at him lifting my eyebrows. "Oh yeah, I actually need to leave the room to go to bed..." He says awkwardly. It was actually very cute.
"Goodnight Pete" I whisper, gesturing for him to leave and go to sleep. He puts his finger on his lips and creeps out of my room, switching the light off and shutting the door behind him. I laugh and turn my music back on. Well, let's see what tomorrow brings. I snuggle into my blankets and before you knew it, I was fast asleep.

I just want to say, thank you to all of you who are reading my book. I'm very grateful seems as this is my first book on here so yeah, hope you enjoyed this chapter :)

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