Chapter 11 - The Hellhound's Extinguisher

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Chapter 11

Alayna briefed Jordan about the water nymphs during the ride. Also, Alayna mentioned what she talked about with Scott and the others and how tiring it was to talk to the girls in school just to sniff out their scents.

Finally, the two had arrived in a restaurant located near the boundary of Beacon Hills. Jordan had thought of bringing Alayna to the diner but he wanted to make the dinner...more special. He sincerely hoped that Alayna would talk more about herself than the water nymphs. Jordan was interested to know her personally because there would be plenty of time to talk about their enemies later.

"Fancy..." Alayna commented as she looked at the restaurant. Since she was always with Deucalion before, she never got the chance to roam around Beacon Hills when the Alpha pack moved here. "...and it also looks expensive. Are you sure that we're in the right place? I also don't think that I'm properly dressed up for this," Alayna looked down on her attire. She was just wearing a pair of skinny jeans, a cashmere sweater, and Converse. Every day was like lazy day for the Alpha werewolf. She was not a big fan of shopping and dressing up like most girls.

"Yes, we are and don't worry, you look beautiful," Jordan only gave a thought about what he said after he had spoken it out loud. "Why don't we go inside?" Jordan changed the topic as he led the way inside the restaurant. "Table for two," he informed the waiter.

"Right this way, sir," Jordan and Alayna followed the waiter to where their table was going to be. Alayna was still shocked when Jordan complimented her but the deputy did not leave room for her to react. The two sat opposite each other and looked at the menu. The waiter decided to wait for them to order. "Do you want to hear our specials for tonight?"

"No need for me," Alayna smiled at the waiter who was around Jordan's age. She could not help but notice the faint blush on the waiter's cheeks. "I'll have the Pesto. How about you, darling?"

"Uh—I'll have the Linguine with Meat Sauce and a whole bottle of champagne too," Jordan closed the menu and handed it to the waiter. The waiter bowed before he left the Jordan and Alayna alone. "That waiter is into you," Jordan calmly notified Alayna but he could not help but feel a little jealous...though he felt his heart skip a beat when Alayna called him 'darling'.

"What?" Alayna scoffed. "He's not. It's just my accent. My British accent has that effect on others,"

Jordan could hear how attractive Alayna's accent was...but he knew that it was not just the reason why the waiter blushed. However, he decided to drop the subject about the waiter. This was their night...and he did not want to ruin it. "Darling," the deputy tried saying the word with Alayna's accent but he guessed that he was doing it wrong since it made Alayna laugh. "Is it wrong? How about 'Cheerio!',"

"Cheerio? Really?" Alayna giggled. "You need to know that not all British people say that, though I've got to give you points for trying."


Jordan and Alayna had finished their dinner and was ready to down the bottle of champagne. "Do you want to drink? You don't have to if you don't want to. I don't really want to be a bad influence on you," Jordan offered.

"Sure," Alayna held her glass and Jordan poured the champagne on it. "I can handle my alcohol. Strongly, if I may add,"

"One of the perks of being a werewolf?" Jordan asked and Alayna nodded. "I wish a Hellhound has that ability. It could come in handy,"

"It's not a perk, it's a disadvantage," Alayna corrected the deputy. "Imagine that you can never get drunk or tipsy even if you really want to. That's why I turned to smoking. With that, I can feel the nicotine going to my head even for just a couple of minutes. Plus, I don't need to be worried about getting sick because of my supernatural healing ability,"

"Good answer," Jordan commended. He was worried about Alayna for smoking too much but he guessed that she was safe after all. " did you become an Alpha?"

Alayna squirmed on her seat. She never thought that Jordan would ask that question. "Uh—I wa—"

"I'm sorry. You don't have to answer that," Jordan noticed that Alayna became troubled by his question. "I just want you to know that whatever it is, it's not gonna change what I think of you. I still think that you're a great person, Alayna," Jordan was aware that in order to be an Alpha, one needed to kill another Alpha.

"It's alright," Alayna cracked a smile. "When I was twelve, my father ordered me to join another pack. I pretended to be a 'lone wolf', an omega, so they would be able to trust me. It's simple. If the Alpha lets you in, then that's it,"

"So, you killed the Alpha?" Jordan wondered.

"No. I was just twelve years old," Alayna chuckled. "I honestly can't remember what their names were. There was just three of them. My father took them all down by himself, even the Alpha. He left the Alpha half-dead for me and I made the final blow,

"You've been an Alpha for six years now. Very impressive," Jordan complimented as he took a sip of his champagne.

"My eyes are in a different shade now though," Alayna added. "I have my father's eyes. I have the Demon Wolf's eyes," as the former Alpha of the Alpha Pack, Deucalion had been known as the Demon Wolf and Alayna personally liked how it sounded. "Scott thought that he was dead, but my father knew I was in the shadows so he saved enough energy to talk to me. He pretended to be entirely dead so Scott and the others would go away. He made me kill him. H—He gripped my hand and dug my claws in his heart. He wanted me to have his power,"

"He was a great father even in his last dying breath," Jordan held Alayna's hand that was resting on top of the table,"

"Thank you, Jordan. It's the first time that I've eaten dinner with someone after my father died," Alayna did not pull her hand away. She was relieved that Jordan was there to comfort her. "We always talk about me. How about you? Care to tell me some of your stories?"

"Well...after I graduated in high school, I joined the army as an EOD technician,"

"What is that?"

"Explosive Ordinance Disposal," Jordan responded. "After my training, I served in Afghanistan for two years. One day, I was disarming a bomb and I cut the wrong wire. The bomb exploded in my face but I didn't get a single scratch. I should have been dead. I went here in Beacon Hills because I felt drawn here,"

"The Nemeton..." Alayna came into the realization. "When the Nemeton was reawakened by a sacrifice, it was able to regain some of its powers that time," Alayna chose the simplest of words so that the deputy would be able to understand. "It was a coincidence, a good coincidence for you. You were in the right place at the right time. Without the Nemeton, you could have died. The awakening of the Nemeton helped you by getting possessed by a Hellhound,"

"If you put it that way...maybe I got lucky," Jordan pulled his hand away when he had noticed that he was still holding Alayna's hand. "Now, I have the explanation of why I suddenly became a supernatural creature,"

"I'm glad that I was able to help and clear it up for you," Alayna stood up. "I'm going to visit the washroom. Stay put, alright?" Alayna turned around. It took her by surprise when she bumped onto a waitress with black pixie-cut hair. She was shorter than Alayna so she stumbled upon the floor because of the impact, shattering the plates on her tray in the process. "I'm sorry," the blue-eyed girl kneeled in front of the waitress and helped her clean the mess. "Wait...aren't you a freshman in Beacon Hills High School?"

"Yes," the waitress panted. She knew that they would take the mess out of her salary.

Alayna could smell...nothing, which was odd because everyone had a specific scent. She glared at the waitress and grabbed her by the collar of her uniform. The heads in the restaurant turned to look at them, curious of what the commotion was all about. Alayna pulled the waitress until they were face to face to confirm. She could not help but smirk to herself.

She just found a water nymph

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