Chapter 17 - The Hellhound's Extinguisher

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Chapter 17

Scott and Alayna walked inside the Beacon Hills Animal Clinic at night. Alan Deaton was there, sanitizing the medical tools. Only both Alphas came to talk to the druid. The rest of the pack was out on another task that was crucial for victory against the water nymphs.

"Deaton," the true alpha called to the emissary of their pack. "We're here to ask for help,"

Deaton turned around and looked at the two werewolves. "I've told you everything that you need to know about the water nymphs," Deaton said before he turned his whole attention to the blue-eyed girl. "Long time no see, Alayna,"

"Likewise," Alayna nodded.

"You two know each other...? Like personally?" Scott frowned in confusion. He thought that Alayna knew everyone involved in Scott's pack because Deucalion had informed her. Derek Hale knew Alayna but Scott was sure that the two were not acquaintances in the least. But why did it seem like the veterinarian and the blue-eyed girl knew more than each other's names?

"She was injured by hunters when she was younger," Deaton reminisced the memory. "Deucalion brought her here so that she would survive. Deucalion just turned blind during that time so he killed everyone who blocked his way in creating the perfect pack. At first, I thought that Deucalion was a hopeless case...but when I saw his concern for Alayna, I knew that somewhere deep down inside him, he was still the man with the vision of peace,"

Alayna's memories were hazy when that happened but even without Deaton saying it out loud, she believed that her father was a good man and everything he did was for a cause. "I apologize but I'm not really in the mood to talk about my father right now,"

"Alright," Deaton smiled. "What do you need me for?"

"We need some mountain ash..." Scott paused when he realized that he needed to correct himself. "Actually, judging from where we stand, we need a lot of it."


Jordan pretended that he was sorting the documents that were placed on top of his desk when Victoria went out of the Sheriff's office. "Is there any problem? I noticed that Alayna Drydon isn't in jail. What happened?"

"She got away," Victoria smiled weakly like she was disappointed that a perp got away from her grasp. "I told the Sheriff the truth. She's like you, Parrish. I don't know how but she turned into a wolf, like a real wolf. I don't know what to do—she was fast so I wasn't able to catch her,"

Jordan thought that Victoria probably had not seen Alayna shift into her evolved wolf form before because it was her day off. Some of the deputies saw a wolf come out from the Sheriff's office but did not attempt to ask any questions about it. It was during the time that Alayna planned to track Belinda but was attacked instead. Because of this, Victoria had no idea that Jordan was aware that Alayna was a supernatural creature.

"That's okay," Jordan assured his fellow deputy. This was all part of the plan. He would pretend that he was clueless that Victoria was a water nymph and that they had already found Alayna. "Uh—look, I've been thinking about our previous date,"

What Jordan said sure got Victoria's attention. "What about it?

Jordan stood up so that he would be able to get his face closer to Victoria. "I'm thinking that maybe it's time for a second one?"

Victoria could feel Jordan's breath on her face and she wanted to melt then and there. "W—What? Are you asking me out on a date?"

"I want to take you out on a nice romantic date. I don't want to take you out on a diner or a bowling alley. You deserve much better than that,"

"What do you have in mind?" Victoria smiled seductively.

"How about I drive you home after our shift and you wear the best dress that you have?" Jordan suggested. "From there, I can take you someplace nice,"

"Parrish!" the Sheriff's voice was frustrated. "Step away from Gertraud immediately! This is a station. This is not a place for two deputies to flirt,"

Jordan stepped back from Victoria. "I'm sorry, Sheriff," the Sheriff eyed the two deputies before he slammed the door shut behind him. Victoria looked like she bought Jordan's act and was grinning from ear to ear.

"It's a date, Parrish," Victoria never thought that the day would come that Jordan would be the one to ask her out on a date.

Little did she know that even the Sheriff was included in the act.


"Wow, your place is huge," Jordan complimented the huge house where Victoria said she lived. From the front, you would be able to see that there was a pool at the back. "You live here by yourself?"

"No," Victoria smiled. "I live with two of my...cousins. Do you want to go inside first?"

"No," Jordan rejected. "I'll be fine here,"

"I'll be fast," Victoria hopped outside of the car and immediately went straight to her room. She had an outfit in mind but she needed to confirm if she looked good whilst wearing it.

Jordan, who was still in his car, pulled out his phone. He needed to text the others of where Victoria's house was located. The plan would not be in motion if it was not for Alayna. The blue-eyed girl's plan was flawless.

It seemed like there was no way for it to go wrong

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