Chapter 8 - The Hellhound's Extinguisher

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Chapter 8

It was already Monday. Two days had passed since Jordan Parrish tended to Alayna's wounds caused by the water nymph that attacked her. Jordan could not get the blue-eyed girl out of his mind. He wanted to think of a way that would make the two of them spend some time together...but how?

"Parrish," Victoria Gertraud, a fellow deputy with hazel eyes, snapped Jordan out of his thoughts. "Want to grab lunch in the diner with me?"

"Uh—sure," there was no reason for Jordan to decline. After all, he was just going out to eat lunch with a fellow colleague. "How's the case that you've been handling?"

"Complicated," Victoria rolled her eyes. "Another body without a tongue and a pair of legs were found in the woods. What do you think? Do you think that a supernatural creature caused it?"

"Probably," Jordan shrugged. He did not want to give any details to the female deputy even though she was aware that Jordan was a Hellhound. He did not want to get other people involved unless the Sheriff said so. It was better to be safe than sorry.

As for the body that was found, Jordan was sure that Scott and his pack already knew about it.

" you think that we can go out sometime? Somewhere outside the station?" Victoria tried to choose her words carefully. She had been working in the station for almost seven months and she could not keep her eyes off of Jordan. There was something about the green-eyed deputy that made him more charming. Victoria was not sure if it was his baby face or slightly awkward personality.

"You mean like a d—date?" Jordan stuttered. It was like déjà vu. He wondered if this was what Alayna felt when he asked her out on a coffee date. Jordan did not know how to respond. If he said yes, would it seem like he was cheating on Alayna? But the two of them were just friends, maybe just acquaintances. "I guess so. When?"

"How about dinner after our shift? Are you busy tonight?" Victoria grew excited. She had been crushing on him for months. Now, the window had opened for her and she would never let go of the opportunity that would make Jordan like her.

"No," Jordan shook his head. "Tonight sounds good," it sounded good when he said the words out loud...but at the same time, he knew that it felt wrong.


Scott had contacted Alayna to meet up in the bowling alley together with Stiles. The rest of Scott's pack were scattered around Beacon Hills in two's to search for a water nymph, or water nymphs. They still did not know how many enemies there were but they were hopeful that it would just be one.

"Derek and Malia are the ones following Belinda West," Scott informed Alayna. "It's better to go by pairs to avoid getting ambushed,"

"And why are we here...?" Alayna raised an eyebrow. The three of them should be somewhere else other than the bowling alley. Since they needed to play in order to stay there, Alayna made the first shot which resulted in a strike.

"Don't tell me that you're good at bowling?" Stiles said in awe.

"I'm Deucalion's daughter, remember?" Alayna's reason left no room for questions. Deucalion was a man of wisdom. It appeared that Scott and Stiles were aware of Deucalion's radiating aura that made him seem like he was capable of everything. Naturally, Deucalion was the one who taught Alayna everything that she knew. "You didn't answer my question. Why are we here, Stiles?

"We want to learn more about the water nymphs," Scott answered for his bestfriend. "Do you know what their weakness is?"

"The Bestiary doesn't really include how to kill the supernatural creatures listed in there," Alayna answered. As far as she could remember, what she said was true. "Why don't you ask the druid? Isn't he the emissary of your pack?"

"Deaton?" Stiles stated and Alayna nodded in return. "Why does it seem like you know everything about us?"

Alayna groaned. "How many times do I have to tell you that I'm Deucalion's daughter?" It would not take a long time for Alayna to figure out that Stiles was a pain in the ass.

"Oh, right. Deucalion's daughter. Got it," Stiles admitted defeat.

Scott chuckled at Stiles and Alayna's exchange but remembered that there was a more important matter to discuss. "We have already talked to Deaton but he only knew of one weakness. Unfortunately, the thunder kitsune that we know is with the skinwalkers and there is no way to call for her help now,"

"Kira Yukimura," Alayna could still remember the kitsune's name. She looked at Stiles to see if he would still ask why she knew and luckily, the human finally decided to keep his mouth shut. "'re saying that a water nymph's weakness is lightning? That's easy,"

"Not at all," Stiles interrupted. "A water nymph needs to be electrocuted in its strongest state...which means in the water. If we electrocute it while it still has its feet, it won't have an effect,"

"We can trap it in the school's pool," Alayna suggested. "But what if the water nymph decided not to go into the water or escape once she's in there?"

"That's the difficult part..." Scott inhaled a huge amount of air. "...someone needs to be in the water with the water nymph," there was no need for Scott to explain further. It was pretty clear that they would win if someone held down the water nymph in the water. On the downside, the person who would be in the water might die.

"I really hope that there's only one water nymph," Stiles voice quivered. "If there's more, we'll also need more people to hold them down. You know what they sacrifice is better than two."

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