Chapter one

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Under the gleaming moonlight  laid a couple with their legs intertwined. The curtains of their glass house were slightly open. No one could really see them because they lived far away from the  rest.

Taehyung  was drawing sensual circles of his beloved 's  back. Jungkook was laying on his stomach, naked  back exposed to his  husband lustful eyes. Nobody had ever looked at Jungkook the way  Taehyung did; nobody had ever made love to him like he  did.

It was  after their  gentle and  tender lovemaking session .Jungkook  liked it that  way but Taehyung never  seemed  to get  enough. He only complied to Jungkook 's wishes  because  he didn't  want  to hurt him.

Jungkook was innocent, calm,gentle  and  elegant and Taehyung loved  that  a lot  about  him.

"I looked for  you ealier for  lunch but you never showed up"Taehyung  began  in husky tones after their once ragged breath had evened out.

"Sorry, actually  I got  hooked up with  some of my friends  from med school and they  wouldn't  let  me  go"

"Next  time  tell  them  you have a husband  who also  needs  your  attention .You could have called "Taehyung said brusquely.

"I'm  sorry  if I  made  you  mad "Jungkook sat up wryly and  looked  into  his husband 's eyes. His mouth was all droopy and he looked like he might cry any minute

"I'm  not  mad at you  .It's maybe you hadn't told  them that  we have  lunch  together  every day"Taehyung probably had  a shit day at work.

Jungkook ran a hand over his  hair. "I'm really   sorry, Taehyung "

Taehyung didn't say anything back. He got  up and went  to remotely close the curtains.

"Go to sleep "Taehyung said in a gentle voice  and Jungkook curled closer .His back  wedged against Taehyung. His naked skin next to his.

Taehyung  hadn't kissed him good night .Probably because he was  still  mad about  lunch. Jungkook  couldn't sleep just as yet.There was so much to think about .

Taehyung started having eyes for Jungkook  when  he  was  in his senior  year  of high school. The  younger looked fragile and  delicate as a flower  petal .His pale skin was soft as a girl's. Taehyung had  felt  the  need to protect the  younger from  lustful eyes that some  boys in their school gave  him. What  he didn't know was that Jungkook didn't need  any  saving since he could stand  up for himself and fight.

Jungkook had  a reputation that he would  turn  anyone away  but Taehyung became  an exception when  he  agreed  to go out  with him. Taehyung  graduated  and left  but  the  two  still  kept  in touch. Taehyung went  to med  school and still maintained  his long  distance  relationship  with  Jungkook. The  two had  similar life  goals of being doctors. Jungkook  finally  graduated high school and also went  to the same  med school with his  boyfriend. They couldn't  have been more happier  to be together once more. Their  love  grew much  stronger as time  went  by.Taehyung graduated  two  years ahead  of Jungkook. By the  time  Jungkook had  graduated Taehyung  was  already  a resident in cardiology.

At last Jungkook  graduated and Taehyung wanted  to take  their  relationship  to a new level and proposed. Jungkook was  hesitant because  he  had  just  graduated  and  he  wasn't even  working. He  needed his  life  to be stable  but he  didn't  know  how  he  was  going  to say  it to his  boyfriend  of ten years .Out  of helplessness  he  agreed  and  they  got married.

Later Taehyung  pulled  some  strings  to get Jungkook  interned in the  same  hospital  as he  was.Jungkook  didn't know that  getting  married  to Taehyung  would  make  the  older  possessive  and  territorial. Even  the  people  in Jinsung hospital were aware  of this  fact so they  kept  a safe distance  from  Jungkook. 

Along the  way Jungkook  found  Out  that  he  was  capable  of conceiving. He couldn't  wait  to tell  Taehyung  but  to his  disappointment the feeling mutual, his husband  wasn't  amused  at all. In fact  he  told  Jungkook  to start taking birth control  pills. From there whenever Jungkook talked  about  wanting  to have  his  own baby, Taehyung  would  lash out  at him. Jungkook  kept  on hoping that Taehyung would  change  his mind as time  passed.

Now it had  been  a year  since  their  marriage. Jungkook  had  finally started his own  residence  in neurology. However  things  with Taehyung  weren't  the same  anymore. He  wasn't  the  loving  guy he had  fallen  for.Jungkook  maybe he had  gotten tired  of him. Taehyung hadn't stopped loving Jungkook nor was he tired of him. It was because he  had  found his jealous and  possessiveness very  overwhelming at times and as a result he  couldn't  be happy.

Jungkook knew there were no happy endings in life. Their  life together would be  real ,crude and  perhaps painful :hard edged reality.

Jungkook moved gently in the bed and watch Taehyung  as he  slept.Still the same  long lashes and serene.  He  had  made  up his  mind. One  wouldn't  hurt. Would Taehyung  be able  to cope  with  that.?What  could he possibly do to his  own  blood.

Jungkook rearranged his pillow until  he had squished it into  the  desired shape, then he wiggled  down the  bed until  his body was  lying skin to skin with Taehyung 's. In his sleep Taehyung  groaned and moved, edging closer to Jungkook, with one  arm snaking  around  him. Jungkook  arched himself closer and closed his  eyes .Now that  he had  made his decision, he knew he would sleep like  a baby .He  made a mental note to wake up early and  make  his husband happy. If Taehyung  was  happy then  he  would be  distracted of a lot  of things.

When morning came Taehyung  wore his sloppy grey t-shirt  and  joggers and went  out  for  a run. Jungkook  had  to play the  role  of a good wifey  for  the  first  time  since marriage. He  had  never  made breakfast before because Taehyung  didn't mind  doing  anything for  him  except letting him  get  pregnant. Jungkook  thought  about this with  mounting irritation.

While disturbed by his thoughts Jungkook managed to burn  the  toast. He  got demoralised and  went  to take  a shower  instead. He  was  barking at the  wrong  tree.

Taehyung  came back  and headed  straight for  the  bathroom  without  knowing  that  it was  occupied. Not  that  he  mind though. He  briskly undressed and joined Jungkook  in the  huge bath tub that  was almost the size of a regular  pool.

"Geez Tae. You  are  sweaty"Jungkook frowned when he felt his husband sitting  behind him 

"Oh shut  up.I know you  like  me sweaty.You  even  drool over  me "Taehyung teased.

"No , I don't "Jungkook yelled getting flustered 

"There  is nothing  wrong  with  it.What  shall  I make  for  breakfast? "Taehyung asked lovingly.

"Can  we just  stop somewhere  on our way  to work. You are  not  my slave, Taehyung. You are  my husband. "

"Kookie, getting  touchy in the morning. Get  your  ass up ,or you will  be late "Taehyung playfully smacked Jungkook 's ass.

"It hurts. "Jungkook moaned.

"I'm  so turned on right now. If I had  the time I would have  banged that. Don't  you  forget  to take  your  pill"Taehyung 's tone got  stern at the end.

And that got Jungkook  turned  off.Abruptly he  got out  of the tub and  grabbed a drying towel  on the way to their  room. What was he  going  to do to get Taehyung  to forget about the damn pill.

"Nagging ass"Jungkook huffed.

"What  did  I even  see  in him?Without a doubt  he is super  handsome  but  his character and  behaviour. ..Absurd "Jungkook said to himself as he was looking through his  closet for clothes to wear to work.

Dear Jungkook .He had been blessed with a great sense of humour, for all that he drove Taehyung crazy with his ability to spread chaos all over the  house without ever bothering to tidy up.No matter how many times Taehyung scolded him he wouldn't change. But despite everything  ,he loved him a lot. There had been bad times for sure but they had always worked things out

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