Chapter 4 - The Hellhound's Extinguisher

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Chapter 4

The two juniors that Alayna beat up were still in the hospital. Everyone in school knew of what happened and the students were now frightened of her. They avoided eye contact whenever she was around and that made Alayna feel contented. Being feared of was better than being bullied.

Alayna went to the cafeteria to eat her lunch. Much to her surprise, three people approached her. "What do you want?" She started the conversation even though she knew that there was no need to ask. Scott had already informed them and now, they were going to bombard her with questions.

"Why didn't you tell us that you're a werewolf? You're even an alpha!" Liam whispered. Mason and Corey were with him, waiting for Alayna's response to Liam's question. Liam now figured out why Alayna was strong. It was because she was of the same kind.

"Am I obliged to tell you?" Alayna raised an eyebrow whilst she took a spoonful of her food.

"You've been in at least one of our classes since freshman year. We're seniors now," Mason pointed out. "With everything that happened here in Beacon Hills for the past few years, why didn't you reveal yourself? Why didn't you help us?"

Alayna was not clueless about what Mason was talking about. She was amazing in concealing her identity that her name was not even in the dead pool for mass murderers during their first year. She hid herself behind the shadows when the Dread Doctors arrived and the Beast was summoned through Mason's body. Even Deucalion helped Scott against Theo Raeken and provided knowledge about defeating the Beast. Alayna was not in a catatonic state when the Wild Hunt had occurred because she and Deucalion were outside of Beacon Hills.

In conclusion, Alayna was always missing in action when it came to saving people from other supernatural creatures.

"I'm not a hero like Scott," Alayna pointed out. "I don't need to risk my life for strangers," why would she? Alayna believed that these strangers would not risk their lives for hers. It was not a trade since each person was entitled to his or her own opinion.

"You don't need to or you don't want to?" Corey frowned. Ever since he got on board with Scott in saving Beacon Hills, he appreciated the bliss of being a hero because of how good it felt deep inside. "It feels good if you do something good,"

"I feel amazing right now," Alayna counter-attacked.

"Then why did you beat up those two juniors if you feel so amazing?" Liam pursued the topic. "Even if you don't want to admit to yourself, you want to do something good. Why would you help us against those mermaids if you don't?"

Alayna laughed which totally confused the three guys. "Did you think that I'm helping Scott because I want to save Beacon Hills and its people?" Alayna could not believe her ears. This was probably the sickest joke that she had ever heard in her life. "I'm helping Scott all for my benefit. It's not my fault that he's so trusting but who can blame him? He needs me since I'm the only one who knows something about the enemies."


Alayna hopped inside Jordan's car. Even though she did not want to admit it, she felt awkward being in a deputy's car. It was a good thing that Jordan decided to park where there were not a lot of students. Jordan of course did not want to be the source of gossips that would threaten the reputation of the both of them.

"How was school?" Jordan decided to ask and he mentally punched himself in the face right after. He surely could have come up with a better conversation starter than that. He wondered why he felt nervous around Alayna that he could not seem to get himself together.

Alayna was dumbfounded at the deputy's question. She wondered why Jordan would care about what happened at school. "It's fine," she mouthed and that ended the conversation entirely.

Jordan wanted to keep the conversation going but he was lost for words. There were many questions that he wanted to ask the blue-eyed brunette. He wanted to ask if there was anyone supporting her financially since she had mentioned that she did not have any family members left or if she ever felt unhappy about being alone. "Do you want to grab coffee sometime?" Jordan almost stepped on the brake so that he would be able to bang his head on the window of his car. Of all the questions that he wanted to ask Alayna, why did the question end up asking Alayna out on a date? "I—I mean, just coffee. It's not a date. It's just coffee. If you don't want to, it's alright,"

Alayna noticed that Jordan was panicking and he clearly did not know what to say. Asking her out for coffee indeed shocked her. Alayna had no experience with boys and Jordan was a man. She did not know how else she was supposed to react. She could admit that Jordan was a handsome man with a perfect toned body. His innocent face with those green eyes were enough to make girls drool. Even if Jordan was wearing the station's uniform, Alayna could clearly imagine what was hidden underneath.

"Sure," Alayna was surprised of herself when she agreed to go out with Jordan. "Tomorrow morning sounds good," there would not be any conflict in her schedule because tomorrow was Saturday. Alayna started to ponder on what to wear for their coffee date. She had never been on a date so she suddenly became nervous. If Deucalion was alive, he would surely rip Jordan's throat for asking her daughter out for coffee.

Jordan did not know what to feel. Should he feel happy and excited for the date or nervous for asking a high school senior out? Jordan was not one who cared about other people's opinions but he was concerned about what Alayna would feel if rumors started going out.

The two arrived at the station and Alayna felt lucky when she saw that Scott's pack was there. The moment that she had entered the Sheriff's office, familiar faces that she had seen from a distance before came into view. There stood the Sheriff and his son, Stiles, Derek and Malia from the Hale family, Lydia Martin, Mason Hewitt, Corey Bryant, Liam Dunbar, and lastly, the leader of the pack, Scott McCall.

Alayna felt that she was in some kind of game. A game where she chooses which one from Scott'spack she was going to kill.

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