Chapter twenty -three

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Taehyung was able to get the suspension overturned. He  threatened  to sue the boy's parents for  verbal and  emotional abuse.

After that everything else was running smoothly. They were happy as they  could  ever been. However the sexual tension between Taehyung and Jungkook couldn't be  denied. They could never have that special time they desperately needed because the twins wouldn't  leave them .Every night the four of them slept on the same bed.It was also the  same at work .They didn't know what to do with themselves and it made them frustrated.

Meanwhile Jin had moved in with Namjoon because he needed someone  to  share an apartment with although that was just an excuse .Namjoon for one  had  fallen in love with Jin at first sight when  he  visited  Jungkook.

After a whirlwind relationship of three months Namjoon decided to propose to Jin who willingly agreed. They said they were out  of time and they wanted to make reckless mistakes and do something upredectible. This came  as a shock  to everyone  especially Jimin.

Taehyung, Jungkook and the  twins had finally  moved  into Taehyung 's old house. They had  gotten a part time maid.Jennie was longer available. She was finally engaged to Jungkook 's brother and moved into the Jeon 's residence. Moving there was good because it was nearer to the  kids school. 

The Namjin couple had arranged  a bachelor 's party  at a hotel. It was wild and electrifying. Many  people  got hammered that night to the point they couldn't  recognize where they were.

Jungkook  received the shock of his life when he woke  up  in an hotel  room  with an empty space besides him. The worst part of it all was  that  his whole being was  sore and  he smelt like  cum. Suddenly he was on panic  mode.He  pulled  his hair trying  to figure out  who it was. If it was Taehyung  he wouldn't have left him alone in a hotel room  would he.

Horrified Jungkook pulled the  sheets tighter close  to him .He  had  cheated  on his  husband and what  if he  gets  pregnant  for  an unknown man. With shivering hands he took  his  phone  from  the  nightstand and dialed Jimin 's number .

"Jungkook, what happened  to you. I looked for  you  last night  but  I couldn't find you. Why did  you call me  to pick  you up.Why weren't you home? "

"Hyung. .... I really messed up "Jungkook cried as he sat  in the older 's car.

"What happened? "

"I. ...don't know whom  I slept with  last night "he admitted.

"What do you mean? "Jimin was  horrified .

"I  cheated  on my  husband, Hyung. I feel  disgusted  by myself. How  could I ever do that? '

"Jungkook, its probably because  you were drunk like everyone  else "

"That's  not  reason  enough. I love  my husband a lot. He doesn't deserve  this. Can you  do something for  me?"Jungkook was almost in tears.

"You  need an alibi? .Taehyung won't find out. Trust me "

"And something  else  too.I hate  to ask  you to do this. Tae has been calling for  a while and it makes me  feel  like dying. I feel  horrible  Hyung "Jungkook  cried.

"Let's make it quick. We can't  miss the  wedding for the world. I have to see what a wedding of a play boy looks like "Jimin said as he started the ignition of his car.

After coming from the hospital the two went straight to Jimin 's house. Jungkook needed a bath before he could go home. He was clean but still felt dirty .

"Phone "Jimin yelled from outside the bathroom "Its Taehyung "he added as a white faced "Just as well you came here "

"Dripping wet ,Jungkook picked up the phone  "Hie"he said

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