Chapter 11

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Brittany's POV

I just got home from the hospital today. My parents are calling it home but it doesn't look familar at all. Sure my stuff is in this room but this isn't my room.

"Does any of this look familar at all?" My mom asked me.

"I'm sorry it doesn't." I said shaking my head. She sighed and kissed my head.

"Where is the bathroom?" I asked my dad

"Walk through the hallway it is the first door on the right." he explained to me. I walked in and peed but when I was washing my hands I let out a scream.

"Britt honey what's the matter?" my mom asked worried

"What the hell did I do to my hair?" I asked picking it up and examing this weird ombre color.

"Britt you died your hair that color about a year and a half ago." my mom said gently

"Well I hate it. I want my blonde hair back. Why did I do this?" I asked following her to the couch and sitting down

"You said every girl was changing their hair color to blonde and you wanted to be different. You really don't like it? I think it suites you." she said playing with it

"No can I please change it back? It is ugly and I hate it." I said almost in tears

"Yes of course you can change it back. I will call now and make an appointment as the salon for tomorrow." she said patting my knee as she got up

I herd whispers and whisper shouts coming from the kitchen. I creeped up to the door so I could listen.

"The doctor said we are supposed to be going back to normal. You changing her hair color back to blonde isn't normal!" my dad whisper shouted at my mom

"She hates her new hair! We don't want her to be unhappy do we? It is a small little change it can't hurt." my mom whisper yelled back before picking up the phone

"So Britt Mallory and Sam are going to come over tonight and watch movies with you since your mom and I have to go out. Is that ok?" my dad asked me bringing my lunch out to me

"Yeah but who is Sam? And why are you guys going out again?" I asked eating my lunch

"Sam is your boyfriend of five months and we are going out because I have that General Surgeon's Ball that I can't miss because I am getting an award." he explained

"Oh really? Cool. Congrats Daddy." I said giving him a hug

"So after lunch you should probaly shower and get ready for tonight. Ok?" he asked. I smiled and nodded my head before going back to watching tv.

I walked upstairs to get a shower. It took me ten minutes just to find a change of clothes and the towels and wash cloths. After my shower I changed into A red Nebraska football Jersey and black soffee shorts. I threw on white socks and put y hair back into a ponytail. I walked downstairs to see Mallory and that guy from the hospital already here.

"Hey how are you feeling today?" Mallory asked me giving me a hug

"I'm doing ok. Hi Shane." I said waving at him

"It's Sam." he said looking down

"Oh right sorry." I said making a face

"So Mallory and Sam brought over movies and pizza for you guys to watch and have. We will be home around midnight. Love you." my mom said kissing my cheek before her and my dad left

"So we brought over She's The Man, Miss Congenialtity, and The Notebook because I know those are your three favorite movies." Mallory said

"Ok can we watch She's The Man? Adn can we also eat that pizza now. I am starving." I said pointing to the box Sam was holding

"Yes and yes." Sam replied smiling. Mallory popped in the movie and Sam got us all plates and drinks. We sat and ate in silence for a while.

"So I have some questions." I said turning towards Sam

"Hopefully I have some answers." he replied smiling. Hm he seems nice I thought to myself.

"How did we meet?" I asked gesturing between the two of us

"Well Mallory brought you to one of our friend's house for a party. I came in late and you and I locked eyes and I knew you were the one for me. I had a history of being a player but you changed that. You changed me." he explained

"Wow I changed you? That was deep. How long have we been dating for?" I asked putting quotation marks around dating

"Five months." he replied smiling

"And what high school do I go?" I asked

"Westside High School. We have all the same classes." Mallory told me

"I'm trying so hard to remember this but it is all such a blur. Like I know something is there in my memory but I can't figure out what. I'm sorry I know it must be hard for you Sam. Especially since you were my boyfriend and I don't even remember that or you." I said to him. I saw something chancge in his eyes before he got up and excused himself.

Did I say something wrong?

Sam''s POV

"Sam she doesn't know what she is saying." Mallory said sitting down next to me on the step

"You know how hard it is to hear the girl that you love say she doesn't remember you? And to say she feels bad for you?" I asked breaking down in tears

"I know it is hard but you guys are going to get through it. You guys have something rare. Don't give up that easily. She will remember you just have to recreate memories and help her look at photos. There has to be something to jog her mind." Mallory replied

"What if there isn't? What if I loose her for good?" I asked worried

"If you love someone set it free. And if they love you in return they will come back." she said patting my back before walking back inside

I knew this was going to be hard. But I didn't think it was going to be this hard.

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