Chapter 13 -" The adventure really began."

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Inside the house: 15th July Friday: 9: 10 pm:

"Would you now disclose what your exact plan is? Why have you involved those rats in this delivery matter? Look, Harry, we are already late for our consignment delivery. That bustard dealer was shouting on me like I have fucked his bloody mother for the entire night (clenched jaw) and now this additional nuisance. I am telling you, just cut their throat and dump them."

Maddy hissed. He was shuttling in the small room like a trapped mouse while Harshad was leaning back in a bin bag. His eyes were fixed to Maddy's restless body.

"What? I am asking you something. Would you care to explain?"

Maddy came near to him and leaned forward resting his hands on his waist. He sounded irksome.

"What do you think about that baby doll? Isn't she perfect for my bed?"

Harshad said and winked with a lusty smile.

"Baby doll? Really Harry? You caught them here for that kitten? You are unbelievable Man."

Maddy said and threw his hands in the air to show his frustration.

"Not really. I have other plans too. Come sit, let me tell you."

Harshad said in a cool voice and indicated the other bin bag. Maddy made a hopeless face and sat on it.
"Look, I really think that it would be a better plan to send those boys for the delivery as you know somehow this time the police is more active. They want to catch the gang which they still don't know as Vulture Gang. I have the information that somehow Commissioner whiffed this deal meeting and I am sure he will try to trap us. So it is for extra safety. We will go but behind the shield of these guys. If the deal goes uninterrupted then we will dump them as per your wish. Otherwise, the police will dump them behind the bar. We will be clean as we remain every time. Harshad whistled while said.

"And the girls? Do you think the same way that I am guessing? "

Maddy's eyes were blazing with an evil intention.

"I never had a doubt on your smart brain buddy. 3 girls, almost 1.5 crores if each costs 50 lakhs. Ahamed Bhai can easily afford this much amount for these fresh pieces."

Harshad sounded so cold that can send shivers up and down to anyone's spine.

"3 girls? There are 4, right?"

Maddy asked in confusion.

"Three. That cute baby doll is not for sale. I heard her name. NANDINI. As sweet and innocent as her. I need her under me as soon as possible."

Harshad said in a deep voice. His hawk eyes became dark and intense.


Inside a room: 15th July Friday: 9: 20 pm:

Nandini, Aliya, Navya and Mukti were sitting scatteredly on the floor of the small partially dark room. There was a jug in the corner. Nandini dragged herself to reach it as her knee was paining a lot and she didn't want to stand.

"Wait, I will get it."

Navya said and stood up to get the jug. Navya leaned to get the jug while Mukti tiptoed to the closed door. She placed her ear on it to hear something. After a couple of seconds, she pulled the wooden door and to make them surprised it opened a bit. Nandini coughed in surprise when gulped the water as it was a hope for them to get out of this room. Mukti made a Shhh gesture by placing a finger on her lips. Navya and Aliya approached her. Mukti pulled the door further and got her head out to see if anyone was there. The outside was pitch-black dark. There was no trace of any man or sound. The girls knew that it was a room downstairs. They had noticed when were brought there. Mukti turned back and whispered,

"Guys, there are no one around. We have to get out of this place. We might not get this opportunity again."

"But what about Nandini? She couldn't walk properly. How will she run? And more of that, what about the boys? We don't know where did they keep them. How can we leave them here?"

Navya sounded sceptic.

"First, let's get out of this place. We will figure out something for the boys. At least we can help them to be free. And for Nandini, she has to be strong. We will not be running. She can walk with our support. We will sneak out and hide in the stable and will wait for the proper time."

Mukti suggested. All three looked at Nandini for her consent and she nodded. "I have to do it. I have to be free." Nandini said in her mind. Navya and Aliya came near and supported her to stand. A sharp pain hit her knee. Nandini clenched her jaws and approached the door.


Outside the house: 15th July Friday: 9: 35 pm:

"Devid, you will be in their car. Follow my orders through walky-talky. We will be following your car from 20-25 meters away. Get ready your gun and don't think twice to shoot if they try to act smart."

Maddy pointed to the boys ( Manik, Cabir...) who were standing beside a Mahindra Thar. All looked at each other and silently assured about the plan they discussed some time back.


"We have no other option but agree. But this might be the first and last chance to get free from here. We have to get a car and contact the police at any cost. Commissioner Gokhale knows me very well. I just have to tell him all this mess."

Manik whispered as all 5 were sitting in a circle on the floor. The door is closed. They had hardly enough time to plan anything as Harshad and Maddy might come at any moment.

"But how will we contact the police? They have snatched our mobiles."

Abhimanyu asked.

"That didn't cost a big because this jungle doesn't have any network so mobile won't help us much."

Manik replied.

"We have to get the help of walky-talky. Don't you see these goons are using walky-talkies only? We just have to get one from them."

Manik affirmed.

"And what about the girls? How will we free them? We can't let them be here. They can harm them to any extent."

Dhruv sounded worried.

"We won't. As soon as we manage the car and inform the police we will come here to free them."

Manik affirmed.

"But the question is how will we get these goons in our control? They all are armed and we have nothing."

Aryamaan asked in a hopeless tone.

"We have brains and we have to use it before they get us in their total control."

Cabir said with a determined tone.

Present time:

Outside the house: 15th July Friday: 9: 35 pm:

"Tonny will be here to take care of the lovely girls. Come let's go. We don't have much time. Did you load the cartoons in the car?"

Harshad asked a guy.

"Yes, boss. All consignments have been kept in their car."

The guy indicated the Mahindra Thar in which FAB 5 and Fusion 4 boys were supposed to ride.

"Good, Maddy, have you got any information from their mobile?"

Harshad mumbled the last line in Maddy's ear.

"I will crack in the car. Don't worry."

Maddy assured.

"Hmmm. Then let's begin the play. Rockstars, show me your smartness and be a part of this adventure too. Who knows? You might get rewarded by me or by the police. Ha..ha.. ha...."

Harshad laughed loudly. The silence of the pitch-black jungle fragmented but nobody could sense that four pairs of eyes were watching the whole event from a distance from the deserted stable. The adventure really began.  

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