Chapter 8

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Abbey was still crying after about 10minuets. What happened in there? Eventually she took her head away from my chest looking me in the eyes. "Pete, I'm sorry" she whispers. "Why are you sorry?" I answer. She looked down at her dress. It was torn to pieces. Her eyes were red and swollen. "Hey, don't worry about the dress. The most important thing right now is you" I said. "I agree" Joe shouted from the table which got Abbey to shoot a little smirk. Joe just has this natural humour in him to make people smile and laugh for no reason. "Abbey just tell us what happened and we'll try our best to help" Patrick said walking up to her. She just nodded Patrick embracing her into a hug. Andy and Joe walk over and join in on the hug. I decided to look around for anything suspicious.

The guys were all really supporting. But that didn't make the words of hatred go away. I tried and tried over and over, again and again to get the words out of my head but nothing was happening. Patrick embraced me into a hug, everyone else joining except Pete. I wonder what he was doing. I couldn't exactly pull away from the hug, Patrick's grip was firm and he obviously cared a lot and wouldn't let go. Plus Joe and Andy were hugging me on the outside so I was basically surrounded. I started to feel a little tight so I pulled away from the hug. Pete caught my eye. What is he doing? Then I noticed the girls come out of the bathroom. "Hey guys, let's go sit down" I said without hesitating.

I heard Abbey say something. They all went to sit down so, I guess she just asked to sit for a bit. "Hey Pete, come sit with us" I hear Andy shout from the table. "Yeah, I'll be there in a minuet" I answer. I saw a group of girls, about 5 or 6 of them. They seemed to have a "leader" of some sort. I then overheard Abbey telling Patrick that this group of girls that she was telling us about before hurt her and ripped her dress. I decided to go over to the group of girls. "Pete, what are you doing?!" I hear Abbey say. I walk back to her. " I'm just going to set things straight" I told her. She nodded and ran back to Patrick. I made my way over to this group of girls. They all just stared at me. "Hey guys, isn't he a member of that shitty band Abbey likes?" The girl at the front said. Bingo, these are the group of girls. "And you are?" I ask. "Oh. Ashley." she says with a smile. "Oh okay, Ashley. Abbey just told me that you and you're little "gang" just hurt her and ripped the dress we got her as a gift?" I said. Ashley's face dropped. "Hang on. Abbey is with you?" She asked "yes" I answer. "Abbey Turner, is with you?" She asks again. "As I just said, yes. She's with me and the whole band." I answer fully just so she wouldn't ask another question. "Are you serious?" She asks. "Yes" I answer getting a bit annoyed. "Shut up!"she says her jaw dropping further than Niagara Falls. I just smiled awkwardly. "Look, I don't like the way you've been treating Abbey. She's told us countless thing about what you've done to her, and now to top that off, you've gone and hurt her even more mentally and physically! You should all be ashamed of yourself!" I say standing my ground. "Oh, I'm so sorry. I'll "try" to be nice to my beautiful Abbey Turner" Ashley says sarcastically. "Don't take that tone with me" I answer. "Well, I just did, so deal with it" she answers back. what the heck is her problem? She's like 15 and she's treating me like a piece of shit? "You know, you and Abbey are quite similar" she's says looking me up and down. "In what way?" I ask confused. "Oh umm you know, like, you're both emo, worthless, ugly, fat,-" the list went on and on. I've gone through depression. It was hard. A fifteen year old girl is bringing back memories of a really dark time in my life. Once again, I feel guilty for being happy. That's the thing about depression, it all eventually comes crawling back even after years. It will always haunt you.

Sorry I haven't posted in a while! I'm trying my best to update as much as I can lately. Loads of things have been happening and I haven't been able to find time but I promise I will update again this week :) hope you're all enjoying so far!!

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