Who needs friends?
Who needs family?
What if we don't meet at ends?
What if we don't act calmly?
What if they leave me?
What, then, would I be?Say they do,
And I catch the flu.
Will they show up to see me?
Say they leave,
And I hide under my sleeve.
Would they say they love me?Say they do,
What would they do?
Would they say they miss me,
Even when they diss me?
Would they come back,
Or would they let me slack?Say they do,
What would I do?
Would I continue free,
Or not leave them be?
Would I fight my demons,
Despite my reasons?But what if they don't?
Leave me; They won't?
What if they stay?
My demons; could I slay?
Would my fights be won,
As it passes; a season?I hope it could.
They say it should.
Shall I believe them?
Shall I try even with the risk of losing them?
I don't want to but I do,
And it hurts me more than it could you.
A Book Of Poems
PuisiPoems: Darkness Is Back Silence Take Them And I Go Yandere On You Say They Do Lies I'm Not Jealous Doesn't Mean Crying Love Scars