Chapter 19

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Brittany's POV

I just got back from getting my nails done with my mom. Tomorrow is graduation but tonight is Mike's graduation party. Finals went really well and I am happy school is finally coming to a close. I'm sad because I only have a couple more months with my friends but I am excited for college.

I put on a sleevless white sundress that had yellow, blue, black, red and green stripes going through it. It was an Aztec design. I put on red flats an curled my hair and parte it to the side. I applied foundation, blush, eyeshadow, mascara, and lip gloss. Mallory texted me she was here and I said goodbye to my parents and walked outside.

"Let me see yor nails!" she exclaimed as I got into her car

"Oh they look so good! I just got the french too!" she exclaimed showing me her nails

"I like yours as well." I said laughing as she began backing up out of my driveway

"You look cute. Trying to impress anybody tonight?" she asked making faces at me

"Stop it. You know I don't want a boyfriend right now." I said shaking my head at her

"I didn't say anything about a boyfriend. What about a nice summer fling? No strings attatched just having fun." she said smiling looking over at me

"Maybe. If you can find me the right guy." I said smirking at her

"That is a challenge I am willing to accept." she said as we pulled into Mike's driveway. We got out and walked to the back where everybody was.

"Hey guys. Glad you could make it." Mike said giving us both hugs

We said hello to everybody else and got some sodas and sat down at the table.

"Don't worry we can all start drinking once my family leaves tonight." Mike said making everybody laugh

"Not too much considering we do have graduation tomorrow." Laine said sternly

"No shit sherlock. I am talking like one beer per person." Mike retorted

"It better be." Emily chimmed in

"Your family is so cute Mike." I said making everybody laugh

"Thanks. They can be annoying." he replied

"Can't wait for these summer nights." Brock said and everybody agreed

"Mike you got a photobooth? Girls come on lets go take some pictures!" Chels exclaimed pulling all of us up. We all put on the dress up clothes and got in and took a ton of photos. We all took enough so that everybody had a copy of one. We were laughing when we came out but everybody stopped when hey noticed the guys greeting some people.

He was wearing grey vans, khaki shorts, and a lue button up top. His hair was in its usual fashion but you could tell he got a haircut. Not by much but it was a little shorter.

"Hey Britt." The Jacks said greeting me by pulling me into a hug

"Hey guys. I have missed you." I said hugging back

"Hey Sammy." I said smiling at him

"Hey Brittany. You look good." he said giving me an awkward hug

"Thanks so do you. California must be treating you right." I said laughing trying to lighten the mood

"Look Britt about that." he started to say but I cut him off

"It's completly fine. You had to do move. I get it. I promise its fine." I said smiling

"Ok good." he said nervously

The party was going really well so far. Mike's family just left to go to another family party so Mike got the beer out. I am only having having one considering I have to be up early tomorrow morning. I saw Sam walk to a random pool chair and sit down. I decided on joining him.

"So how long are you guys back in town for?" I asked

"Actually the whole summer. Since Nate and I just finished up two months of touring the label just wants us to take the summer and concentrate on recording." he explained to me

"Well at least you get to hangout and see everybody before we all leave for college." I said swirling my drink around

"Yeah I am excited about that. Speaking of colleges where are you going?" he asked downing the rest of his drink

"I am going to The University of San Diego for journalism. I want to travel the world and write about stories and things that matter to me."

"Thats great Britt. I'm glad you have everything figued out." he said half smiling at me

"Look Sam I don't want things to be awkward between us this summer. I mean we can still be friends right?" I asked him hopefully

"Of course we can." he replied

"Hey Britt we are gonna go now. I need you to help me decide what dress I should wear for tomorrow." Mallory said coming up behind me

"Okay!" I yelled over my shoulder

"Well I will see you tomorrow Sammy. It was nice seeing you tonight." I said smiling before walking over towards Mallory

I hope all the rest of the times we see each other isn't as awkward as tonight was.

Sam's POV

"Sam you have been quiet tonight. What's on your mind?" Jack G asked me

We are all just sitting in Mike's basement just chilling. All the girls went home about an hour ago.

"Seeing Britt tonight has just got me feeling weird is all." I replied shrugging

"She kept calling me Sammy. She called me that all the time when we were dating but only called me Sam when she didn't remember me. Weird right?" I asked them shaking my head. But they all just sat there looking down.

"Alright what the hell is going on?" I asked confused

"About two weeks after your and Britt's fight she found out about how Andrew had been playing her. She got into a big fight with him and ran out of the house." Jack J said

"When she ran out of the house she ran into the middle of the street and didn't realize a car was coming. The car stopped short of her but when everybody rushed her to see if she was ok she ept muttering she remembers everything. Her parents took her to the doctors and she remembers everything Sam. Even dating you." Mike said looking down

"So all of you knew for the past four months that she remembered and none of you said anything? I can't believe you guys." I said angrily getting up

"Sam we did it to portect you. You had your whole life and career to think about. We were doing what we thought was best." Nate said standing up now too

"Her and I could have been together again by now. I could of had everything!" I yelled back

"But she didn't call you either. It isn't just our fault." Brock said gently

He's right, she didn't call me either.

"Why didn't she call me?" I asked confused

"She said because by you leaving that hurt her. She thinks you just gave up on her by moving to LA." Brock explained

"That is a load of bullshit. All of this is!" I yelled walking out of Mike's house

"Sam come back!" I herd Jack G yell but I jus kept going. They are supposed to be my friends. They are supposed to tell me everything.

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