Chapter 9 - The Hellhound's Extinguisher

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Chapter 9

"Do you really need to smoke?" Stiles asked Alayna. The two of them together with Scott moved their conversation outside of the bowling alley. Stiles tried his best to part the smoke with the use of his hands.

"Relax," Alayna took a puff of her cigarette. "It's not like Scott's going to get sick from secondhand smoking,"

"How about me? I'm human!" Stiles whined. "I can still get Tuberculosis!"

Alayna started smoking after Deucalion died. It was a vice that helped her cope up with the pain and stress of her father's death. Quitting was something that she had never thought of for now. "I don't care, Stiles,"

"I ca—oh," Stiles paused for a moment. "What are you doing here, Parrish?" Stiles unconsciously turned to look at Alayna. He was the most observant in the group of friends that he could tell that something was going on between Parrish and Alayna. However, why was Parrish out on a date with another woman? Wait. Stiles knew who the woman was. "Victoria! H—Hey...didn't see you there. Are you two...on a date?"

"I literally just came with Parrish," Victoria was not close to Scott and the Sheriff's son as Jordan was. "A date is the plan, yes," the hazel-eyed woman could not contain her happiness being with the man that she had been crushing on...hard. "How about you? What are you doing here?"

"Just hanging out with friends," Stiles placed both of his hands in his pocket. He was not close with Victoria so the conversation felt a little awkward.

Jordan was quiet as he observed Alayna who was looking at anywhere but him. Was he supposed to greet Alayna or was he supposed to explain himself to her why he was out on a date with another woman?

Scott sensed that the atmosphere changed when Jordan and Alayna saw each other. He could hear both of their hearts beating rapidly like they were nervous of something. "The three of us should get going," Scott was ready to walk away. "You go and enjoy your date, Parrish. You too, Victoria,"

Alayna and Stiles followed Scott to the direction of the Jeep. Alayna pulled out another cigarette from the box and lit it up with her lighter. "Really, Alayna? Another cigarette? Is this a ritual before we check on the dead body?" Stiles complained for the second time this night. The three of them were on their way to Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital to confirm if the new body that was found did not have a scent.

The green-eyed girl ignored Stiles. Even though Alayna smoked a lot, she would never get sick, and she did not care about what would happen to Stiles in the future. If Stiles cared so much about getting sick, Alayna could do him a favor by biting him and turning him into a werewolf.

Again, Alayna smoked...because it was clear as water that she was stressed, or hurt...or whichever it was.


"Isn't that the girl who beat up two juniors in Beacon Hills High School?" Victoria asked Parrish the moment that they had stepped inside the bowling alley. "I never figured out that she was friends with Scott and Stiles. What's her name? Is she part of the supernatural group?"

"Her name's Alayna Drydon and I don't think she's one of us," Jordan lied. He did not want to rat out that Alayna was an alpha werewolf even to a fellow deputy. "Why do you ask?"

"She looks mature for her age..." Victoria stated her opinion. "...and very beautiful," the female deputy did not want to tell Jordan what she had sensed. For her, it seemed like there was something odd about Alayna when the two of them arrived. Victoria came to the conclusion that she and Alayna liked the same person, which was Jordan Parrish.

Jordan could not agree more but he knew that it was the best decision not to say it out loud. "Why are you interested in her?"

"I'm just curious about her case. You handled it, right? Did the parents of the juniors she beat up press charges against her?" Victoria pursued the topic. She wanted to know more about her competition. Sure, she had the advantage since she was working in the same station as Jordan but Alayna looked beautiful. If beauty was the criteria, Victoria could not compete with that.

"I don't know. The Sheriff's handling it," Jordan answered with the truth. He had no idea what would happen to Alayna because the Sheriff took the case off of his hands completely, crossing out another reason to talk to Alayna. "I hope that she would get off with just a warning,"

"Why is that?" Victoria frowned as she grew jealous. It seemed like Jordan cared about Alayna because he was concerned enough to 'hope' for the better outcome about the case.

"I got her statement and it's a case that involves bullying," Jordan explained. "Those two juniors had been bullying her for years,"

"But isn't she a senior?" Victoria's frown grew deeper. "I got to hand it to her. Her patience ran a very long time if she just snapped now,"

Jordan nodded in agreement. He figured that Alayna was a level-headed person by the way that she moved and spoke. Maybe her father's death was too much for her to deal with that was why she was not able to contain her emotions when she beat up those two juniors.

'That girl is haunting me even if I'm out with another woman,' Jordan could not help but think. 'Maybe I'm on a date with the wrong woman after all.'


"There's no scent," Scott tried to sniff out the corpse. "How the hell are we supposed to track them?"

"Alright..." Melissa McCall looked away. "I have inspected and touched a lot of corpses but this one grosses me out so I'm going to step out for a bit," the nurse had been helping her son against these supernatural creatures but with this one...? The corpse only had half of its body. She thought that she needed to back out on this one.

"He's a sophomore in Beacon Hills," Alayna familiarized herself with the corpse's features.

"Didn't you tell us that they lure men with their beauty?" Scott had his eyes widened when a realization suddenly came into mind. "If they want to talk to guys and lure them out, they need to be in the same environment,"

Apparently, Stiles had guessed it too. With this lead, the chase had now become easier for them. "This means that the water nymph is a student in Beacon Hills."

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