Chapter 17

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Brittany's POV

It has been about two months since I remembered everything and found out Sam left for California. I miss him like crazy. So many times I have tried picking up the phone and calling him but I just get too scared and hang up. Part of me just wants him back but the other part is still mad that he left. That he stopped fighting. I guess I can't really blame him though. I don't know what I would have done if I was in that situation. Grace and I still talk every week which makes me happy. I stopped talking to Andrew all together.

Right now Mallory, Marie, and I are all getting our nails done because we are bored.

"I literally can't believe we only have a little less than a month before we graduate. That is crazy." Marie said shaking her head

"I know. And than we will be going off to college. I'm gonna miss you guys so much." Mallory said begining to tear up

"Hey save the tears for later. We will all still be very good friends. I promise you that. Mal you are going kick butt at TCU and Marie you are going to kick but at University of Arizona." I said smiling at them

"Yeah well you are going to kick some serious ass at The University of San Diego as well." Mallory said laughing

After we got our nails done we all went back to Marie's house just to hangout.

"So prom is coming up. Now that Jack is in LA I need a date." Mallory said glumly

"News Flash we all need dates." Marie said laughing

"We will all get some. We have great guy friends." I added

"True that. Hey I have an idea for what we can do tonight." Mallory said smirking at us

Sam's POV

The past two months out here in LA have been awesome. Nate and I have made so many dope tracks that our first ever EP is coming out in a few short weeks. Pretty soon we will be going on tour as well! I lov the studio because it distracts me from my life back at home. I don't ask about Brittany and nobody tells me anything about her because it still just hurts. Every day I think of her but I know I had to move on.

So that is why I got a new girlfriend named Frankie. She is a year younger than us and goes to the local high school here in LA. She is shorter than me and has long brown hair. She is realy pretty as well. We have been dating for about a month now. She helps to distract me a lot. I do truely like her.

Right now I am just sitting out on our balcony looking out at the sunrise coming up.

"Morning dude." Nate said sitting down next to me

"Hey brother." I said smiling at him

"What's on your mind today?" he asked

"Just wondering about what our friends in Omaha are up too. I miss Brock and the guys real bad." I admitted to him

"I know I miss them too. Are you sure nothing else is on your mind?" he asked hinting at Brittany

"Nah I'm find dude. I think moving out here to LA did us a lot of good." I said taking a sip of my coffee

"Yeah you smile now a lot more." he said laughing

"You are seriously so gay man. But I guess it is just the chill vibe out here. I'm gonna go get a shower and get changed cause I have a date with Frankie today." I said standing up

"Hey dude I know nobody says anything and you don't say anything because you don't like talking about it. But if you ever want to talk about Britt I am always here for you. It might do you well to talk about her. You havn't since you left Omaha." he said gently

"That's how I want to leave it. I left Omaha and all of my past back there. She is just a part of my past now." I said walking into the house before he noticed me crying

Brittany's POV

Mallory, Marie, and I are standing at the top of the biggest hill in Omaha. You can see th whole city an it looks really cool at night because everything is all lit up.

"So what are we doing here exactly again?" I asked confused

"Well I brought these balls that you light and they float up to the sky. Everybody does it when they want to let go of something. And I think we should do it because we all have something to let go of." she said lighting her ball first. She threw it up in the air and we watched it float higher and higher.

"I am letting go of my relationship with Jack. I broke up with him this afternoon. I can't do this long distance anymore." she said sadly

Marie lit hers and let hers go. "I am letting go of being scared for college. I'm done being scared." she said watching hers floa away

I lit mine and watched it drift farther and farther into the night sky.

"I am letting go of Sam and the person who I used to be. I want to be my own person now and learn from my mistakes. I am not going to let my past define me anymore." I said

We all just stood there with our arms around each other watching our worries literally float away.

"I love you guys." I said as they leaned both of their heads on my shoulder

"We love you too." they said in unison

Author's Note

Hey guys! I hope you are enjoying the story so far! I want some feedback though! Please comment below some of the things you want to see happen throughout the rest of the story! Thanks guys and thanks for reading my story! I hope you all had a Merry Christmas and you continue to have a great year!

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