Chapter three

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Jungkook  felt dirty to the  point that he didn't feel like doing anything after that . Even  eating so he  took a bath straight away  when  they got home.

Instead of eating after showering Jungkook  dozed off in Taehyung 's blue t shirt. He  hadn't even dried  his  hair and wetted the  pillow. How  clumsy, Taehyung  thought  with  amusement as he also went  to take  a shower.

Jungkook  didn't know how time went  by so fast. All he knew was  that  it was dark when  the  finally  woke up and  headed downstairs. Dinner was already  set.

"Now that's  one nice outfit  to wear  for  dinner "Taehyung stared at the  younger with  open admiration.

"Tae darling, you know  what. You  are  one  obnoxious  and  detestable specimen of a man "Jungkook yawned before making himself comfortable on the huge table.

"No,kidding "Taehyung chuckled.

"And snobbish too"Jungkook  added.

"How  about  I let  you  cook from tomorrow "Taehyung suggested as he sat opposite the older.

"What's  the  use. You are  a grown  up ass man and  you  can  cook  for yourself. It's  not  like  I have kids "Jungkook said with sarcasm.

Taehyung knew perfectly well that Jungkook was  obviously hinting at the reason  why they fought  on so many  occasions.

"Don't  start "Taehyung growled.

"I'm just making  a point. You  know what. I'm  more  than capable of getting  pregnant for  a man  who actually appreciates having kids  unlike  you. A monster "Jungkook snapped viciously. Only  to regret  it right away. This  dinner wasn't about to go smoothly.

"I have  told you so many times that I don't want kids but  you  keep pushing it.I just want  to be with you and only  you. Is it wrong  to want  to have  you  to all to myself "Taehyung 's demeanour had changed drastically from range to a warm loving look .It took him a lot to contain his emotions or else  he  would have slammed the table.

"Tae. ."Jungkook faltered and nibbled on his lip,tears blurring his vision .You know that we have the privilege of having our own kids but you don't want to try. Having  kids won't lessen our love but  it will only  make  us happier "

"Are  you saying  that  I  don't make you happy.Is that  it?"

"Taehyung. ...please stop being difficult.Don't put  words into my mouth  "Jungkook pleaded.

"Jungkook, I'm only going to say one thing. If you get pregnant on your own accord  you  will see the  worst of me "he growled.

"What will you do?Kill me? Drag me to get an abortion?" Jungkook yelled tearfully.

"I would much prefer the  latter. If you want what's good  for  us then you  better not bring this  topic up ever again.Huh? "Taehyung pressed his thumb against Jungkook 's parted lips.

Jungkook couldn't control his tears. There was no use  of holding them back in because they would  only fall like a water fall.

"Don't  ever forget your pills and disappoint me "Taehyung  reminded.

"How are kids a disappointment. What  is that  you are  so afraid  of.Talk  to me please "Jungkook yelled as tears continue to roll down his cheeks. What  if he was  already  carrying,he wondered with a heavy heart.

"Why are so obsessed with having kids anyways .Do you know the responsibility that come with having children "

"I'm disappointed in you, Taehyung. If I had known that you were this  kind  of person I would have  never  married you.You  should never rush something that's meant to last a life time.  "

"Take that back "Taehyung ordered.

"No,I won't. This  is proof that  you  aren't  man enough. Thanks for dinner anyways  "Jungkook left  without eating anything.

He went  into  the guest room  and  locked himself .Taehyung  wished that kids was  something  that  they would never  talk  about. Jungkook was  being  too adamant.

Jungkook wasn't going to sleep on a empty stomach, no.That was just a protest to let Taehyung  know that  he meant business. Promptly past ten  he  unlocked  the  room  to go and get food. He  had skipped  lunch and if he were to sleep  on an empty stomach he would wake up  dead from hunger .

As much as Jungkook wanted to avoid Taehyung the  next morning, the thought of getting  a bus was  draining. He  would have  to walk  for a while  to get  to the bus stand.How he wished he had  his own car.

Talking to Taehyung was  the  last  thing he  wanted. He would just act like  they didn't fight the  previous  night.

Either way he got into the car  and sat  like a statue.

"Are you still mad? "Taehyung asked as he started the ignition.

"I think  you should go and find someone else because  I don't know how long  I'm  going  to put  up with  you.I can't be married  to someone who  dosent like children. "

"Kookie. ..."Here we go again ,he thought

"Don't Kookie me,Taehyung. You might think  I'm  bluffing but  I'm  not. If you can't  give  me a valid reason then  I will just assume that  you are  ashamed  of having children with someone like me, right. Because  I'm  not  a woman,?Then you shouldn't have married me in the first place .I'm not asking you  to change your  mind. I'm  just letting  you know  that this might  be the  end."

"What a nice  speech. You should have  been  a politician instead.You  argue a lot  "Taehyung teased.

If people don't get to argue in a  relationship then it's not  a relationship but a dictatorship.

"Stop patronizing me. I'm  being  serious right now. Just  wait  until I get  enough  of your money. I'm  going to leave your sorry  ass"

"If that's what you were  after  then  you would have left me  long ago "

"Stop flattering and  buttering  me  up.If you are  that  much  afraid  of having children  then  don't  ever lay your finger on me "

"That's not  fair, Jungkook "Taehyung pointed out.

"I feel  the  same  you  know. It's  not  only  you but I  also can't help  it.My pride  is hurt "

"I'm  really  sorry  if I have hurt  your  pride.It was  unintentional.If I annoy you a lot then it's only because I love you  "

"Please stop  emotional black mailing me. It's  not  fair "

"Jungkook, I just think  it's  too early to think  about  having kids  right  now. I'm  worried about you .What  if something  goes wrong. ?I will  only feel  responsible  for  it"

"Why do I feel as if this is an excuse "

"So you  don't  think my worry is genuine. How  many  people  die during  child birth. Tell  me. Do you want  to be  one of them. You are a guy and  obviously  you have many  risks than  women. Do you understand me? "

"I'm  sorry. I didn't know that's  how  you feel. I didn't  realise that I was  being  selfish. "

"It's  okay. I understand you, Jungkook. Just know that  I love  you "

"I love you  too"

Taehyung why can't you be honest with  me "Jungkook  thought  bitterly. He wasn't going  to pursue  the matter  anymore .He  decided  to let  it go and focus  on taking  his  pills until  he was able  to convince Taehyung  otherwise.He  knew Taehyung long enough  to know when  he was  laying  to him. 

But  little  did he know ....a storm was  approaching.

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