Chapter 14

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Brittany's POV

Grace and Andrew have been here for about a week now. They were only supposed to stay the weekend but they have some time off from school. Sam and Mallory have been hanging out with us a lot and Sam and Andrew have been at each other's throats. All day it was raining so at first we were inside watching movies but now we are playing Candy Land.

"Haha I win!" Andrew said throwing his cars down

"Dude that is the third time you won. You must be cheating!" Sam exclaimed giving Andrew a glare

"How can you cheat at this game? It is Candy Land for Christ's sakes." Andrew said cleaning up the game

"Ok kids play nice." I said giving Sam a glare

"So tonight Marie is having a party at her lakehouse. You guys want to go?" Mallory asked us. We all agreed since anything was better than staying in.

Andrew went upstairs to take a shower and Grace and Mallory ran upstairs to begin getting ready.

"What is your problem with Andrew? Because all week you guys have been rude to each other." I asked Sam

"He just irritates me and he knows it too. Plus I don't like how he treated you when you guys were dating." he said

"Or you just don't like that I didn't tell you about him before. You know I probaly had a good reason for not telling you." I said after cleaning up all the dishes

"And what good reason would that be?" he asked leaning against the counter

"Because in my mind I guess I thought that you would never meet Andrew and I would never see him again." I said shrugging my shoulders

"Well don't you think it is a bit odd that he comes back after you get into a car crash and lose some of your memory." he said giving me a look

"Do not give me that look Wilkinson. And maybe he still cares. You know you still care and I don't even remember you." I replied

"Yeah but I was dating you for five months." he said angrily

"And Andrew and I were friends before we started dating. I need to go upstairs and get ready but please be nice for me?" I asked and he nodded as I walked upstairs.


I am wearing red skinny jeans, black boots, and a white blouse. My hair is down and straight and I have on foundation, eyeshadow, top eyeliner, mascara, and red lip stick.

The party was a lot of fun so far. I am not really going to drink that much considering I still get headaches frequently. I am starting to become really good friends with all of Mallory and Sam's friends. 

"So what do you think of Omaha Nebraska?" I asked Grace when I had some alone time with her

"I actually really like it. I think it is cute. Now I know why you loved it so much when you would call me." she explained to me

"It is sort of neat isn't it? What about my new friends?" 

"They are all very lovely. Especially Mallory and Sam. He is utterly in love with you I hope you know that." she said giggling

"Yeah and I suppose I was at one time too. It is a shame I don't remember it. I have a feeling he was a really good boyfriend." I said taking a sip of my drink. I watched Sam for a while just laughing and talking with his friends. He was a really good guy.

"From what you told me he was. I see you have almost lost your accent." she said pouting

"Hey if you move to America it is bound to happen eventually right?" I asked laughing

"Britt why are you so afraid to let Sam in? If your old self fell in love with him I know your new self could too." she said pouring herself another drink

"I want to but something is holding me back. I think it might be just my emotions but I don't know. I hardly know him how can I date him?" I asked

"Get to know him all over again. That is what I would do." she said

Grace and I talked for a little while longer before she had to pee. I was getting hot so I decided on getting some fresh air. I walked down the walkway to where the lake is. I sat down when I felt somebody sit down next to me.

"You do know this is where the creepy psychos hide at night?" Andrew asked laughing

"Oh so that must explain why you are here than." I said jokingly

"Why are you here Andrew? Like in America? We broke up remember?" I asked staring out at the water

"I know that. It wasn't exactly a clean breakup. I guess I just miss you and I thought your accident could be a fresh start for us." he explained

"A fresh start because I don't remember anything from my relationship with Sam?" I asked. All of a sudden I felt this pounding in my head and a memory flooded back of me and Sam. We were in his kitchen making cookies and we got into a food fight. I remember that day and how we were really happy.

"Are you ok?" Andrew asked concerned

"Yeah sorry just zoned out." I said rubbing my head

"Well as I was saying I had no clue you even had a boyfriend until I got here. I wouldn't be that guy and screw up a good relationship for you." he replied

"Well you sort of are by being here. You and Sam hate each other." I pointed out

"Yes because I know what type of guy he is. I used to be that guy. He is your typical douchebag." 

"He hasn't been a douchebag to me. He has been really sweet." I said defending him

"My point is Britt how are you supposed to date someone again if you can't remember him in the first place?" he asked

"The doctors said I have to go back to normal. Sam is normal. My life here is what is normal Andrew." I said starting to get angry now

"Your life back home in London is what is normal Britt and you know it. When I go back to London you have a choice. You can come home and be with me or stay here and be confused for the rest of your life. And I know you know what choice is good for you." he said getting up

"Britt he is going to get frustrated when you don't agree to be with him. He is just going to end up leaving you, all guys like that do. Just think about it." he said before walking back into the party

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