Chapter 16 - The Hellhound's Extinguisher

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Chapter 16

Scott, Stiles, and Jordan found themselves in an abandoned warehouse that was located far from the school and the station. Scott knew that if it was not for his supernatural scent, there was no way that they would ever think of searching for a missing comrade here. The three found the entrance but Scott had sensed something odd about the place. "Wait...the whole place is covered with mountain ash,"

There was no need for Stiles to ask. Since he was human, he knew that this was a part of his job. He parted the mountain ash so that Scott would be able to pass through. Jordan could have burned the mountain ash but it meant that he needed to transform, which was not the right time since Victoria was still nowhere in sight.

"Alayna!" Jordan was the first one to notice the unconscious blue-eyed girl whose hands were tied above her whilst standing. The deputy untied the rope before he held Alayna close to his chest. He had noticed Alayna's eyes slowly opening. "Alayna, can you hear me?"

"It looks like she had been injected with a lot of wolfsbane," Scott observed. There was no other explanation as to why Alayna was this weak. Scott was no stranger to the effect of wolfsbane on werewolves. Almost all the hunters that he knew used it. "We need to get her out of here and inject the nine herbs into her system,"

"Where—where is she...?" Alayna mumbled the words. "I swear...I swear to God that I'm going to kill her,"

"I admire your determination, Alayna, but I think that you should focus your energy into healing right now," Stiles suggested. Sure, he had a few playful bickering with Alayna, but he hated seeing her this...defenseless. Even if Alayna did not know about it, Stiles and Scott thought of her as a friend and the last thing that the best buds wanted to see was their friend hurt. They always had each other's backs and they always made sure that no one would be left behind.

"Bring me at my condo," Alayna's voice was getting weaker. "I have a plan."


Jordan dropped of Scott and Stiles at the McCall's residence and drove to Alayna's condo. It would take a while to gather the ingredients to make the nine herbs so Jordan decided that Alayna should rest whilst waiting for the true alpha and his best friend.

The deputy stared at Alayna and breathed a sigh of relief. Ever since Victoria took her away, he was unable to think straight. "I'm so glad you're okay," Jordan whispered even though he knew that Alayna would not be able to hear. He planted a kiss on her forehead and pulled away a few seconds after.

"Jordan..." Alayna unconsciously murmured the deputy's name. "I'm so glad that you came."


Alayna screamed her lungs out when Jordan injected the nine herbs in her body. Again, the pain was a trade to make her better. The nine herbs were needed to fight the wolfsbane's poison running through her system.

After a moment, Alayna's body was still aching slightly but she felt a lot better than she did the last time. "Victoria's a water nymph," the blue-eyed girl told the others. She had noticed that no one in the room was shocked of the revelation. "How did you know?"

"The art of deduction," Stiles said proudly. He explained to Alayna how he, Scott, and Parrish had deduced that Victoria was the last water nymph by facts.

"Why did you come save me?" Alayna was nervous to ask. There was no way that they would have found her without Scott's supernatural scent.

"Parrish was worried..." Scott stated the obvious. "...and you're our friend. Of course, we would find you,"

By what Scott had said, the three guys had noticed that Alayna suddenly became troubled judging by the frown that made its way on her face.

"What's wrong?" Jordan was worried. He thought that maybe Alayna was still in pain, giving him more reason to hunt Victoria. Jordan was not anywhere near vicious as a human, but now? He knew that he would kill if anyone attempted to hurt Alayna again. It did not matter on what form he would be, Hellhound or human.

Alayna stood up and started to pace back and forth on her bedroom floor. "I was supposed to kill one of you!" she snapped. "Helping you—it was supposed to be a plan for me to determine who's the closest to Scott! I was supposed to make Scott suffer!"

"What?!" Stiles was shocked "You're supposed to kill one of us? W—Why?!"

"Because I blame you, Scott!" Alayna pointed at the true alpha. "I blame you for my father's death!"

"Alayna, relax..." Jordan tried to calm the situation.

"A—And now you're telling me that I'm your friend?!" Alayna yelled. "It's more than enough to make me feel bad about I'm doing. You saved me and I need to owe you for that!"

"You don't owe us anything, Alayna," Scott assured. "Whether you help us against the water nymphs or not, it's your choice. You know for yourself that you're not a stranger to us. Whether you like it or not, you're our friend. You're a part of the pack,"

"Now that we have gotten those things out of our chest, I think it's time to party!" Stiles tried to lighten up the mood at the wrong moment. "I'm just kidding,"

"Alayna..." Scott looked at Alayna's blue eyes. "You have mentioned earlier that you have a plan. However, the decision is up to you. Are you still with us or not?

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