Chapter five

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Jughead's POV*
"It's my dad," I was rather confused because my dad never calls me unless it was really important. "Hey Jug, The Jones family is finally going to get back together and become a whole family again!" I almost fell off the bed, I was so happy. Betty seemed to understand why I got so excited because she started telling me how happy she was for me. "You okay Jug, I thought you would be more excited". Shit I didn't need my dad to know that I wasn't feeling well. Yeah I'm fine, you just woke me up. He bought it, thank god. Just when I thought my day couldn't get any better, Betty surprised me with the best news ever. Even better than getting my family back together.
Betty's POV*
The Jones family are finally gonna be a whole family again. I hadn't told Jughead that I was pregnant, but I decided that I would give him even more good news. Hopefully he would take it as good news. Hey Juggie, I have to tell you something that's gonna change our lives forever. I'm pregnant! I look at Jughead and I swear, I've never seen such a huge smile on his face. " I'm gonna be a dad" is all he can say before he starts hugging me and kissing me all over.
A couple hours go by and Jughead's throwing up again. I tried to comfort him but it made me throw up too. After both Jug and I were done throwing up we flopped on the bed and started thinking about our baby.
Jughead's POV*
"I'm gonna be a dad", that was all I could manage to say before the covered Betty with hugs and kisses. I haven't ever been so happy, of course that happiness was short lived because I started throwing up again. Betty tried to comfort me but it made her throw up too. When we were both done we layed in bed and started to talk about our baby, I promised myself that I was gonna be the best dad in the world, nothing like my dad was all those years before.

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