Chapter sixteen

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"Do you  feel  better  now? "Taehyung asked and Jungkook pretended that the  softness of his husband's husky  voice  didn't wash  over  him.He  glared at him, despite his intention to remain colly calm.

"Better  ?Not  quite yet. You  think  slapping  you  is enough. Kim Taehyung you are despicable "Jungkook 's voice  vibrated violently.

"I'm really sorry "said Taehyung weakly and looked genuinely pained.

The  next thing  that  Taehyung  did  made Jungkook want  to punch  him  right  in the  face  in public.

He  kissed him. Freaking kissed him. Jungkook couldn't believe  that he hadn't  screamed  yet. His eyes  were  wide as big saucers.

Before Jungkook  could  react Taehyung  pulled  away and looked into Jungkook 's dazed eyes before walking back  to the  elevators.That  was  when Jungkook was  able  to breath.

He  couldn't believe that Taehyung  had  created a scene and just  left  him  there. They would be the  gossip  of the  day.All eyes were  on him and it made  him wonder why no one was looking at Taehyung.

Out of  frustration Jungkook  strode  out of the hospital. Hoseok  couldn't  hide  his  amusement as he  sat near  the  front desk.

"What  just  happened? "asked the  accountant.

"You  wouldn't  understand. Anyways  just  do what  he said  because he and  the  director  are  close in a way you wouldn't  understand "

"Are  they  a thing? '

"Who knows. ?Just  go back  to work "Hoseok laughed as he went  to the  elevator.

Jungkook  got into  the  car and slammed  the  door  in anger. It made  the  twins startled .

"Who made you  mad ,Papa? "Min ho asked.

"Can  you believe what  he did? '


"Your. .."Jungkook  paused when he realized that he was about  to betray himself to his  sons.

"Nevermind .Who wants to go to grandma's? "he asked instead .

"Yay.How long are we staying? "

"As long as you  want. Let's  drive home  and have lunch before  I drop  you  off okay "

"It's  cool. Minie  let's  stay for a while and  play with uncle's baby  okay "

"Two days? "

"Yes "

It was without a doubt that Taehyung made Jungkook fret himself but it was also true  that  the kiss that he gave him ignited the feels he had thought were  long  dead.He didn't know that he would miss Taehyung 's  touch  that much. Jungkook thought he was driving himself crazy just by thinking about Taehyung .

Over the years he was constantly astonished  by how much he wanted to wake up with him everyday, to fall into bed wearily every night, doing  mundane things like setting the alarm clock and groaning when it went  off the next morning. Jungkook longed for that normality because  he had been sharing it with Taehyung  when they were still together. 

"Just shake it off.He is fucking with your brain .That's what  he  does.He is Kim Taehyung the  same  man who  only thinks about himself. A spineless manipulative snake "Jungkook mumbled.

"Papa who are you talking  to?"

"No one "Jungkook shrugged

After getting back in Seoul after dropping  the twins off at his parent's  an idea stroke  him.

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